Thursday, December 11, 2014 |
"In the beginning, lying Øliar lied... and it was not 'good'"
n Nashville, the lying Liar-in-Chief lied, "The good book says, don't throw stones in glass houses."
Which "good" book is that, Øliar? It's certainly not the Holy Bible. Perhaps Marx's Das Kapital or Mao's Little Red Book? Maybe even Mein Kampf? or the Koran? We know it isn't your healthcare-"reform" architect Jonathan Gruber's ØbamaCare for Dummies Stupid Democrat Voters, because that's one of the last things anybody exhibiting any real intelligence would consider "good." Oh, wait — we're talking about you, so you no doubt "think" feel that it is.
But don't worry. Your high priestesses at WaPo et al. are furiously scribbling apologia to protect you against this heretical mocking from us "strictly speaking" folk; just as they always do whenever you lyingly lie through your teeth open your mouth in public.
Who knew Joseph and Mary were illegal immigrants who snuck across international borders to receive executive amnesty from King Herod? Or is this another of those "if God won't act to change His word, I Teh Great & Powerful Øb will!"?
Verily, Øtyrant, the American people grow more and more weary of your monotonous hubris.
Labels: Democrat War on Americans, dinosaur media, DNC-team Media, Health Care Death Snare, idiot liberals (BIRM), immigration deform, lying liberals (BIRM), Where's the Fence?, Worst. pResident. Ever.