Temporary morgue with already dead bodies in Tyre, bridges and roads between it and Qana not really destroyed, al-jazeernalists not allowed near a collapsed building that actually collapsed many hours after the last air strike near but not on that building. The only thing missing is Oliver Stone.P ropaganda needs people who want to believe it's the truth, else it won't work. If such people aren't immediately around, just drive in the nearest Credulity News Network camera crew. It also helps in that instance if you're a propagandist for an international terrorist organization. From israelinsider (EU Referendum via Royal Destroyer of Zombie Sock Puppets):
- But Israelis steeled to scenes of carnage from Palestinian suicide bombings and Hezbollah rocket attack could not help but notice that these victims did not look like our victims. Their faces were ashen gray. While medical examination clearly is called for to arrive at a definitive dating and cause of their deaths, they do not appear to have died hours before. The bodies looked like they had been dead for days.
Defiling the dead for deceitful purposes. If it weren't for that Infidel Loophole™ in the Holy Qur'an a few "rescue workers" would be due for a beheading right about now.
Types used in the Hezb'cowardian- Iranian-Israeli War.
"The conventional army loses if it does not win. The guerrilla wins if he does not lose.""Go bet on your reason and we will bet on our adventure, with God as our Supporter and Benefactor.... and God willing, victory will follow."– Iran's Hezbullshiite puppet (translated by Eric Mueller) D on't fight back and child-murdering terrorists will treat you nice. Always be at their mercy and they won't ever feel threatened by you. That last sentence is true. The quickest way to end the fighting on both sides is for one side to completely surrender. Except when you surrender to child-murdering terrorists the fighting continues. Just it all becomes one-sided then. Also, insomuch as feckless Euwowhineans feel it's nice when only Israelis stop fighting and let themselves get beheaded by either large knives or rockets, the fist sentence is equally true.
Hogzbullah's "Operation True Promise (To Kill All Jooos)" wasn't launched in response to some cross-border incursion or anything else Israel had done outside merely existing. It was a wholly unprovoked attack against that country and her entire population, both military and civilian. Nor could the United States, as Hanoi John "If I Were F'in' Prez" al-Qerry* and other Depanderats unsurprisingly complain, have foreseen it or otherwise done anything short of warning Israel or militarily intervening ourselves to prevent it. Even so, that's not a good enough reason, professional perfectionists here and in Sodden Eurabia feel, for doing anything disproportionate effective to eliminate the immediate source of further attacks. Their unassailable answer? Bring in even more UN blue helmets to collaborate with the attackers and provide them cover!
It does, Herbert London notes (Nordish Portal), give terrorists another good reason to believe that their enemy in this World War — i.e., all us non-Murderslims — pose absolutely no concernable threat to their planned Final Solution and other deadly aggressions:
- A belief is circulating in the Islamic world that a secular West no longer has the will to resist Islamic jihad. In fact, the compromises and willingness to accommodate Islamic factions in European societies are recognized as signs of weakness. The more open and liberal the society, the more likely it is a target for jihad. It is not coincidental that Denmark now faces daily riots or the Netherlands was where a filmmaker, Theo Van Gogh, was murdered on the streets....
That the West considers this Islamic fanaticism a form of acting out over deplorable conditions faced by Muslims within their borders also plays to Islam's strength. Believing there must be a rational explanation for seemingly irrational behavior, Western leaders bend over backward to make accommodations. Rarely do leaders conclude the violence is fomented by religious zealotry no liberal concessions can mitigate.
This belief is reinforced when Gonzo Strip terrorists use missiles to intentionally and indiscriminately murder civilians across the border — including a schoolgirl who tried to shield her little brother from one — even after Israel redeployed from such hellhole, and Eurosimians condemn that attacked country for trying to do everything she reasonably can to stop it. Oh, that's right. Anything Israel does to defend herself is not reasonable at all. Why are terrorists doing all this? Can't everyone just find a way to get along? Let's turn to one of their staunchest supporters for the answers:
Jews are a virus resembling AIDS, from which the entire world suffers....
We have ruled the world before, and by Allah, the day will come when we will rule the entire world again. The day will come when we will rule America. The day will come when we will rule Britain and the entire world — except for the Jews. The Jews will not enjoy a life of tranquility under our rule, because they are treacherous by nature, as they have been throughout history. The day will come when everything will be relived of the Jews — even the stones and trees which were harmed by them. Listen to the Prophet Muhammad, who tells you about the evil end that awaits Jews. The stones and trees will want the Muslims to finish off every Jew. Surely this paid employee of the Paleostenchian Authority who delivers the official Friday sermon to everyone on PATV, will listen to reason. He and his followers would never take advantage of any show of restrainst hunkering down white flags on the part of Israel. To help dispel the myth that only a few are spouting murderous screeds like this one from official bully pulpits, on the same television station five years earlier another sermonizer of death and hate had this to say about his Jewish neighbors as well as Americans:
They are the terrorists. They are the ones who must be butchered and killed, as Allah the almighty said: "Fight them; Allah will torture them at your hands, and will humiliate them..."
Have no mercy on the Jews no matter where they are, in any country. Fight them, wherever you are. Wherever you meet them, kill them. Wherever you are, kill those Jews and those Americans who are like them — and those who stand by them. Of course when the New Traitorous Times translated this it came out as "Whether Likud or Labor, Jews are Jews." Nothing to see here. MoveOn.al-ong. Us silly paranoid conservatives of the Globalisation Neohallizionburtonconist Conspiracy aren't the only ones who recognize the intractable irrationality of these and other upstanding leaders of Paleterroristan "culture" and "society." Left-wing historian Benny Morris, in his interview with Ari Shavit Haaretz at Deir Yassin Revisited, makes this analogy and observation:
- [BM] The Palestinians are retaliating now not only for yesterday's closure but for the Nakba [Arabic for "catastrophe"] as well. But that is not a sufficient explanation. The peoples of Africa were oppressed by the European powers no less than the Palestinians were oppressed by us, but nevertheless I don't see African terrorism in London, Paris or Brussels. The Germans killed far more of us than we killed the Palestinians, but we aren't blowing up buses in Munich and Nuremberg. So there is something else here, something deeper, that has to do with Islam and Arab culture.
. . .
[ASH] For a left-winger, you sound very much like a right-winger, wouldn't you say?
[BM] I'm trying to be realistic. I know it doesn't always sound politically correct, but I think that political correctness poisons history in any case. It impedes our ability to see the truth. And I also identify with Albert Camus. He was considered a left-winger and a person of high morals, but when he referred to the Algerian problem he placed his mother ahead of morality. Preserving my people is more important than universal moral concepts.
Also my emphasis — and a fact of life lost on practically all liberals and the most vocal members of the Religion of Peace Deathcult of Barbarity, including the Iranian parliament's presiding madman: The towns you have built in northern Palestine (Israel) are within the range of the brave Lebanese children. No part of Israel will be safe. In such environment any cease-fire is death for more Israeli schoolgirls and other civilians if it either applies to Israel alone or occurs anytime before the arsenals of Iranian-supplied weapons aimed at her are not sufficiently destroyed and the Iranian-backed groups held together solely by a common bloodlust to launch these weapons as acts of terror against Israel's civilian population are not adequately dispersed from all regions bordering her territory. Only then will the international community be able to work with Lebanon, Israel, and if at all possible the Putrescentian Abhority to help them completely destroy those arsenals and permanently disperse those groups in order to create conditions for a truly lasting cease-fire.
