

Liberal Utopia

What your world would be if everything liberals wanted, they got. Open the door at the bottom of its Elysium façade and take a glimpse of hell.

Now he's known as the late Nobel Prize nominee


Shouldn't there be a bylaw or something to prevent the nomination of convicted quadruple murderers?

oday the world is a safer place, prison guards have less cause to watch their backs, children no longer need fear any possible escape of at least one remorseless, cold-blooded killer from another understaffed prison, and bleeding-heart Swiss legislators are left hunting around for other brutal butchers of peaceable, law-abiding citizens to nominate for Nobel "Peace" Prizes.

While nominated one "Peace" Prize for each of the five flesh-ripping, bone-shattering shotgun blasts he, by his own self-damning admission, fired into the unarmed and defenseless bodies of Yen-I Yang (2), his wife Tsai-Shai Yang (2), and their daughter Yee-Chen Lin (1), all at extremely close range, before stealing from them only a tiny fraction of what the Nobel committee would've given him — as well as four in "literature" for the equally flesh-ripping, bone-shattering shotgun blasts he fired into the back of an equally unarmed and defenseless father of two young children Albert Lewis Owens (2), all also at extremely close range, after literarily ordering him to "lay down, mother f*****" (1) and non-fictionally shooting out the store's security monitor (1), and before also stealing an equally tiny fraction of what the Nobel committee would've given him — the late Nobel Prize nominee was unable to secure any nomination in literature for his later Gurgle Tale ("you should have heard the way he sounded when I shot him") or its sequel Ode to My Jury ("I'm going to get each and every one of you mother f******"). Maybe he'll receive that nomination next year — posthumously.

In the meantime this lady, as of today, will be standing noticeably taller:


Free Republic for the link to graphic photographs of the late Nobel Prize nominee's works.
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Just call it 'Liars Way' instead, mmmmmmkay?


Either that or add another 6 to that portion of W. 66th St.

Side dish

Mayor Bloomberg Blame-no-thug wants to name W. 66th St. between Columbus and Central Park West "Peter Jennings Way." Last week, Community Board 7 approved the Bloomberg-backed motion to remember the esteemed journalist on the street signs of the block where ABC News has its headquarters. Jennings' widow, Kayce, who attended the board meeting with his children, Lizzie and Chris, tells us: "It's a great honor for Peter from the city he loved and adopted and, in turn, adopted him." The City Council is due to vote on the measure this month.

(insert indeedeologically appropriate locution here)
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Ask our troops what they want, Democut-n-runners


If you support them as you say, then you'll trust what they have to say. (Mishaite Empire of Cluebludgeon)

Staying the course isn't a campaign slogan; it is a life support message for those of us in the midst of battle. Congressman Murtha above all others should know the perils inherent in dictating military policy from across the Potomac. I imagine he can still taste the spittle of anti-war protestors from 30 years ago. As was the case in Vietnam, the American soldier cannot be defeated on the field of battle. It is only the failure of the political class to stomach the hardships of combat that stands in the way of our victory.

lease continue saying our troops were only following orders, or they're a bunch of liars too and spineless parrots. Then keep acting unsurprised when they — along with those who support both them and their mission — tell you what they think of your but-monkey "support." Never cease your smug reliance on poll after poll showing your party's the one that continually feels our troops have no prayer and should come home in defeat, and our mortal enemies are beating us. Most important, always deny that your "positive" messages are nothing but sweet, sweet music to every terrorist's devilishly pointed ears.

What you're saying is bound to sit exceedingly well with American voters before any of them have had a real chance to actually sit down and fully think about it.

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Not even Santa can do the impossible


While Jolly Ol' Saint Nick was reading this letter, a LUporter at our North Pole Bureau overheard him exclaim, "Come on, kid. I'm Santa, not a miracle worker!"

Dear Santa,
This year, I don't want anything for myself
cause I said some bad words when I got
angry with some librals, but I could use some
help with the selecting presents for
Democrats. Can you do this for me?
To John Murtha, a sense of shame!
To John Kerry, a sense of pro, pro, propiety.

See the rest of GM and Woody's letter to Santa to find out who else is deserving of a present a lump of coal this Christmas... sans the coal.
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Hillary and Riviera Beach


"We're going to take things away from you on behalf of the common good." —Her Nibs Hideously Rotten al-Qlinton al-Stalin, June 2004.

e are going to rescue and relocate individuals and we will put them in a better position than they're living in now." —His Dishonor the Mayor of Riviera Beach Trail-of-Tears, Florida, Karl Marx Brown, December 2005 (Neal Boortz Show).

Spraying more DDT (Demostatist Destructive Thinking) on our rights. Leave it to liberals to "rescue and relocate" Life, Liberty, Property and put them in the "better position" of Abortion, Collectivism, Higher-Taxbases.
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Theme song rejected by the DNC


"Isn't nuanced enough," Madamleader Pelosi said.

It Doesn't Fly In Flyover Land

Some screamin' punk who hadn't bathed
Yelled "our troops stink!" but he's unscathed
Havin' not fought once for freedom's cause
'Cept to badmouth them who never pause

For anything short of raisin' our flag
What that punk burns with lots of boast and brag
While grander works those troops get done
All in the name and spirit of our freedom

That doesn't fly in flyover land
No sir, that doesn't fly in flyover land
If on America's side you won't get up and stand
Know that it doesn't fly in flyover land

Now this punk told me I haven't a clue
With all my salutin' the red, white, and blue
That I'd be better off wearin' sandals like him
Instead of boots that shine and haircuts trim

I should carry signs and never believe
One word POTUS says 'cause he'll decieve
But I said, punk, you're leavin' somethin' unsaid
You can do all that only because our brothers bled

That doesn't fly in flyover land
No sir, that doesn't fly in flyover land
If for America's greatness you don't give a hand
Know that it doesn't fly in flyover land

That doesn't fly in flyover land
No sir, that doesn't fly in flyover land
If against America the beautiful you take a stand
Know that it doesn't fly in flyover land
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DNC adopts new seal


Timed to coincide with the unveiling of their same old "warmed-over stew" Iraq policy.

