Wednesday, September 15, 2010 |
Obsessed lunatics are a danger to society and should be in jail.ribing hotel bellboys for information on Sarah Palin's movements and activities is creepy enough. Harassing her neighbors and hounding people on the street is downright criminal.
- Why else wouldn't people talk to him? It's me — Michael Gross from Manhattan! Everyone in Alaska should want to hang with me! The fact that they don't, he believes, is indisputable evidence of a conspiracy....
Most psychotically insane is Gross' rumination on why the Palins would leave their home on, I quote, "the anniversary of Sarah's resignation"....
The fact that Michael Gross imagines the date Palin resigned is an "anniversary" anyone else in the world would notice proves only that he is a head case.
He discusses the Palins' absence on this momentous day (in his own mind) with his fellow obsessive, Joe McGinniss — the man who moved into the house next door to the Palins for more convenient stalking.
On and on the two nutcases speculate about why the Palins are gone.
Yes, a strong case can be made in any court in the land for its immediately issuing a permanent restraining order against both of these obsession-crazed stalkers.
Labels: desperate liberals (BIRM), dinosaur media, lawbreaking liberals (BIRM), liberalism: THE ideology of hate, liberals unhinged, lying liberals (BIRM), narcissist liberals (BIRM), Useless Nitwits