Except that's not what "progressive" elements of the international community want. Israel, they say, should meekly hunker down and unilaterally take her incinerational whippings like a good Joooess. What these peace activists accomplises to mass slaughter forget is that Israel tried it last February to no avail. Why should Israel again have to accord any legitimacy to what they say? The General Secretary Serial Killer of the Hezpiglets himself doesn't:
I will not offer words to the international community because I have never for one day believed that there is any such thing as an international community, just as many in our nation feel. The feeling's blatantly mutual, Hassassin. You'll never hear the vaunted IC wasting other than Butmonkey® platitudes on you, your state sponsors, or any of your homicidal deeds. Ever. It spares all its words of condemnation just for Israel. Every word of which terrorist abetting du-jourliarists gleefully lap up and obeisantly regurgitate in between spotting targets for Hizpork,Allah or identifying dead terrorists as "civilian casualites." This is certainly only their usual weakness and cowardice speaking. There's absolutely no chance that a normal Israeli is going to hunt down and put a bomb under San Diego Union-Tribune editorial board member James O. Goldsborough's car in retaliation for his blaming or badmouthing Israel. The same can't be said for any normally wild-eyed, crazed terrorist. Once the Goo Pork Slimes' Abill al-Qeller, yet another example, ceases being one of the islamonazis' most valuable allies in this World War, or takes it further by actually supporting our country's efforts to defeat them totally, they'll deem him no longer useful — if not a real threat — to their genocidal cause. Then it's Boom! Adios, former executive-traitor.
Leftists worldwide, including those "working" in the safely untargeted NYTreason building, are genuinely afraid of angering any terrorist. The U.S. government isn't going to slice off their heads with a big ugly knife and put those pointy things (their heads, not a knife) in Congressman Jefferson or anyone else's refrigerator after they've stabbed America or any of her allies in the back. A terrorist's bound to try just that if they start failing to give Hizb'acon or some other terrorist group within the Iransyrian nexus any kind of aid or comfort in their overt words and deeds. So it's just safer to criticize, blame, and otherwise undermine the efforts of the good doer rather than the evildoer. Perhaps doing so with the hope that it will convince the latter to eat them last — at which time, they also hope, the Hizb'alligator will be so full from gobbling up everyone else they've betrayed he won't have any appetite left to do the same to them. To a psycho liberal (I know, I repeat myself) this is known as The Only Acceptable Defense Against Terrorism. Others might call it Mass Stockholm Syndrome or, in layman's terms, Surrender.
Thus islaminals in southern Lebanon can fire over a hundred missiles a day at Israeli homes, ones in Iran supply these missiles or deliver to al-Qaeda in Iraq shaped-charged improvised explosive devices, or those in London turn tube-riding commuters into ground chuck, and the first thing out of nearly every liberal's drool drenched maw is "we must exercise restraint." Wouldn't want to get these islamodouchebags really angry at us, would we now? When any such dribbling driveler is directly called on it his rote response pretty much boils down to
I want to get rid of terrorists as much as you do [sic]. BUT™ I know if we actually fight them we'll make them so much more mad that they'll wind up getting more recruits.
So let's not, you know, actually fight them. Eventually they'll get tired of killing everybody (or run out of folks they want to kill) and will go home and peaceably tend their olive orchards. It's that simple, you warmongering chickenhawk [His Imperial Rottness] wingnut. And stop questioning my patriotism!! Who bothers questioning something that's never existed? There are more people who believe in Sasquatch, Nessie, the Meh-Teh and the Yowie than that legendary myth — or about the same as the number of omniscientists who connect global warming primarily to human activity. This applies to their purely hypothetical spinal column as well. In the meantime, while the Spanish chapter of People Insisting on Non-Humans's Equality And Dignity works busily to grant great apes and hizbullcoward guerrillas the same rights as actual human beings, the latter unhuman species is taking advantage of liberals' equally nonsensical insistence that no war should ever be fought if there's even the slightest chance that even one innocent person could be harmed. The terrorist militant freedom-fighting guerrilla minute"man" charity worker has no such qualms. He lives by the motto: He who fights and runs away — that is, behind the nearest human shields women's skirts (Absurd Report) — lives to fight another day. Those fighting him must abide by the liberals' motto: He who fights whom we fear angering has little chance of meeting our strict demand that he not fight unless we feel everything he's done is in every respect totally perfect. Total perfection here, besides zero civilian casualties, means exact tit for tat in terms of troop levels, movements, and firepower, exact observance (by the terrorists too — just kidding!) of all applicable and inapplicable "rules of war," exact dates for complete cessation of hostilities (not to exceed three news cycles after the start of fighting regardless whether the terrorists still are, or else endure endless taunts of "bogged down!" "quagmire!" "mistake!" "VIETNAMMMMM!!" — no kidding!) and withdrawal of forces, and some exacted apology for having made the terrorists angry in the first place as well as actually fighting them and making them angrier.
Fortunately saner heads in actual charge of the fighting simply refuse to listen to liberals or their blaming and complaining. Otherwise terrorists wouldn't have anyone fighting them at all.
Given the way the BCC and other enemystream media are taking advantage of any opportunity this Hezbutcherian- Iranian-Israeli war affords them to once again undermine, to every civilized nation and its citizenry's mortal detriment, "what Tony Blair and George W. Bush call the 'War on Terror'," it's not surprising that none of them gets this or even pretends to try to understand what's at stake. Consummately blinded by their all consuming obsession with annihilating every obstacle from America through Zion that denies them what they feel is unquestionably and by all rights their sole entitlement to possess absolute dictatorial power over all persons and things in order to forcibly reshape every human being in their own bleak, self-absorbed image — an obsession so complete that it limits their awareness to nothing else — there is no hope whatsoever they'll ever get it.
On the bright side the regularity with which lizberallala gorelemurs demonstrate their terminal selfishness every time they parade this undisguisable hatred of Bush, Blair, America, Israel, and everyone and everything else which frustrates their uncontrollable lust for such total power, lobbing from the safety of their mosque-like newsrooms hit piece after hit piece at those targets, or at every turn planting and remotely setting off from their leaky political offices Imprecative Enemy-assisting Divisiveness under us and our elected leadership as we travel the road to victory in this World War, ensures that they'll continue to discredit themselves with those who unalienably retain all legitimate powers to bar them entirely, at both the ballot box and the advertisers' bottom line, from every hall, door, and stairway of public authority.
As to the ultimate outcome of Iran's proxy war of distration, whether its military or negotiated settlement merely postpones the next round of fighting or spawns a new plethora of ill- or well-intentioned ideas, until we bring full pressure to bear on the mendacious mullahs in Tehran and force them to cease dealing their terrorist clients any more missiles that the latter purposefully aim and fire at completely civilian targets just to fuel further conflict, we're allowing these madmen to hold the winning hand. Although Israel will not attack unless provoked, goose stepping islamonazis will until every non-islamonazi is either dead or one of their dhimmislave laborers:
Terrorists attack Israel. Israel attacks terrorists. Terrorists attack. Israel attacks. "Cycle of Violence," in lefrench or libressive-progeralese.
Terrorists don't attack. Israel doesn't attack. The End, in any language.
Terrorists attack. Israel doesn't attack. Terrorists keep attacking and attacking and attacking.... No. End. In. Sight. (Perhaps a pause when Israel's erased from every map.)
All this is crystal-nacht clear to practically everyone, especially leftarded statists (BIRM) and other terrorism-supporting tyrants who, if they had their way, would let the world do nothing more than intentionally impose on Israel that final cycle solution. Once the world stops listening to liberals it will find a much better solution. Not the unilateral unconditional immediate cease-fire silver bullet that harbingers even greater suffering and more deaths. But a real one that, in persevering to permanently rout and destroy civilian-endangering terrorists, is right.