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Our newest staunchest ally: Iraq's military and police


Few words or images come close to describing their bravery. These from Michael Yon are among the ones that do:

Amazingly, these Iraqis continue to load up in those little trucks and go to work, knowing the odds are that they will, sooner or later, get shot or blown up. In a previous dispatch I stated that the only true martyrs I've seen in Iraq are these men, ordinary in most respects, who step forward and put everything on the line, for the idea of Iraq. But they also have a powerful example to follow now: one that gives them the courage to face these odds. In West Mosul every one of their leaders has been wounded in combat, some more than once, but they get right back into the fight — taking up positions in front.

His Imperial Rottiness and Elephant Man.
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What governor asks for help by email?


Aren't telephone calls more direct, reliable and efficient?

overness Katspleen Babblineaux BlameCo released copies of "tens of thousands of documents," including emails, letters, and memos, "related to the State's preparedness for and response to Hurricane Katrina."

The documents aren't available online to the general public. Only through the filter of the Mainscreen Media. The governess says "as the media and the[ir subscribing] public read these documents and e-mails" we'll see how capable and competent she and her fellow social workers were. Except you can't see for yourself whether that's true — or even whether those emails include traceable headers — unless you're a churnalist:

There are approximately 100,000 pages of documents that will be made available to the working media through a web based document management system at the Louisiana Department of Justice. In order to gain access to this system, please send a public records request on your news organization's letterhead including your name, address, telephone number and email address to the Governor's Press Office via personal delivery (4th floor, Louisiana State Capitol), email (pressoffice@GOV.STATE.LA.US) or fax (225-342-6003). Once the authenticity of the letter has been verified, you will receive an email from the Department of Justice giving you instructions on the next step which includes receiving a personal pin number for clearance.

Because the Governor has insisted on a full accounting of the preparedness for and response to Hurricane Katrina, we have gone to great lengths to ensure the integrity of the process. Although the web based system is ready for access and a vast majority of the documents are available, documents are continually being uploaded to the site. As you carefully review the documents, you may have questions about the content, nature or characterization of certain material. Please do not hesitate to contact the Governor's Press Office at 225-342-9037 for clarification or assistance in obtaining more information.

Public inspection can be arranged by calling the LA Department of Justice at 225-326-6200.

So we peons have to either go to Louisiana to see them or hack into that web based document management system and risk arrest and prosecution. Where's George Soros' Open Society Institute when you need it?

While the Washington Post's take is of the BlameBush! variety, this paragraph somehow evaded its editors' notice:

By early Saturday... (BlameCo's) staff began calling ministers in African American churches, telling them to advise parishioners to "pack and pray." But with the city's evacuation efforts still lagging, (BlameCo) decided she needed to appear publicly with Nagin. Some on her staff expressed concern that such an "artificial event" would pull people from their posts during evacuation preparation, but (BlameCo) "seems to feel that a show of unity is important for the people of the area to see," according to an e-mail. It was decided that the meeting would be held on "Nagin's turf."

At another artificial event two days later The Weeping Governess® openly cried while New Orleans died.

BlameCo released these documents last Friday apparently in compliance with requests by the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, as well the House Select Bipartisan Committee to Investigate the Preparation for and Response to Hurricane Katrina:

Congressional Investigation of Hurricane Katrina
From Kathy Gill, Sep 27 2005

Currently, there is no independent investigation of federal, state and local government response to Hurricane Katrina. On 19 September, Republicans dropped their proposal for a Joint House-Senate investigation. The proforma announcement followed the creation of the House "bi-partisan" select committee on 15 September. Democrats are refusing to participate in the proceedings and continue to call for an independent, 9-11 type hype, commission. However, minority leader Nancy Pelosi (D[himmoonbat]-CA) released three Gulf coast representatives from the boycott.

Hopefully these committees will make the documents fully accessible to the real public rather than just MSM analysts and opinion makers.
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Mile-high 'bottle rocket'


Pilot spots its smoke trail at 6,000 feet.

Pilot Reports 'Missile' Fired at Jetliner Near LAX (11/28/05)

FBI agents and Homeland Security officials spent the weekend investigating the report of a possible missile fired at an American Airlines plane taking off from Los Angeles International Airport.
Sources tell ABC News the pilot of American Airlines Flight 621, en route to Chicago, radioed air traffic controllers after takeoff from LAX. He told them a missile had been fired at the aircraft and missed.

The plane was over water when the pilot said he saw a smoke trail pass by the cockpit.

FBI agents believe it was a flare or a bottle rocket, but say they may never know if that's what it actually was.

That smoke trail rules out any iridium variety of flare. A high-powered aerial parachute flare reaches an altitude of 1,000 feet. Orion's 25mm red aerial flare reaches 375 feet; its 12-Gauge alerter 300 feet. Bottle rockets' apogees are even less. Fortunately for Flight 621's passengers and crew, no one afterwards needed to investigate a spontaneous combustion of the plane's center wing tank.

Mover Mike, Northeast Intelligence Network, and Daily Pundit have more.

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