

Liberal Utopia

What your world would be if everything liberals wanted, they got. Open the door at the bottom of its Elysium façade and take a glimpse of hell.

Liar and Failure


(Chapeau tiltage: Obama Fail Blog)


actually did oppose the health-insurance mandate before I was in favor of it.

"I actually did promise to televise all health-reform negotiations before I decided not to.

"I actually did vow that 'no family making less than $250,000 will see any form of tax increase' before I repeatedly increased their taxes.

"I actually did say a recess appointment is 'damaged goods' before I made multiple ones myself.

"I actually did point out that we need 'tougher border security' before I stopped all new work on the virtual border fence.

"I actually did order the detention facilities at Guantánamo closed by January 22, 2010, before I kept them open long past that date.

"I actually did want the captured 9/11 mastermind to receive 'a full military trial' before I wanted him to receive a civilian [show]trial on American soil instead.

"I actually did start a Web site (recovery.gov) where 'every American will be able to see how and where' the spendulus money's spent before I refused to add any search box that would, you know, actually let them.

"Etc., etc., etc...."

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Violent Democrat Terrorists


(But I repeat myself.)


hreatening to murder a Republican and his family. That's what Democrats do:

Man Democrat Threatened To Kill Cantor In YouTube Video

A 33-year-old Philadelphia man Democrat was charged today with threatening to kill Rep. Eric Cantor (R-VA) in a profanity-strewn Youtube video that has since been pulled down.

In the video, Norman Leboon (D-PA) says Cantor will "receive my bullets in your office, remember they will be placed in your heads. You and your children are Lucifer's abominations."

The San Francisco office of the FBI received a copy of the video on March 26, according to the affidavit in the case....

The affidavit paints a picture of Leboon as a deeply disturbed person typical violent liberal Democrat terrorist (but I repeat myself).

Gee, I wonder if he's a recent graduate of University of Ottawah Zero? Probably likes to throw eggs at buses, too.

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Liberals: 'He's Worse Than Bush!'


"Extended Bush's Patriot Act, escalated America's Warmongering, lost his party's supermajority in the Senate, punted on Single-Payer and Universal Health Care, opened the White House doors to Special-Interest Lobbyists, doubled the National Debt, quadrupled the Budget Deficit, failed to capture Osama Bin Laden, chose to keep our troops in Iraq, and has the world hating us even more:"

Zimbabwe: Obama Snug in Bush's Shoes

[T]he ambience and comfort of the White House has apparently clouded his thinking and made him a reincarnation of George W. Bush.

Obama who declared the withdrawal of US forces from Iraq and Afghanistan, and the abandonment of the deployment of Anti-Missile Defence Systems in Europe, and made the world believe he would not interfere with Zimbabwe, has turned out to be the exact opposite of himself. Let us say the presidency made him ecstatic, like a boy who had just received a new toy.

As soon as the dust of Obama's much-hyped celebration of the first-ever win of a man of colour in the White House settled, Obama slipped into Bush' shoes....



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House Demofascists [Heart] Child Molesters


Effing a-holes:


.R. 3962 (page 1950) says, "SEC. 713(a) – The Secretary [of Health and Human Services], acting through the [Indian Health] Service, shall establish, consistent with section 701, in every Service Area, programs involving treatment for... perpetrators of child sexual abuse who are Indian or members of an Indian household." (Free Republic & Glenn Beck)

Why are these people child-molester supporters still running our Congress?

Remember in November™: These are the same child-molester supporters who admit that the main reason they passed their health care bill is so yes they can "control the [American] people."

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Harry [Heart]s IRS


Single-taxer health "care" cometh...

The Obama/Reid government run health care law uses our tax dollars to pay for abortions, will cause health care premiums to rise by as much as 13% according to the Congressional Budget Office, limit employers' ability to create new jobs, and provides the IRS $10 billion for 16,000 new IRS agents!

That's right. Harry Reid who thinks our economy is experiencing "robust growth" and thinks [sic] it's "really good" when "only 36,000 people" lose their jobs in America has just helped create a larger more intrusive IRS!

It's past time for the Democrats to lose their majority and for Harry Reid to lose his job! Follow this link to kick Harry Reid out of office.


orror stories galore on the horizon as Øfascist/Reidtard "send hither swarms of Officers IRS Agents to harrass our people, and eat out their substance."