* In the comments under this Hub Politics post, I ask a blame-bawling, pedophilia-obsessed liberal, "What should President Bush do?" To his credit he did respond without more than a puzzling and half-hearted insult, before again proceeding to fling around more MoveOnless blame. (Oh, and it does make more than perfect sense that: not doing anything to uphold the world's will is the same as upholding it; liberals get to pick an arbitrary date after which any combat deaths don't count because they're "after the war ended," and no accidental death inside any theatre of war is a wartime casualty because, well, it was an accident, Infoplease & Soldiers Magazine; 15,000 = "100,000"; and the only complete answer anyone will ever need to my question "What should President Bush do?" is Get Rid Of Bush! — just let liberals run everything because they'll promise they won't get anybody killed, including child-butchering terrorists who'll all be subject to search warrants, indictments, arrests, and trials by an Albuquerque or Seattle jury or even one in your own hometown!)
I thank Hub Politics' Mr. Margolis for the remarkable generosity and patience he showed while indulging me that use of his server's filespace and bandwidth.
It may be just my Inner Neocon Jacobinic Radicalism™ talking, but is it ever possible to think al-jihadalists can?- HH [Hugh Hewitt]: Did you see Nic Robertson on CNN take the Hezbollah tour?
MS: Yes, I did see that, and they're very good at that at CNN, that actually getting...doing what you might call jihad tourism. They did it in Afghanistan, they did it in Saddam's Iraq, they're now doing it in Lebanon.
HH: Now Mark Steyn, Hezbollah is the organization adjudicated by the United States District Court, Judge Royce Lamberth presiding, as having been behind the massacre of 241 Americans at the Marine barracks in 1983. Anything untoward in CNN not telling their audience that?
MS: Yes, I think so. I think if one looks at this in historical sense, it would be absurd to see a New York Times photographer tagging along, say, on a Luftwaffe raid, and taking photographs of the Luftwaffe guy as he drops his bombs over London. It would have been unthinkable to be doing that in the 1940's. Now we live in a world when in effect, the media regard themselves as a kind of transnational power in and of themselves, that they don't have allegiances. I think this is preposterous. I think every CNN reporter, and every New York Times journalist, in his heart of hearts, he wants his sons and daughters to be growing up and living in a free society. And when they say what did you do during the war, Daddy, and when he says well, I got a great scoop, because I tagged along with the jihad guys as they were planning on killing our side, I think that's...I don't think that's going to be something they're going to be proud of, no matter how many Pulitzers it wins them.
HH: And the pathetic thing is, there's no scoop....
R otating Spit. Kingsford® BBQ Bag Single Use Charcoal Briquets. Journalist. (Matches not included.)
Hold their cities hostage. That'll really get their attention.R oadmap to Peace's bug-filled 1.3 version isn't getting the job done. It's badly in need of an upgrade. So here's the proposed 2.0: Send a diversionary force up the short road to Damascus to draw out that city's defensive units. Swing the main force eastward around those positions in an arc that sweeps right past Damascus International Airport — breaking off a strike force to capture it — and ends at the capital's back door. Cover its right flank and rear with a protective force that cuts off enemy reinforcements from the south. (There won't be any Iranian ones coming from the east because they'd have to go through Iraq first; and our and that country's armed forces would have some very harsh things to say about that.) Hunker down in Damascus and force them to shell and attack their own capital. Locate your bases and outposts near mosques and other important buildings and surround each one with civilians so enemy forces will be the ones killing noncombatants and destroying infrastructure every time they try to dislodge you. Make it the West Berlin of that totalitarian country.
While you're there, seize the terrorist headquarters of Hamas, the Palestinian Islamic Jihad, and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine-General Command, commandeer warehouses where Hizb'allah's supplies are stored, and confiscate all their documents. Find in those papers the location of hidden missile caches in southern Lebanon and the names and plans of the terrorist leadership. Then mosey over to Syria's defense ministry and collect information on that dictatorship's sarin and other chemical warheads for Scud B, Scud C and Scud D missiles.
Force Syria to negotiate the Mother of All Land-for-Peace Deals. Demand full diplomatic relations between your two nations and Syria's aggressive, verifiable, total, and permanent disarmament of all its terrorist clients. With that underway, leave what's left of Damascus, telling Syria if it violates any of these conditions, "We'll be back."
Very nice ring to it still... even when it includes a Lautenberg TwangS ince July 13 was the last day for filing a designating petition to get Rudy Giuliani's name on the September 12 Primary Election ballot, the next opportunity to offer New York voters this best candidate for title of Der Slayer of Die Hilldabeast come November is to pull a Jersey-style switcheroo after either former Pentagon official Kathleen Troia McFarland or former Yonkers mayor John Spencer wins the Republican nomination. When a party's nominee declines his or her nomination, thus creating a vacancy under S 6-148(3) of New York Consolidated Law, that vacancy "may be filled by a majority of the members, of the party committee or committees last elected in the political subdivision in which the vacancy occurs, present at a meeting at which there is a quorum, or by a majority of such other committee as the rules of the party may provide."
Also, when polled by Strategic Vision five months ago, 1200 likely New York voters preferred the Hero of Nine-Eleven over the Zero-F-Hostile Rated One by four percentage points — otherwise known in liberalese as "running neck and neck" (News Copy, New York):
- Below are the results of a three-day poll in the state of New York. Results are based on telephone interviews with 1200 likely voters in New York, aged 18+, and conducted February 24-26, 2006. The margin of sampling error is ±3 percentage points.
. . . 26. If the election for United States Senate was held today, whom would you vote for if the candidates were, Hillary Clinton, the Democrat or Rudy Giuliani, the Republican? Rudy Giuliani 45% Hillary Clinton 41% Undecided 14%
Finally, when polled by Marist College last week, 800 registered New York voters (337 Demoonbats, 236 Republicans, and presumably 227 Others) preferred al-Qlinton nearly 2-to-1 both over KT McFarland and over John Spencer — otherwise known in even non-liberalese as "a landslide":
- Question Wording: If November's election for U.S. Senate in New York State were held today, whom would you support if the candidates are:
Registered Voters
July 2006 May 2006 January 2006 September 2005 John Spencer Republican 34% 33% 33% 31% Hillary Clinton Democrat 61% 63% 62% 62% Undecided
5% 4% 5% 7%
Registered Voters
July 2006 May 2006 Kathleen McFarland Republican 32% 30% Hillary Clinton Democrat 61% 64% Undecided
7% 6%
. . . Nature of the Sample: 800 NYS Registered Voters
The survey of 800 registered voters was conducted July 11th through July 14th, 2006. Registered voters were interviewed by telephone in proportion to the voter registration in each county in New York State and adjusted for turnout in statewide elections. Results are statistically significant at ±3.5%. There are 337 registered Democrats and 236 registered Republicans. Results for these sub-samples are statistically significant at ±5.5% and ±6.5%, respectively. The error margin increases for cross-tabulations.
Thus, the one person who has any chance of dethroning Her Nibs, forcing her to wander in the political wilderness for at least the next two years like some rabid algore, is our heroic Crime Fighter, former America's Mayor — nay, Mayor of the World, Rudy Giuliani. He may very likely never receive Liberal Utopia's official endorsement for President of the United States. Nevertheless, as the Republican Party's sure-fire candidate for New York's America's Senator he has it now and until the Empire State becomes the last one singing the blues.
There's already even a bumper sticker:
Nations call on United States to exercise "restraint."T AMPA (MoonBatNews) — French envoys arrived in southern Florida today offering to negotiate a cease-fire between the United States and Cuba after the latest in a series of missile attacks by that island nation against the sunshine state killed eight nursery school children and seriously injured seven others, U.S. federal and state officials said. Tuesday afternoon's missile attack on the Happy Kidz Nursery School in Palmetto Bay was "inadvertent," said a spokesman for Cuban president Fidel Castro. The actual target was "the national guard armory" several blocks away, but a "slight miscalculation in the missile's trajectory" caused it to slam into a playground outside the school where at least twenty children were playing. "We regret the loss of any innocent life," the spokesman said. "But it is George Bush's fault for allowing legitimate military targets to be placed so close to civilian areas."
