STARSHIP CAPTAIN CHRISTOPHER PIKE: Back in my cage, it seemed for a couple of minutes that our keeper couldn't read my thoughts. Do emotions like hate — keeping hate in your mind — does that block off our mind from them?
SHIPWRECK SURVIVOR VINA: Yes. They can't read through primitive emotions, but you can't keep it up for long enough. I've tried. They keep at you and at you year after year, tricking and punishing, and they won. They own me. I know you must hate me for that.
PIKE: Oh, no. I don't hate you. I can guess what it was like.
aptain Pike did keep up his searing hate long enough to catch their keeper off guard and grab him, choking him and threatening to break his neck unless he stopped trying to trick them. When Pike pointed a hand laser at their keeper's big head and told him he'd fire, old balloon brain allowed them to leave their cage and return to the planet's surface. There, Pike still had to threaten mass suicide before the Yuugeheadsians declared them much more trouble than they're worth and that they were free to go.
Had another character from a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away been on hand, he might have warned those keepers, "The hate is strong with this one."
In the end, however, Pike returned willingly. Years later, after a terrible accident left him a physical vegetable, Pike knew his only chance for any kind of meaningful existence was with his former captors. This time, however, there would be neither pain nor torment. He would live out his life, fully restored, in a pleasant but carefully guided illusion of total freedom.
Only time may tell how much of this corresponds to Glenn and others' visceral, if not deranged hatred of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump.
In the meanwhile, here's what should be the updated lyrics to Glenn's new theme song—
Him I'll mock and slam!
Him I'll vilify!
Him to Hell I'll damn!
'Cause We! Hate! Trump!
Him I'll rip and scorn!
Him I'll crucify!
Curse the day he was born!
'Cause We! Hate! Trump!
Only the Establishmentardians and Demofascists, of course, will be the real beneficiaries of such hatred.
Labels: aided and comforted enemies, DC You're Fired!, Democratyrants, Establishmentardians, Gonadless Oafs Party, GOP War on Conservatives, liberalism: THE ideology of hate, Power to the people