You think Teh Dreaded Audit™ is something Really Bad®.

Wait until the IRS finds out you haven't paid your Øfascist/Reidtard-Mandated "Health" Insurance premiums!

Remember: Yes, IRS Agents Can™ seize your house, cars, bank accounts, and paychecks if you haven't paid in full what they "deem" you owe the government.

Something "really good" to look forward to, eh, fellow citizens subjects?

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Ofascist'Care' bleeds Iowa's Deere & Co. $150,000,000.00


Ringing up another Øbamao hit to America's economy.


eere & Company, Iowa's largest manufacturing employer, said in a statement this morning that the recently-passed health care legislation will cost the company $150 million after tax this year.... Deere employs about 12,000 workers [for now] in plants at Waterloo, Ankeny, Ottumwa, Davenport and Dubuque and at its credit operations in Johnston."

Thanks for the upcoming closings and layoffs, Baracrook's Bought-Off Members of Qongress.

As if the pain you've already intentially inflicted on the American people wasn't enough.

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The more things 'change'...


(Paladin's Page; transcript of "A Time for Choosing")

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Breaking his 'promise' again


“Too often bills are rushed through Congress and to the president before the public has the opportunity to review them. As president, (I) will not sign any nonemergency bill without giving the American public an opportunity to review and comment on the White House Web site for five (5) days.”

Barack Hussein's human-shield child hostage Saddam Hussein's human-shield child hostage


fascist lied, democracy died.

Also, the purely partisan rushed-through-Qongress monstrosity he signed into law just one and a half (1½) days after his House of Repre Reconciliators passed rubber-stamped it with only his comrade Demøfascists' bribed and bought-off votes rubber stamps, cements for the next thirty-two (32) weeks one-party rule in Washington — until we start breaking it up at our ballot boxes all across our land with those revved up jackhammers known as our votes.

Win and repeal! That will be the American people's clear and strong goal and mandate for the true representatives they elect November 2nd.

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Mass Suicide Note


by the "Public" "Service" "Careers" of Radicalized "Democrats"


e, the Extremists of the Party Formerly Known As "Democratic" (that is, practically every Member thereof), in order to go the way of the dodo bird, establish the fact we're fascists, ensure we're defeated in federal elections, provide clearest examples of irredeemable corruption, promote bribes and backroom deals, and secure the everlasting scorn and contempt of Liberty-loving Americans to ourselves and our cronies, do sign and publish this mass suicide note of our "public" "service" "careers," by our "public" "service" "careers," and for our "public" "service" "careers."

We secretly debated whether to all jump off the nearest cliff together, or to use every dirty, sneaky, and questionably legal trick in the book to forcibly ram down the American people's throats every extremist, radical, personally ambitious greedy power-grab yes we can "think" of to outright steal from them total and complete control over their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor. Given the fact we're fascist radical extremists, we thought it'd be more "right" to choose the latter.

So here we go, marching arm and arm literally and figuratively with Nanny-statist Peløseri and our Lord and Master Baracrook Øfascist towards the Capitol, to cast the first in an upcoming series of our bought-off votes in favor of doing just that.

Please refer to our "careers"'s Last Will and Testament on how we wish our morally bankrupt estate to be redistributed and spread around amongst our fellow fascist radical extremists whom we'll be leaving behind to powerlessly wander in a vast marginalized political wilderness decade after decade after decade after our very timely demise.

We angrily hate everything and everyone, including ourselves and all we do. So this extreme course of action should come as absolutely no surprise to anyone, including ourselves. We hope the change our "careers" are soon about to undergo (hint: think Room Temperature™ and the complete, permanent assumption thereof) will finally open the eyes of all Americans. You tried to stop us with your pathetic teabagging pleas for restraint and fiscal responsibility and even full and measured deliberation. As if reading any multithousand-page bill our leaders masters gave us only a few days to look cursorily skim through before the scheduled vote thereon would make any difference at all to us. You sicken and disgust us to no end. In fact, we wish it was you, instead of us, drinking cup after cup after cup of this poisoned Kool-Aid®.

Now it's too late to hope we'll ever change our "minds." No use trying to talk us out of doing this anymore. Don't even try to stop us. With sippy cups in hand, and many of us preferring the barrels of grape flavor rather than the cherry to repeatedly dip them in, we go off blissfully blithely into that Great Beyond™ in the Sky Other Direction from which no one nor any of their words and thoughts lies and feelings is ever heard from ever again.