The office of Florida governor Jeb Bush issued a response claiming that no national guard armory is located in Palmetto Bay, and that the nearest one is "about ten miles away" from where the missile hit. Calls to the governor's office seeking elaboration were not returned.
Last week a similar attack on Key West caused 12 injuries but no deaths. It was the fifth bombardment of that town — the closest to Cuba's mainland — in as many months after a French-brokered temporary cease-fire collapsed when President Bush made a disparaging comment about Mr. Castro's beard. Mr. Bush's comment was caught by reporters because he "forgot" to turn off his microphone during a photo op. As a result, at least 37 residents of Key West have been killed in missile strikes.
Across Florida, a total of 325 missile-related deaths and nearly a thousand injuries have been reported since Cuba began firing allegedly Venezuelan-supplied rockets into the state. The first missile hit Homestead last December, destroying several homes and killing two and wounding 14 in a residential neighborhood. The international community promptly condemned Mr. Bush after he ordered an air strike against government offices in Havana in response to the attack. Three Cuban defense officials, including a pregnant woman, were murdered in the unannounced U.S. nighttime raid. United Nations secretary-general Kofi A. Annan said it was a "disproportionate use of force" by the U.S. military against the much weaker country, and called on all parties to cease "the cycle of violence."
France's head envoy, Pierre LePue, says he has "high hopes that the Americans will finally show some restraint, stop all this senseless violence, and return to the negotiating table" so a permanent cease-fire can be reached. "My team and I have brought with us an ample supply of white flags to pass out to any American who wants one, including Mr. Bush. It's up to all of them to decide whether they want peace."
A whiny American evacuee refugee Bush-blaming moonbat who escaped from Lebanon, as well as all his MSM agents provocateur, contributed to this story.
Starring The Rev. Jacques O. Strich, Pastor, Church of Liblism.
It would be worth ten million lives.I ran is the underlying obstacle to world peace. Without its terrorist-supporting, missile-proliferating, nuclear weaponry-building, dictatorship-propping regime of extremely insane despotic zealots determined to destroy every democracy and democratic movement in the Middle East and beyond, North Korea and Syria would loose their greatest material backer and have to behave like civilized nations, al-Qaeda, Hezbollah, Hamas, and other terrorists groups would crumble and have to disband, Israel finally would be at peace with all her neighbors and have no more external enemies, Iraq would achieve full democracy and have no more internal chaos, the United States finally would eliminate the threat of international terrorism and have no more need for any large-scale deployment of troops overseas, Russia, China, and Germany would enjoy a completely stable oil supply and have no more economic or political justifications for courting and assisting regional tyrants, and the Iranian people themselves finally would be liberated from their mullahist oppressors and have the first real chance in decades of truly living in peace. Examining any plausible worst-case scenario of the fallout from Hamas and Hezbollah's current full-scale war against Israel, such as that broken down by Froggy at Blackfive (Radioactive Liberty via FIAR's comment at His Imperial Condemneeness's site), there always stands out one essential, overarching element: Iran. Specifically, its berserk regime's continuous and blatant violations of international norms by supplying vital military arms, equipment, and expertise to terrorist groups arrayed against Israel and the West and to dictatorships in both Syria and North Korea. Remove this element and any such fallout remains confined to within a few dozen miles of the Mediterranean Sea's easternmost shoreline. Indeed®, if Iran's finger, now present in practically all such Middle Eastern messes, were absent altogether, there'd be absolutely no fallout anywhere because no terrorists would have the means to ever seriously contemplate engaging in such a war against Israel — or continuing their wider war against us, for that matter. Whatever hope islamofascist terrorists might have of either war's success wouldn't even exist to begin with.
Right now the same could be said about the success of any negotiations with the Islamofascist Republic of Iran. Given its leaders' policy-driving belief in an apocalyptic return of "the Hidden (or Last) Iman" "at the end of time to lead an era of Islamic justice," rumored to begin late next month, how long any clear thinking person will be able to come up with at least one convincing reason, or even rationalization, why we can afford to continue grasping at ever depleting staws of hope which Iran's gibbering mullahs are only willing to offer us, is at this point anyone's guess. Although the last shot at coming up with any may have already passed, one such person has, somehow, remarkably managed it.
In blinding contrast to the disproportionate use of farce, bias, and outright stupidity by the Vatican, the BBC (e.g., implying Israel's "agenda" includes settling "old scores" and claiming the U.S. "is reluctant to act and has lost influence in the Arab world over Iraq") and other leftistream media, the Neuteredpeeing Union, and, of course, Korrupti Anon, there stands the educated voice of reason of Iranian-born author Amir Taheri (my dad):
- There are not many ways in which the war fought between the Islamic Republic and the "Infidel" world ends. One could envisage a large hot episode that might create more headaches for the US and its allies than the liberation of Iraq. But even then there is no guarantee that the Islamic Republic, under Ahmadinejad or anyone else, would survive.
But the war could also end if the war party now ascendant in Tehran is exposed and effectively opposed. Many elements within the Khomeinist establishment know that the radical group now in power is leading the country towards war and possible disaster. But they cannot speak out when the whole world sees that Ahmadinejad has successfully defied the international community without suffering the slightest setback so far.
Those who wish to end this war, or at least prevent a new hot episode in it, must make it clear to the new leadership in Tehran that it is alone in its policy of posturing and provocation. The message to Tehran should be that no one in the region, let alone the broader Muslim world, is prepared to help him trigger the "clash of civilisations" the radical Khomeinists dream and speak of.
Such a message would strengthen the hand of those within the Tehran establishment that know that this unnecessary and un-winnable war has gone on far too long and that the sooner it is brought to end the better for all concerned — above all the people of Iran.
His analysis of Iran and Syria's proxy war against Israel is spot on as well. Should Mr. Taheri's sage advice go unheeded, especially in Tehran, then the Ahmadinejihadists' days must be, for world peace's sake, tangibly numbered. Sooner rather than later; because the way matters are now proceeding, many of us in this country won't be around to see that later. To that end I offer this modest proposal:
Use every means at our disposal to permanently remove this underlying obstacle to world peace. No general warning. No dropping of leaflets. No background briefings with fifth columnists. To make it so official that not even our U.S. Supreme Sores will get the chance to muck any of this up, now or later on, the Congress should formally and secretly (for as long as necessary, as permitted under Article I, Section 5, Clause 3 of our Constitution) declare war on the Ismaniac Republic of Iran. Congress' declaration should require the president to directly (1) inform Iran's head of state that a formal state of war exists between our two nations, and (2) at the same time issue him an ultimatum that he has one hour to procure his regime's unconditional surrender to our international coalition or face the total thermonuclear annihilation of Tehran, warning him that if he tries to escape or tries to warn its populous beforehand the city's annihilation will commence immediately. Whatever the outcome, Iran's despots will at last be deposed and the threat of their supplying terrorists, aiding dictatorships, and developing nuclear weapons, which has hung too long over the world, will at last be over for good. Although it is unlikely the Congress would have to repeat these same proceedings for Pyongyang or Damascus, the possibility of doing so in either or both of their cases, if that necessity still exists, should not be ruled out.
