

Liberal Utopia

What your world would be if everything liberals wanted, they got. Open the door at the bottom of its Elysium façade and take a glimpse of hell.

'Stop Calling It A War, You Racist Teabaggers!1!!111ONE!!!!!'


Terrorists "Man-Caused Disasters," Global War on Terror "Overseas Contingency Operation," and now Øbawarmonger's War of Choice in Libya "Kinetic Military Action." Just more words of AWØL — Another Whacked-Øut Liberal:

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So Bush's Peemptive War of Choice with a Few Allies for Oil to Liberate Folks from Tyranny Was All Right, Then


"Days, Not Weeks™" has already turned into "Weeks, Going On Months."


bawarmonger Lied, People Died.

His war in Libya is, no doubt, also a recruiting tool for extremists.

He has single-handedly plunged that country into full-scale civil war.

How many more thousands of innocent civilians must be needlessly slaughtered before he finally admits that his extreme arrogance and incompetence has resulted in a very costly and dangerously irresponsible war?

He has personally dug the hundreds of mass graves that will be quickly filled by those civilians he is murdering with his illegal warmongering.

Clearly, Øbawarmonger and all his fellow war criminals should be put on trial for their multitudinous crimes against humanity.

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Impeachable Offenses


Time to impeach Baracriminal Øbawarmonger for willfully committing the following High Crimes and Misdemeanors:


rticle of Impeachment I: Engaging in war without lawfully consulting Congress.

Article of Impeachment II: Spilling blood for oil.

Article of Impeachment III: In clear and direct violation of the Constitution, unilaterally authorizing a military attack in a situation that does not involve stopping an actual or imminent threat to the nation.

Article of Impeachment IV: Lying to the American people and repeatedly changing his story about his reasons for unconstitutionally ordering United States Servicemen and Servicewomen to fight his unjust war.

Article of Impeachment V: Masterminding the mass murder of many innocent Libyan civilians.

Article of Impeachment VI: Abusing the powers of president for purposes of unauthorized and unilateral interventions in the purely internal affairs and conflicts of other nations.

Article of Impeachment VII: Invading another nation and violating its sovereignty absent any clear and justifiable cause or provocation.

Article of Impeachment VIII: Unduly endangering the lives of United States Servicemen and Servicewomen by wantonly, irresponsibly, and unlawfully placing them in harms way.

Article of Impeachment IX: Showing willful disregard for the laws of the United States, especially the War Powers Act.

Article of Impeachment X: Creating otherwise avoidable threats to the American people by recklessly elevating and escalating conflicts abroad.

In all of this, Barack Hussein Obama, Jr. (a/k/a Barack Hussein Obama II, a/k/a Barry Obama, a/k/a Barry Soetoro, a/k/a Barack Dunham, a/k/a Barry Dunham, a/k/a Teh Øne™) has acted in a manner contrary to his trust as president and subversive of constitutional government, to the great prejudice of justice and to the manifest injury of the people of the United States.

Wherefore, Barack Hussein Obama, Jr. (a/k/a Barack Hussein Obama II, a/k/a Barry Obama, a/k/a Barry Soetoro, a/k/a Barack Dunham, a/k/a Barry Dunham, a/k/a Teh Øne™), by such conduct, is guilty of numerous impeachable offenses warranting removal from office.

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hy the Rush to War®? How long was Diplomacy™ tried? Was any tried at all?

Libya never attacked us. Then why is Øbawarmonger attacking it? How many thousands of innocent civilians is he murdering? Does this mean he's finally earned his "Peace" Prize™?

Why is Øbawarmonger involving us in Libya's the Great Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya's civil war? What does he hope to change by escalating their internal conflict?

Isn't he merely doing the bidding of Iran's dictatorship?

Take a bow, Øbawarmonger.

Just make sure it's in the direction of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

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Now a message from our inner liberal...


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Fourteen Legal Vacancies in the WI Senate:


Fourteen legal Writs of Election:


ourteen districts of Wisconsin citizens legally choosing someone willing and able to actually show up and represent them:

Article IV, §14

Filling vacancies. Section 14. The governor shall issue writs of election to fill such vacancies as may occur in either house of the legislature.

Article XIII, §11

Passes, franks and privileges. Section 11. [As created Nov. 1902 and amended Nov. 1936] No person, association, copartnership, or corporation, shall promise, offer or give, for any purpose, to any political committee, or any member or employee thereof, to any candidate for, or incumbent of any office or position under the constitution or laws, or under any ordinance of any town or municipality, of this state, or to any person at the request or for the advantage of all or any of them, any free pass or frank, or any privilege withheld from any person, for the traveling accommodation or transportation of any person or property, or the transmission of any message or communication.

No political committee, and no member or employee thereof, no candidate for and no incumbent of any office or position under the constitution or laws, or under any ordinance of any town or municipality of this state, shall ask for, or accept, from any person, association, copartnership, or corporation, or use, in any manner, or for any purpose, any free pass or frank, or any privilege withheld from any person, for the traveling accommodation or transportation of any person or property, or the transmission of any message or communication.

Any violation of any of the above provisions shall be bribery and punished as provided by law, and if any officer or any member of the legislature be guilty thereof, his office shall become vacant.

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culture of corruption
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