

Liberal Utopia

What your world would be if everything liberals wanted, they got. Open the door at the bottom of its Elysium façade and take a glimpse of hell.

Latinos for Trump



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Muslim Hillary Clinton Voter Guns Down Gays in Record Slaughter


Violent extremist terrorist Democrat(birm) pledged allegiance to ISIS.


ecause the Democrat muslim mass-murderer(birm) Omar Mir Seddique Mateen is a member of Baracrook Øfascist's most favorite "religion," our coward-n-thief presentdunce disgracefully refused to even utter the word "muslim" or "islam" when glibly gibbering about his fellow Democrat's evil muslim acts. Predictably, he brought up his fellow Democrat butcher's choice of weapon instead of his fellow Hilliary supporter's choice of "religion" moongod-worshiping death cult. The former is not the issue. The latter's cravenly hellbent slaughter of defenseless American civilians must be our nation's sole focus if we're to stop these islamofascist terrorist attacks on our own soil. Since it wasn't, 50 more Americans are dead. Thanks again, Øfascist & Insane Co.

Why do murderous Hilliary-voting muslims(birm) hate us? It's not just about their children having to witness homosexuals kiss in public. It's their whole brutally barbaric belief system that's the cause. Until we elect leaders who are willing and able to recognize that, we'll be forced to suffer even worse slaughters.

Not that any of these Democrooks care: Terrorist Omar Mateen Worked For Security Company Responsible For Transporting Illegal Aliens....

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'THE Race' Racist Gonzalo Curiel


1. Name: State full name (include any former names used).

Gonzalo Paul Curiel

2. Position: State the position for which you have been nominated.

United Sttes District Judge for the Southern District of California

9. Bar Associations: List all bar associations or legal or judicial-related committees, selection panels or conferences of which you are or have been a member, and give the titles and dates of any offices which you have held in such groups.

American Bar Association
Hispanic Advisory Committee of the Commission on Public Understanding about the Law (1993 - 1994)

Hispanic National Bar Association, Life-time Member

La Raza ["THE Race"] Lawyers of San Diego

Latino Judges Association

National Hispanic Prosecutors Association


learly an alleged judge who seeks not justice but racist, political vengeance and ugly partisan gain:

Whoops! Judge 'Mistakenly' Unsealed Too Many Records in Trump U Lawsuit

Judge Curiel Is a Member of LaRaza — San Diego LaRaza Lawyers' Association

PROOF: @MegynKelly Caught Lying About Judge Gonzalo Curiel's La Raza Membership to Bash @RealDonaldTrump

Activist Judge who Released Documents on Trump U Case — Awarded Scholarships to Illegals

WOW: Trump Hatin' "Mexican Judge" Awarded Scholarships To Illegal Immigrants

OOPS: Trump-Hating Judge Just Accidentally Revealed His SICK Connection To Hillary

Rigged: The Trial of Trump University ... Political conflicts of interest galore go uncovered in witch hunt against Trump

ABC Brings on Clinton-Backing NY Dem to Bash Trump on Fraud Case

Sheriff of Wall Street Blackmails Witness in Trump University Case

Trump University Plaintiff Law Firm Paid Clintons $450,000 for Speeches

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Extremely Violent Democrats


Let's take Extremely Redundant for two hundred...


nd change a few words in the Democrooks' latest calls for extreme violence, riots, unprecedented destruction, aggravated assault, warring on women, bloodshed, and terrorism

Advice: If Trump Hilliary comes to your town, start a riot.

Listen, if Trump Hilliary is Hitler then you've got no business condemning rioters. If he she isn't, you've got no business pretending normal is better.

Let's be clear: It's never a shame to storm the barricades set up around a fascist.

At some point Donald Trump Hilliary al-Qlinton needs to take responsibility for the irresponsible behavior of his her campaign.

Destroying property is legitimate. Shouting down is legitimate. Disruption of all events is legitimate. Murder isn't [yet?].

All while treasonously waving Mexico's flag and burning ours and screaming "America sucks!" of course.

Is Lying Liar-n-Thief Baracrook Hussein Øffffascist taking any break from his endless golf games to say lie that he's "concerned when I watch the direction of our politics"?

Extremely rhetorical question, I know.

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Obama Lied, Your Jobs Died


The Big Lie: "By almost every economic measure, America is better off than when I came here at the beginning of my presidency. That's the truth. That's true."


he real truth:

Job gains weaken dramatically: Only 38,000 added in May

The labor market slowed dramatically in May as employers added 38,000 jobs, raising concerns that a sluggish economy is taking a bigger toll on employment and lowering the odds of a Federal Reserve rate hike this month [while] nearly 500,000 Americans stopped working or looking for jobs. The paltry employment gains were the smallest in 5 1/2 years.

Economists surveyed by Bloomberg expected 160,000 new jobs [as] growth for March and April was revised down by a total 59,000.

Ding, Dong, the Obama 'Recovery' is D-E-A-D

Only 38,000 jobs were added to the economy during May, the Labor Department announced in a depressing jobs report, calling into question the strength and success of Obama's so-called "recovery"....

Yet Obama had the audacity to claim just three days ago in Indiana that "by almost every economic measure, America is better off than when I came here at the beginning of my presidency."

"We cut unemployment in half, years before a lot of economists thought we would," he said [lied]. Despite what Obama would have the country believe, seeing half the unemployed give up their search for work is not the same as finding half of the unemployed jobs.

And after a closer look, the 38,000 jobs number is even more pathetic that it first appears. A full 13,000 of those jobs are government jobs [sic] — jobs [sic] that are an inherent drain on economic productivity as they do not create wealth.

May Jobs Report

⇓ Only 25,000 private sector jobs added

⇑ 94,708,000 Americans not looking for work

⇑ 14,179,000 Americans left labor force since Obama took office

Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics

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Stutterer-n-Thief without a teleprompter is an utter moron.

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