Will we suffer reprisals? If we do they won't come from Russia or China. Both have too much to lose to risk aligning themselves with a set of very deposed and most probably very dead madmen, and too much to gain to risk interfering with the establishment of a new, democratic form of Iranian government which benefits them both by bringing political and commercial stability to that strategic region. If any reprisals do come they'll likely be from the subsequently scattered, dwindling number of sleeper cells that retain, even after the elimination of all their main suppliers, some reserve of non replenishable resources to conduct one last desperate, suicidal attack each. We can prevent almost all of these by placing our nation on alert one last time, starting with severe right before the ultimatum is issued then dropping to high once we accept the despotic Iranian regime's unconditional surrender, until this threat too finally passes.
Will there be tremendous suffering? Definitely, in the short run. Yet after only a few years into the half-century of unprecedented global peace, the entire world will bless us for having finally found the courage to do whatever it takes to end, once and for all, World War IV.
Postscript. After nearly a half-decade of fighting a mostly cold World War III, the American psyche suffered considerable harm. It's response to being threateningly pushed had been if you push us, not only will we push back but we'll keep pushing until you won't be able to push us or anyone else ever again. That's what we did to Japan and Germany in WWII. We totally broke them of their warmongering ways, turning them both into utter peaceniks. In WWIII, with the nuclear Sword of Damocles hanging over everyone's heads, any idea of pushing back, even slightly or indirectly, meant risking total destruction of both the pusher and the pushee. Winning that war would instead require poking and prodding, pinpricking and papercutting until the other side simply threw up their hands and caved in. That's what we did to the former Soviet Union. We totally broke it of nothing more than its needling, meddlesome ways, turning it into a cracked, surly half-ally. What didn't end with that war was the idea that pushing back, even against pissant tyrannies like Iran or North Korea, would mean risking cataclysmic destruction. The people living in the past who're still fighting in such cold-war terms — also known as liberals, or the fwench — see our pushing back in any way, even after being pushed beyond all tolerance and reason, as always highly irresponsible and dangerous. Their judgments feelings in these matters are completely driven by that one, no longer realistic or assured fear of mutual destruction. Pinprick and papercut the pusher to death is their sole answer, as they blissfully ignore the fact that prodding and poking at insane regimes on the fast track to possessing nuclear arsenals only makes those regimes much more insane, angry, and dangerous, and is thus much worse than pushing back until they can't push anyone ever again. Such regimes don't understand anything else. They push, we prick, they look strong, we look weak; they push more, we prick some more, etc. This cycle of acquiescence continues until the only thing we can be assured of is that we'll quickly end up with Hitlers, Pearl Harbors, or Nukenutty Mullahs stomping on our deboned backs.
As Backfive commenter JOE Norman puts it,
- We have become a shell of our former selves! Things get a little dicey in Iraq and we're all ready to bail out, a'la Veitnam. Take away the Warrior class, and we have become a nation of P*****s! Our culture is rotting from various self inflicted social cancers, and we just skip along la-di-da like everything is Okey-Dokey! We can't wait to get home in the evening to watch the latest episode of "entertainment tonight" or "Survivor" while the very survival of our Republic, our CIVILIZATION, hangs over this precarious precipice!
This world is a dangerous and brutal place. We need to become dangerous and brutal people to those in this world who would seek to take away our way of life.
Kat at CatHouse Chat ably sums up what we can and must do about it ( damnum absque injuria via Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler). - And if America will grow up, quit whining and insisting on perfection, and knuckle down and do the job, we'll destroy the monsters, rebuild Iraq, and come home — and I bet we could do it within a year.
Inaugurating the Utopia's countdown to VH Day. This is the first front-page post showing my blogroll of freedom-loving candidates' Web logs. When it drops off, I'll post the next one along with link updates, news, etc., repeating the process until Victory-at-Home Day.
Feel free to post additional links in the comments. As you can see there aren't many right now. I found two sources of them, one at Beltway Blogroll and the other at Bivings Report (an Excel file). Googling "candidate blogs" yields mostly various analyses of their use and usefulness. Hopefully more such blogs will spring up in the coming months. Whenever a new one does I'll add it to the blogroll.
The blogroll's OPML file is at this link (right-click to save). I may update this post before it drops off the front page.
It's all right there in Common Article 47, Protocol Annex B-7, Paragraph 36, Attachment N, Statement IV of the High Contracting Parties, Reference L of "International Law"O f course it's not anywhere to be found among the only binding documents that actually apply to Lebanon and its government's desperate but vain attempts to thwart Iran and Syria's Anschluss of their country, such as: - RESOLUTION 1559 (2004)
Adopted by the Security Council at its 5028th meeting, on 2 September 2004
The Security Council,
Recalling all its previous resolutions on Lebanon, in particular resolutions 425 (1978) and 426 (1978) of 19 March 1978, resolution 520 (1982) of 17 September 1982, and resolution 1553 (2004) of 29 July 2004 as well as the statements of its President on the situation in Lebanon, in particular the statement of 18 June 2000 (S/PRST/2000/21),
Reiterating its strong support for the territorial integrity, sovereignty and political independence of Lebanon within its internationally recognized borders,
Noting the determination of Lebanon to ensure the withdrawal of all non-Lebanese forces from Lebanon,
Gravely concerned at the continued presence of armed militias in Lebanon, which prevent the Lebanese Government from exercising its full sovereignty over all Lebanese territory,
Reaffirming the importance of the extension of the control of the Government of Lebanon over all Lebanese territory,
Mindful of the upcoming Lebanese presidential elections and underlining the importance of free and fair elections according to Lebanese constitutional rules devised without foreign interference or influence,
1. Reaffirms its call for the strict respect of the sovereignty, territorial integrity, unity, and political independence of Lebanon under the sole and exclusive authority of the Government of Lebanon throughout Lebanon;
2. Calls upon all remaining foreign forces to withdraw from Lebanon;
3. Calls for the disbanding and disarmament [that includes Katyusha, Zelzal (Nazeat), Shehab, or Fajr missiles labeled "Proudly Made in Iran"] of all Lebanese and non-Lebanese militias;
4. Supports the extension of the control of the Government of Lebanon over all Lebanese territory;
5. Declares its support for a free and fair electoral process in Lebanon's upcoming presidential election conducted according to Lebanese constitutional rules devised without foreign interference or influence;
6. Calls upon all parties concerned [that means you too, Iran] to cooperate fully and urgently with the Security Council for the full implementation of this and all relevant resolutions concerning the restoration of the territorial integrity, full sovereignty, and political independence of Lebanon;
7. Requests that the Secretary-General report to the Security Council within thirty days on the implementation by the parties of this resolution and decides to remain actively seized of the matter.
Even the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, dubbed by AlGore "Washington's most respected center for studies on the Middle East," sees how far Iran, Syria and Hizballah have gone toward promoting the latter's "overriding goal within Lebanon...to safeguard its resistance, in particular its weapons and military capability." Hizballah's confidence grew in December 2005 with the emergence of an anti-Western axis centered on Damascus and Tehran. This axis prefers defiance to accommodation. Syria is a geostrategic linchpin connecting Tehran to Hizballah; Damascus facilitates the transfer of Iranian weapons to Hizballah. It's time to quit playing pattycakes with these terrorists and their state facilitators. The only hope we have of quickly achieving total victory in this total war the islamofacists have declared on and are waging against all of us "satans" (Great, Little, and In Between) is for all of us to wage total war back.
The ever-predictable response of cornered liberals.O utlaws are always desperate to come up with any excuse for their pernicious crimes — whatever they feel will soften up law-abiding citizens enough to let them off the hook or, at the very least, avoid the noose. The excuse used most often is: "Well, he did it too! If you're going to go after me you should go after him also. Why are you just picking on me?" This may seem an appeal to your sense of fairness. Its intent, of course, is to make you feel guilty for having singled out one committer of a crime while apparently giving another committer of the same crime a pass. But you're being manipulated. The outlaw knows that most decent people always want to be viewed as fair-minded. In fact, he's counting on it. He's hoping you will feel such guilt whenever he accuses you of not treating him and all others equally. He needs you to shift your focus away from his heinous crime and on that guilt-ridden quandary into which he's trying to maneuver you.