Bite us,

National Socialist Demøfascist Workers' Party (NSDWP) Members

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Another tombstone laid in the cemetery of the American dream



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An Executive Order overrides an Act of Congress?


Demøppressorrats' corruption and arrogance have now reached their height.


epresentative democracy has just died in this country.

Might makes right.

The ends always justify the means.

Tyranny of the majority.

Do and say anything, bribe anyone and everyone, make unkeepable promises, and use lies, tricks, and even threats to get your own way.

This is really the only kind of "change" Demøppressorrats need and can believe in.

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undecided Representatives' phone numbers (updated list)


Call now to ask these Congressmen and women to vote against passing the Senate health bill this Sunday:

Harry Mitchell(202) 225-2190(480) 946-2411AZ05
Ann Kirkpatrick(202) 225-2315(928) 226-6914AZ11
Jerry McNerney(202) 225-4060925-833-0643CA11
John Salazar(202)-225-4761970-245-7107CO3
Jim Hines(202) 225-5541(866) 453-0028CT4
Alan Grayson(202) 225-2176(407) 841-1757FL8
Bill Foster(202) 225-2976630-406-1145IL14
Baron Hill(202) 225 5315(812) 288 3999IN09
Mark Schauer(202) 225-6276(517) 780-9075MI07
Gary Peters(202) 225-5802(248) 273-4227MI09
Dina Titus(202) 225-3252(702)-256-DINA (3462)NV3
Carol Shea-Porter(202) 225-5456(603) 743-4813NH1
Tim Bishop(202) 225-3826(631) 696-6500NY1
John Hall(202) 225-5441(845) 225-3641 x49371NY19
Bill Owens(202) 225- 4611(315) 782-3150NY23
Dan Maffei(202) 225-3701(315) 423-5657NY25
Earl Pomeroy(202) 225-2611(701) 224-0355NDAT Large
Steven Driehaus(202) 225-2216(513) 684-2723OH1
Mary Jo Kilroy(202) 225-2015(614) 294-2196OH15
Zach Space(202) 225-6265(330) 364-4300OH18
Kathy Dahlkemper(202) 225-5406(814) 456-2038PA03
Patrick Murphy(202) 225-4276(215) 826-1963PA8
Christopher Carney(202) 225-3731(570) 585-9988OH18
Paul Kanjorski(202) 225-6511(570) 825-2200PA11
John Spratt(202) 225-5501(803)327-1114SC05
Tom Perriello(202) 225-4711(276) 656-2291VA05
Alan Mollohan(202) 225-4172(304) 623-4422WV11
Nick Rahall(202) 225-3452(304) 252-5000WV03
Steve Kagen(202) 225-5665(920) 437-1954WI08
Jim Matheson(202) 225-3011(801) 486-1236UT02
Alan Boyd(202) 225-5235(850) 561-3979FL2

Melt those phonelines!

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'Changes' Mean Nothing


A Congress member's "yes" vote in the Houses this Sunday means only that he or she wants the unchanged kickbacks- and bribes-filled Senate bill monstrosity to immediately become the law of the land.


he Senate won't even consider any offered changes until its bill corrupt, jobs-killing abomination becomes law.

Has any Dictatorat misleader in the Senate said how long after its bill Massive Medicare Cuts™ are enacted into law before they get around to scheduling the first debate on those "changes," much less any vote?

A month later? A year? Ever?

No, none of them has.

Meanwhile, each and every provision of the Senate bill economic sucker punch will be on the law books, raising our taxes, increasing our insurance premiums, and killing our economy and our jobs.

That's exactly what any Congress member who votes yes this Sunday will be saying he or she wants.

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What an effing R-word


"Fifty-seven states," "3,000 percent drop," 29 rounds of golf, hundreds of lies and broken promises.... But who's counting?


eh Smartest. "President." Evah., and his oh so "professorial" command of basic numbers:

For Americans who get their [health] insurance through the workplace ... well, a lot of those folks — your employer, it's estimated, would see premiums fall by as much as three thousand percent (3,000%!)....

Unbelieveable. A fall of 3,000 percent means that we'll see premiums go to zero — as in the amount of sense zerO-bama is capable of ever making without the aid of a teleprompter. But then they keep falling another 2,900 percentage points, which means the insurance companies will be paying us $29 for every $1 they'd normally charge us if we had to pay anything for coverage. That's some deal!