What the outlaw wants you to ignore or forget as a result, besides his original villainy, is that every crime or criminal is different. The circumstances surrounding each are never the same as any other. The most glaring of all differences between this excuse-making outlaw and every other is that he was the one who got caught first.
In any crime involving moral turpitude, such as overt treason or recklessly and maliciously endangering the lives of others, there is always a lead instigator of that crime. No matter how many others may be involved, someone had to have the initial volition to take the action that caused or will cause another person severe or mortal harm. The outlaw who leads his gang on a destructive rampage through our streets or through our national defenses, exposing everyone there to extreme danger, has already singled himself out. He's intentionally serving as an example to all the other members of his gang, showing them what they can and cannot, should and should not do. Whatever happens to him, good or bad, they believe the same thing will befall them if they do exactly what he does. That's why it's crucially important to go after the ringleader first if you can. You put him out of business, and his crime-committing enterprise will suffer a humiliating blow. You'll help put a stop to more crimes like the ones that head outlaw had been instigating.
The DNCrimes is such an outlaw. It led the charge to put at greater risk the American people and their public servants by revealing details useful to but previously unknown by our ruthless, bloodthirsty enemy, regarding a non-domestic financial monitoring program that has already successfully helped us capture several of his deadliest operatives. Such captures manifestly prove that our enemy was totally unaware of those useful details. Yet while we know these eager operatives and others like them want to kill us and our families, the Blew Our Cover Slimes doesn't care. Its bosses would rather offer excuses of how they weren't the only ones who betrayed us to the islamonazis: "Hundreds of newspapers and radio stations and television channels and bloggers and water-cooler tongue waggers are all guilty of doing the same thing." It's as if they're trying to say, "Everyone did it, let's move on." That EDILMO excuse may work when one of its endorsed corrupt presidents has been caught perjuring himself before one of our grand juries in an attempt to undermine his victim's sexual harassment case against him. It doesn't work when the Compromise Us Crimes itself has been caught attempting to undermine, to the point of sabotage, our country's war efforts.
So its executive editor Sheik Abill Hamza al-Mukeller needn't try to manipulate us with such puzzling and half-hearted excuses. It's very obvious that the ones feeling guilty around here aren't the decent people of America. Nor are they the ones desperately trying to circle the wagons. The only way out of the misbegotten corner into which al-Mukeller and his fellow excuse makers are maneuvering themselves is to start with an apology for allowing their deranged hatred of everything and everyone not as liberal as they to relentlessly drive and corrupt their editorial policies and professed commitment to "making the world a better, safer, cleaner, more equal place."
The stench-filled cloud of desperation and brazen arrogance and treason now hovering over all of them won't dissipate unless and until they answer, fairly and accurately, the following questions. To be believed, they must cite considerable evidence supporting each of their answers. After all, we cannot consider that evidence if we don't know about it.
Liberal Utopia Corp. Inc., Ltd. LC Local 666, VRWC Blogspot, Internets 66102-15100 Telephone: 1-866-HAL-BRTN E-mail: krove-minion@redmeat4cons.com July 13, 2006 His Sheikiness Abill Musab our-Killer The Screw Yoozguys Crimes 229 West 43rd Street New York, New York 10036 Telephone: 1-888-NYT-NEWS E-mail: executive-editor@nytimes.com Re: TreasonDear Sheik our-Killer: Why are you trying to harm my family and me? Do you enjoy helping terrorists? How about coming clean with your real reasons for making our government's job of protecting the American people much harder, so that the public can have an informed view of them? Do you think feel any effective tool for preventing further terrorism can or should ever be considered a "stopgap measure"? Are you suggesting that one such tool, the Terrorist Finance Tracking Program, is no longer useful or needed? that terrorists long ago ceased transferring their funds through the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication (SWIFT) and the only thing our National Security Agency really has been monitoring ever since is Aunt Martha's checking account? So the terrorists "already knew" the details you published about the SWIFT monitoring program? How do you know this? Have you interviewed Hambali and asked him, "After the United States captured you, did you go 'Doh! I could've had a V8' because you stupidly forgot that it was monitoring those specific fund transfers?"? Did Osloba bat Cavedweller mention it during one of his many phone conversations he's had with you or your office? Can you cite even one quote, source, or wishful fantasy that specifically shows exactly what the terrorists knew and when they knew it? Do you realize that the claim "TerrorristsAlreadyKnew!™ all the details about the then-classified Terrorist Finance Tracking Program's SWIFT monitoring efforts because the Bush administration said it was 'determined to monitor terrorist financial transactions'" is as weak as "BushAlreadyKnew!™ all the details about the September 11, 2001 suicide/mass-homicide sneak attacks launched against four landmark targets because the terrorists said they were 'determined to attack us somewhere in the United States'"? Do you also realize that SWIFT will continue to cooperate with us only as long as our monitoring operations do not jeopardize the safety or destroy the confidence of its legitimate members? Do the words "SWIFT received significant protections and assurances as to the purpose, confidentiality, oversight and control of the limited sets of data produced under the (U.S.) subpoenas" and "Independent audit controls provide additional assurance that these protections are fully complied with" not mean anything to you? and do they not further undermine your eggspurts' nonspecific allegations of illegality and, thus, your entire justification for giving terrorists specific information about those national security operations? Regarding your post-tipoff justification, can you come up with anything better than " Though officials appear never to have mentioned the Swift program, they have repeatedly described their cooperation with financial networks to identify accounts held by people and organizations linked to terrorism"? We will be listening patiently and attentively to your answers, if any. In the meantime, is it possible for you to stop informing the terrorists about our planned troop movements? Rovianly yours, Libsareb Raindead Communications Director, Redmeat Aquisitions Department No doubt we'll receive his honest answers when Lucifer becomes a Frosty the Snowman look-alike, every pig a consumer of Terrorist Times Birdcage Liner®, and any Deunhingedrat leader an actual patriot. We know that the terrorists would have never found out the exact details of how we're monitoring their finances without any inside help. We also know that had any would-be leakers treasonous dogs who knew those details, disclosed that information to their spouses, buddies at the gym, or local ice cream vendors, the terrorists would have never found out about them without some near-impossible stroke of unbelievably gargantuan luck. Mainly, we know that the terrorists would have to possess the diametrical opposite of what al-Qeller asserts is their monumental intelligence to have never found out about those details after he ordered their publication in the New York Times Terrorist Daily Briefings.
At least anyone who loves their country and isn't a deranged Bush-hater knows all this. For examples:
The dean of one university library doesn't believe offering pro-terrorist counterintelligence materials in any way promotes its mission.