"Just think, America," David Gibberman warns. "These are the people telling us that they know best how to run 1/6 of our economy."

And added to the hundreds of lies the ill-mannered lying Liar-in-Chief has already told is this easily debunked whopper:

[T]hen there's Obama's primary symbol for his ObamaCare proposal: Natoma Canfield, a cancer patient whom Obama said had to give up her health insurance because her premiums went up too much. Obama has mentioned her in speeches [or as Ann Counter puts it, "Much as I admire Obama's use of terminally ill human beings as political props..."] saying that she would have no coverage because of the high premiums. However, officials at the clinic where she is being treated say that she doesn't have to "choose between her home and her health." As the AP reports, she's already eligible for coverage under Medicaid.

Between his 3,000-percent falls and Medicaid-eligible human props, can anyone name one thing he's ever said in this "debate" which even approaches something a reasonable person (e.g., anyone but House Speakeress Nanny-statist Peloseri) might deem the truth?

Were I one of these Representatives, I'd vote no just so this "present"dunce wouldn't come out to my district and campaign "for" me.

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'Self-Executing' Will


Last Will and Testament of Dictatørat Politburo Party Members


e, Dictatørat Politburo Party Members, being of unsound "mind" and corrupt body politic, revoking any and all will of the people, do hereby publish and declare this our Last Will and Testament.

Article I

We hereby name, constitute, and appoint as our Executors and Personal Representatives the Service Employees International Union (SEIU), the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) Union of Progressives Young and Old Urging Reform Sometime (UPYOURS), and George Soros' MoveOn[Never!].org. (Yeah, we know, what a surprise.) They shall have full power to completely dispose of the rotted corpses of our political careers which will be literally littering the landscape after November 2010, to totally direct the affairs of our dishonorable estate (not to be confused with any of John Edwards' affairs), and to make in and on our behalf any and all decisions we would or might have made had we not tried to sneakily and forcibly shove copious amounts of fascist socialist liberal[btrt] crap, including Death Snare Health "Care" and Crush-and-Tax Cap-and-Trade, down the American people's throats.

Article II

After all our always-unjustified expenses are paid (by, of course, cooking the books the same way we did every Federal Budget we ever laid our grubby little hands, as well as sundry unmentionable parts, on):

To our favorite lobbyists and special interests such as Big Trial Lawyers and Big Pharmaceuticals and Big Unions, we leave our "hearts," "minds," bodies, "souls" (sorry, Devil, they had first dibs), and whatever microscopic remnant is left of what used to pass for our "principles."

To former House Speaker Nanny Peloseri's vast personal Botox supply and distribution networks, we leave the ever-ready standby boxes of "misplaced ballots" which we were planning to use to steal the next ten or so close elections. Perhaps they can be pasted on the faces of other self-absorbed megalomaniac liberals with much better results.

To former Senate Majority Leader Harry "The War's Lost" Reid's personal gang of under-the-table Nevada land dealers, we leave enough slung mud to build a second, third, and even fourth Hoover Dam. Should be sufficient to compensate them for losing their share of the High-Speed Rail Kickback™ that said Harry "The War's Lost" Reid had hoped to get out of our earmarks-infested Spendulus Porkage™ Stimulus Package.

To soon-to-be-former Vice President Joe Biden's unsuccessful team of hair-plugs surgeons, we leave Howard "Scream" Dean's very crumpled and stained copy of So You Want To Be A Veterinarian?

To soon-to-be-former President [sic] Barac[roo]k Hussein [zer]O-bama's teleprompter, we leave the set of eighty-five (85) dual-layered DVD discs titled My Most Wonderful Self's Most Wonderful Speeches ("God-Echo" Edition) which the Queen of England returned to him because they were, among other things, in the non-European NTSC format.

To the soon-to-be-former newspapers and other media which thoroughly bankrupted themselves by always being in the tank for us and always insulting their ever dwindling number of readers' intelligence and common sense with their always overly liberal drivel, we leave our most fond first editions of Marx's Das Kapital, Goebbels' Zie Artz und Zcienze ofz Propagandizingz, and Orwell's 1984.