UIW library boss cancels the N.Y. Times in protest [Drudge]
Web Posted: 06/30/2006 12:00 AM CDT
Melissa Ludwig Express-News Staff Writer
The dean of library services at the University of the Incarnate Word has canceled the library's subscription to the New York Times to protest articles exposing a secret government program that monitors international financial transactions in the hunt for terrorists. Seeing how UIW's Library "serves to support the academic process with an appropriate collection of resources, offered in a spirit of Christian service, in a setting where equipment and facilities promote excellence in learning with materials to educate, inspire and recreate," it's easy to understand why it isn't subscribing anymore to a "newspaper" that propagandizes and otherwise spies for an international organization that views libraries only as potential targets. From: Morgan, Mendell D Sent: Wednesday, June 28, 2006 1:30 PM Subject: New York Times cancellation
I have cancelled the J. E. and L. E. Mabee Library subscription to the print version of the New York Times effective today. For some years, many have observed a change in quality and shift in coverage in what was once "the national newspaper of record". Recently they made a very deliberate decision to publish vital intelligence information on specific methods of SWIFT for tracing money transfers used to fund terrorist activities in many parts of the world. The US government held meetings with them to discuss this sensitive information and had specifically asked them, along with other news organizations, not to make this information public on the grounds of national security interests. Despite the explanation of the serious and sensitive nature of this information, the New York Times decided to make it public, so everyone, including the sworn enemies of the United States, would be fully informed. Now we all know. In time of war — and we are in a time of war — this specific information is not something the average citizen needs and the enemy most certainly does not. This kind of intelligence operation had been successfully used to apprehend some of the terrorists who have perpetrated crimes, and prevented some other planned actions. These methods are among those that have prevented further 9/11 attacks in our country and kept us relatively safe in our homeland so far. This recent disclosure has now neutralized a valuable method of finding information to keep us safe and placed us and our families in a more vulnerable position. It may also prolong the war effort and claim more American (and other) lives at home and abroad. Since no one elected the New York Times to determine national security policy, the only action I know to register protest for their irresponsible action (treason?) is to withdraw support of their operations by canceling our subscription as many others are doing. If enough do perhaps they will get the point.
Mendell D. Morgan, Jr. Dean of Library Services
Hard to continue a process, academic or otherwise, if al-Qaeda receives now-untracable funds to purchase explosives or deadly gases which reduce your buildings to rubble or their occupants to smoldering lumps of lifeless flesh, respectively.
"Since no one elected the New York Times to determine national security policy, the only action I know to register protest for their irresponsible action (treason?) is to withdraw support of their operations by canceling our subscription as many others are doing," Mendell D. Morgan Jr. wrote Wednesday in an e-mail to library staffers. "If enough do, perhaps they will get the point."
The only problem with the above statement is that it inexplicably includes a question mark.
The university released a statement Thursday saying Morgan had the authority to remove the newspaper.
"The University of the Incarnate Word does not take an official position on the recent decision to cancel the subscription of the New York Times at the university's library," the statement said. "This decision was made by the administrator in charge of the library whose authority extends to the contents of the library, and thus it was within his purview to make this decision. The university is supportive of the First Amendment, a free press and of the presentation of diverse points of view."
As is the case with NSA's monitoring of terrorist finances, the library administrator's action here is perfectly legal. If UIW's Department of Weasels Studies wishes to posit that any printed matter extremely supportive of terrorist operations presents a diverse point of view — and, technically, it is correct in the sense that only a few deeply disturbed malcontents like Slewing You Grimes executive editors actually hold this view — then that's its business. Such has no bearing on the library administrator's decision to contribute not another penny of university funds towards supporting terrorist operations.
Morgan was on vacation and not available for comment. UIW President Lou Agnese and board Chairman Fully Clingman also were away and couldn't be reached for comment.
The move outraged [just two] library staffers , who complained the dean was censoring information based on personal beliefs.
Originally the two library staffers were all outraged by the fact their boss was on vacation and they weren't. This fact may explain, too, the relative safety of engaging in all that outrageous complaining which they felt at the time.
As for their last complaint: Yes, a personal belief that the Slimes is working on the side of al-Qaeda to make it easier for the latter to kill us all, could very well form a reasonable basis for any move to save both money and lives by altogether eliminating one source of either organization's funding.
Staff member Jennifer Romo said she and [one of] her co-workers were shocked when they received Morgan's e-mail.
"The censorship is just unspeakable," Romo said. "There is no reason, no matter what your beliefs, to deny a source of information to students."
"Censorship"? Typical liberal exaggeration, to assert that denying someone a very small source of business revenue is tantamount to denying him the "right" to print intelligence information that every al-Qaeda cutthroat, whether literate or not, would find extremely useful.
Although anything that helps deny any such source of information to terrorists is a very big plus for our side, as far as anyone knows the only place the New Espionage Crimes' print edition is no longer publicly available is at one small private Catholic university library in San Antonio, Texas. Even there, no student is being "denied" this source of information. They just have to exercise their right to choose whether to help finance, at a buck a shot, Abill Muslib al-Zitqeller's Open Sending of Aidful Messages to Al-Qaeda (OSAMA-Q) project. They can easily do that at its newsstand down the street, if not right outside the library's front door. (That is, if they don't understand the intricacies of using any of the library's free public computer terminals to access the Internets™ and browse that project's treason-fonted website.)
The removal also runs counter to the American Library Association's Bill of Rights, which states: "Libraries should provide materials and information presenting all points of view on current and historical issues. Materials should not be proscribed or removed because of partisan or doctrinal disapproval."
What about because of specific disapproval of the materials' proven record of repeatedly adhering to our country's mass-murdering enemy, giving him aid and comfort? Is desiring to not be killed by bloodthirsty terrorists some kind of doctrine or an expression of partisanship when you proscribe materials that keep trying to make such desire less probable?
Sheltered liberals and other legal experts roaming the corridors of the ALA or APee may consider materials related to our classified intelligence operations simply another point of view. Fortunately, Americans who love their country and hate her deadly enemies believe with every fiber of their being that these materials should be proscribed from any further appearances on the front pages of the Enemy Times. Barring that, they — and as it so happens, the mandates of U.S. law — will settle on proscribing every unauthorized publisher of any such materials from ever freely walking our streets again.
The New York Times, followed by other papers [one other paper: The Los Angeles Times; the rest were merely regurgitating what was by then old news], published the articles [helpful tipoffs, aka A Few Of The Terrorists' Favorite Things (© Rodgers & Hammerstein Qeller & Litchblau, 2006)]. The Bush administration and conservative bloggers and commentators quickly attacked the reports, lashing out at media, especially the Times. Vice President Dick Cheney singled out the newspaper during a speech in Nebraska. In a letter to the Times posted on the Treasury Department's Web site, outgoing Secretary John Snow said the paper "alerted terrorists to the methods and sources used to track their money trails."
(Above edited for clarity.)
U.S. Rep. Pete King, R-N.Y., who chairs the House Homeland Security Committee, said in a letter released Monday that the attorney general should investigate the Times for possible violation of the Espionage Act.
(Above not edited because everything Rep. King, R[ealman]-N.Y., said in that letter is the epitome of clarity.)
The House on Thursday approved a Republican-crafted resolution condemning news organizations for revealing the program, saying the disclosure had "placed the lives of Americans in danger."
The resolution, passed 227-183 on a largely party-line vote, didn't specifically name the Times or other news organizations that reported the story.
(Above would've been edited had the Republican- littlegirl-crafted resolution made abundantly clear exactly who placed all our lives in danger: Abill al-Qeller's The New Treason Times and Mohamedean Attaba al-Quet's The Lose The War Times. Because the Housewives cowardly refused to name names in order to avoid being called bad names in one of bad ol' Abill's egomaniacal front-page letters, there was nothing their toddlers in the Senate could do but cry and run behind Arlen Specter's committee the nearest skirt.
The Times reported Tuesday that its managing editor, Bill K [Osama bill Q]eller, said in an e-mail statement that the decision to publish the story was "a hard call."
After thirteen and a half rounds of "he loves us/he loves us not," it finally settled on the "hard call" that bin Laden does love the al-Qaeda Times.
He noted the Bush administration has launched a number of "broad, secret programs" aimed at fighting terrorism since 9-11.
Whereas "narrow, open programs" aimed at such would be much, much better... for the terrorists.
He went on to say: "I think [sic(k)] it would be arrogant for us to pre-empt the work of Congress and the courts by deciding these programs are perfectly legal and abuse-proof, based entirely on the word of the government."