To Osama bin Laden and other top al-Qaeda terrorists, we leave just about every one of the aforementioned Big Trial Lawyers to represent them in courts of law on American soil and to preserve, protect, and defend their "constitutional rights."

To each and every illegal alien to whom we tried to grant total Amnesty and Citizenship so all of them would become a large enough voting bloc for us that we'd no longer have to pander to any more nasty "moderate" voters Undocumented American (© 2007 Harry "The Surge Has Failed" Reid), we leave our largest decks of race cards and our humble apologies.

Last but in nowise least:

To you, the American people, we leave a steeply declining and collapsing economy, a busted government budget for decades to come, an unprecedented twelve trillion six hundred forty-three billion seven hundred one million four hundred two thousand five hundred twenty-nine dollars and fifty-five cents ($12,643,701,402,529.55) and growing of public debt which you, your children, your grandchildren and great-grandchildren will have to spend your whole lives trying to repay, a nuclear weaponized Islamic "Republic" of Iran, a much less secure Israel, an emboldened al-Qaeda, a worthless "Stimulus," pack after pack of our lies and corrupt bribes and kickbacks, ..., and millions and millions and millions of you permanently unemployed — with no hope at all of ever changing any of this. Enjoy!

Article III

We sign our political party membership's name to, and away our political careers with, this instrument this 18th day of March, 2010, and do declare that we sign and execute the same as our Last Will, that we execute it as our leftist-enslaved and special-interest-beholden act for the purposes expressed herein, and that we are and ever shall be extremely of unsound "mind" and under fascist socialist liberalism[btrt]'s corrupting constraint and undoing influence.

  Dictatørat Politburo Party Members

Self-executing Affidavit

We "deem" that the required number of witnesses have affixed their signatures to this instrument. If anyone asks why there aren't, like, you know, actual signatures here, tell them we resorted to the corrupt practice of pretending that they, technically, never really signed their names so that they wouldn't be held accountable and punished for signing on to this charade as they were shredding Slaughtering™ the United States Constitution and undermining, entirely destroying, and otherwise making a mockery of that now completely ignored principle formally known as "the democratic process."

Subscribed and sworn before me this 18th day of March, 2010:

 Lyke Lee Voters
Notary Public

My Commission Expires: Nov. 2, 2010

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Phone and fax the Blue Dog Democrats


Tell them to oppose and vote against the backdoor "self-executing" ObamaCare Bribes & Kickbacks for Senators bill.

U.S. RepresentativePhoneFax
1.Jason Altmire202-225-2565202-226-2274
2.Michael A. Alcuri202-225-3665202-225-1891
3.Joe Baca202-225-6161202-225-8671
4.John Barrow202-225-2823202-225-3377
5.Marion Berry202-225-4076202-225-5602
6.Sanford D. Bishop, Jr.202-225-3631202-225-2203
7.Dan Boren202-225-2701202-225-3038
8.Leonard Boswell202-225-3806202-225-5608
9.Allen Boyd202-225-5235202-225-5615
10.Bobby Bright202-225-2901202-225-8913
11.Dennis Cardoza202-225-6131202-225-0819
12.Christopher P. Carney202-225-3731202-225-9594
13.Ben Chandler202-225-4706202-225-2122
14.Travis W. Childers202-225-4306202-225-3549
15.Jim Cooper202-225-4311202-226-1035
16.Jim Costa202-225-3341202-225-9308
17.Henry Cuellar202-225-1640202-225-1641
18.Lincoln Davis202-225-6831202-226-5172
19.Joe Donelly202-225-3915 202-225-6798
20.Brad Ellsworth202-225-4636202-225-3284
21.Gabrielle Giffords202-225-2542202-225-0378
22.Bart Gordon202-225-4231202-225-6887
23.Parker Griffith
(switched to Republican Party)
24.Jane Harman202-225 8220202-226 7290
25.Stephanie Herseth Sandlin202-225-2801202-225-5823
26.Baron Hill202-225-5315202-226-6866
27.Tim Holden202-225-5546202-226-0996
28.Frank M. Kratovil, Jr.202-225-5311202-225-0254
29.Jim Marshall202-225-6531202-225-3013
30.Jim Matheson202-225-3011202-225-5638
31.Mike McIntyre202-225-2731202-225-5773
32.Charlie Melancon202-225-4031202-226-3944
33.Mike Michaud202-225-6306202-225-2943
34.Walt Minnick202-225-6611202-225-3029
35.Harry Mitchell202-225-2190480-946-2446
36.Dennis Moore202-225-2865202-225-2807
37.Patrick J. Murphy202-225-4276202-225-9511
38.Glen C. Nye, III202-225-4215202-225-4218
39.Collin C. Peterson202-225-2165202-225-1593
40.Earl Pomeroy202-225-2611202-226-0893
41.Mike Ross800-223-2220202-225-1314
42.John T. Salazar202-225-4761202-226-9669
43.Loretta Sanchez202-225-2965202-225-5859
44.Adam Schiff202-225-4176202-225-5828
45.David Scott202-225-2939202-225-4628
46.Heath Shuler202-225-6401202-226-6422
47.Zachary T. Space202-225-6265202-225-3394
48.John Tanner202-225-4714202-225-1765
49.Gene Taylor202-225-5772202-225-7074
50.Mike Thompson202-225-3311202-225-4335
51.Charles A. Wilson202-225-5705202-225-5907

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'Democratic' Party, My Ass


Mule-headed authoritarian Dictatorats.


tubborn, ignoring the facts, denying reality, "passing" bribe-filled legislation Intolerable Acts (© 1774, 2010 King George III, Queen Nanny Peloseri I), bankrupting the country.

Same old warmed-over stew from the Dictatorat Party.

Arizona Democrat Dictatorat Gabby Giffords to Constituents: Drop Dead

Gabby Giffords, Arizona Democrat Dictatorat, is one yes who appears to be remaining "yes" [for a bill she said just five days ago will "inflict a massive new spending requirement on the state at a time when state revenues are plummeting and the budget is in dire shape."].

A recent poll found 52 percent of the voters in her district oppose the bill.... Even more voters hate reconciliation re-crook-steal-lie-ation.

Statewide, health care is polling at ... 59 percent opposition.


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Sword. Suicide Pact. Soon-to-be Defeated Dumocrats... Much Falling Required.


Please, please, please let your misleadership say they've "deemed" you've "passed" the Senate bill.

National Journal is reporting that Pelosi buddy and House Rules Committee Chairman Louise Slaughter (D-N.Y.) is devising what Republicans have termed the "Slaughter Solution" — a special rule trick that would seek to bypass a vote on the Senate health care bill "deeming" it passed by in the voting rules for the reconciliation bill.

(Slaughter spoke at the President's health care "summit" of the dire need for health care reform because people are being forced to wear dead people's dentures.)

House Republican Whip Eric Cantor (R-Va.) was asked about the "deeming" issue at a pen and pad session with print reporters.

"The public has been outraged by a lack of transparency in this bill," Cantor said. "If the majority and the Speaker can just deem this bill passed in the rule — that means no one has the right to even vote on it in the House and to see their level of support. That is certainly unprecedented in a bill of this size and scope."

The tyranny of the majority. Slaughter is playing precisely the "rules be damned" game Pelosi has since becoming Speaker. She should be getting calls from every voter across America.


yranny is always what you get whenever you allow "your" Congress to be ruled by the Demøcorrupt Party.

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Bribes, backroom deals, Huckster Harry Reid, ramming Biggest. Government Takeover. Ever.™ down our throats, and taking away our own life-and-death choices. Just another day in the Democrook-run al'Qongress.


f you like your health care plan, you can keep your health care plan" is the Biggest. Lie. Ever.™ What the Demøfascists are really saying is "if we like how much your health care plan lets us control you, we'll let you keep your health care plan." Gee, thanks.

So much for "choice."

"If we don't like the Senate Rules, we'll change the Senate Rules so, yes, we can forcibly ram this Death Snare Deform® down all your throats, Mr. & Mrs. America" is what they're also saying.

So much for "checks and balances," too.

The Most Undemocratic. Senate. Ever.™

Ramming the Most Intrusive. Government Mandates. Ever.™ down the American people's throats.

So much for the U.S. Constitution.

"This is the way Democracy ends. Not with a bomb but with a gavel."


So much for "democracy" then.

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Gab @LiberalUtopia

Gettr @LiberalUtopia

Parler @LiberalUtopia

TruthSocial @LiberalUtopia

Tw*tter @LiberalUtopia


G o o g l e
b o m b s
miserable failure
culture of corruption
sus barbatus
wicked witch of the east
great president