Whereas pre-empting the work of the Executive Branch — specifically its prosecution of World War IV — by deciding these programs are perfectly suited as another thinly veiled vehicle for your insinuations of illegality and abuse, wouldn't be, Sheik al-Qeller? You've gone off the deep end is more like it.
In his e-mail to library staff, Dean Morgan wrote of a "change in quality and shift in coverage in what was once 'the national newspaper of record'"
That's what happens when a bird-cage liner's executive editor arrogantly decides that being the propaganda arm of Damas (Deanokrat Al-Murthawama Al-Islamophilya), Pelozbu'llah, Dhimmiqrudic Jihad, al-DNC Martyrs' Brigade and other libtardist organizations is much more important than objectively gathering and responsibly reporting facts.
...and said that neither average citizens nor enemy terrorists needed to know about the classified program in a time of war. Seeing how the Mujahadeen Media doesn't really feel we're at war, there's no point — besides those crowning their collectivist heads — trying to convince them that their "even terrorists have a right to know" editorial policy is dangerously wrong. Romo, the UIW library staffer, said she respects Morgan's opinion about the newspaper's decision to publish the reports.
Disregard this entire expression of respect. It's about to be completely overshadowed by that Giant But float everyone sees coming down 5th Avenue...
She added, however, Or his twin brother Giant However... ...that using the university library is the wrong way to express his views. It's neither a view nor an opinion. It's a judgment. One that people who are responsible for a building's security as well as its occupants' safety have to make every day: "Should I install metal detectors, or not?" "Is the number of fire exits on this floor sufficient, or not?" "Do I continue to support or assist something that's working to get us all killed, or not?" Those sorts of things. "We understand that pornography and things not of an academic nature don't have a place in the library, but this is the New York Times," Romo said.
Look, if you really feel that passionately devoted to it, why not go all the way and bear Abill Qeller's love child, or something? Just because terrorists and their useful idiots find most of what they read in The Treasonous Crimes helpful and informative doesn't mean anyone else who might visit your library would. Besides, the dispute over how much (not whether) the Show Troopmovement Times knowingly and willfully assists terrorist programs aimed at blowing up buildings like yours is "not of an academic nature" at all.
"Whether it leans either way, Helping the terrorists or not helping them... ...it is still a staple and representation of views in our country." Like the view that materials related to our classified intelligence operations should never be kept secret. Or the one that it wouldn't be arrogant to decide all programs administered by a Democorruptic president are perfectly legal and abuse-proof, based entirely on the word of the DNC Whines. Romo's colleague, Tom Rice, a recent graduate of the University of North Texas library sciences program, said that in pulling the Times, the library contradicted everything he learned in school.
Like how giving financial or other material support to those who repeatedly betray your countrymen to the enemy in time of war is, to say the least, unethical. ...Wait, it's not that at all. Plus he never would've learned that in UNT's library sciences program anyway. This is something he should have learned in the third grade:
- "Now, class. Can anyone tell me why they feel the Revolutionary War people were very mad at Benedict Arnold after he told the British some secrets about one of our forts? Yes, Mendell?"
"Miss Churchill, I think it was because he tried to make it easier for the British to shoot and kill our people at that fort."
"Don't you feel that Benedict Arnold weighed this concern very heavily before he decided to tell the British about it?"
"I don't know. All I know is that what he did was very bad. He was trying to hurt us."
"That's your opinion, Mendell. Does anyone have a different opinion? Yes, Jenny. Tell us what you feel."
"I know that Benedict Arnold opposed the war because he thought it was wrong. The Revolutionary War people should not have been so mean to him. It's their fault he did what he did."
"Very good, Jenny. Yes, Tommy? You have something to add?"
"I do, Miss Churchill. Mendell is just a big ol' meany. Everyone should be able to tell anyone whatever they want about anything, as long as it isn't racist and stuff. It's a free country."
"Another excellent point. Thank you, Tommy. Now we'll discuss why some people have fascist attitudes like Mendell's."
"What does fascist mean?"
"Well, Jenny, it can mean many things. But mostly it's when people who call themselves conservatives run around using war as an excuse for stealing other people's oil or shutting down libraries."
"That's mean!"
O.K. So maybe Tommy didn't learn it then, either. "We felt like we were in an alternate reality when we read the e-mail," Rice said.
This self-awareness of a problem that also exists when he's not reading any e-mails is a healthy first step. Although there is no cure for advanced forms of moonbatitis, effective treatment is available. It usually begins with stopping cold-turkey any more reading of the Spies-R-Us Slimes.
"Then we realized how serious it was." Listen, drama queen. It wasn't like the dean was hanging swastikas all over the library before burning every book that didn't have a flattering picture of Das Führer Bushitler on its front cover. He merely canceled the library's subscription to one newspaper whose slogan truly happens to be "All the Intelligence That's Fit for Terrorists."
Andrew Herkovic, communications director for Stanford University's libraries in California, said staffers make decisions about what they collect for readers, but don't make those decisions on political grounds.
Which isn't the case here. On national-security grounds, yes. On not wanting to help anyone who wants to help terrorists grounds, most definitely. Even on thinking that 9-11 was a Bad Thing and having to go through another 9-11 because a traitorous rag makes editorial decisions on nothing but political grounds without the least perceptible regard for our nation's well-being is a Worst Thing grounds.
Dean Morgan isn't the Bad Guy. Traitors whose treason will get thousands more of us killed are, along with their defenders.
Like UIW, Stanford is a private university.
"We would not withhold information from our readers as an expression of disapproval of an important news source," Herkovic said. Even if that news source helps terrorists increase their potential for getting at and butchering your whole family? How enlightened of you.
Two UIW students studying outside the library Thursday said they took issue with the Times reports, but did not think it was appropriate to remove the newspaper from the library because it's an academic source.
As it so happens both students were in the middle of writing a thesis paper on "The Probable Consequential Sociopolitical Effects and Macroeconomic Costs of Domestic Media's Divulgence of Information Useful to International Terrorist Organizations." They needed the latest issues of the Loose Liblipped Crimes as relevant source material to complete it.
"I don't think they should have done it," said Richard Renteria, a 29-year-old senior.
"How am I ever going to finish my paper if I have to pay actual money to get those latest issues? After all, my fraternity's expecting me to chip in for the kegger next week."
This isn't the first time librarians have resisted pressure to limit patrons' freedom or access to information.
Whhah? Dean Morgan is not an employee, officer, or official of the United States Government or of any government. He's the head of a private Catholic university library. No one and nothing pressured him to exercise his sole authority to cancel its future receipt of any more terrorist aid-and-comfort bulletins. Nothing, that is, other than his obvious, deeply ingrained love of country and a strong sense of personal concern for all his fellow citizens.
This is a very poor segue, Asshaturated Press, into your equally obvious, deeply ingrained love to twist whatever you can into your fantasized "Bushitler Gestapo Shut Down All Libraries And Confiscate All Newspaper Presses" template.
This week, federal authorities dropped their demand under the U.S. Patriot Act for the identities of patrons who logged on to a Connecticut public library computer in February 2005. The decision came more than a year after local librarians resisted and the American Civil Liberties Union filed suit. Sounds pretty awful, doesn't it? Since the Assiduouslybiased Press isn't one for letting you know the rest of the story, especially when that part contradicts everything its "reporters" learned in al-jazeernalism school (i.e., Conservative baaaad. Liberal goooood. The End. Here's your diploma.), you might want to read the following before trying to figure out the safest route to the Swiss border. Washington D.C. FBI National Press Office (202) 324-3691 For Immediate Release June 26, 2006
Response To ACLU Statement On Connecticut National Security Letter Case
In May of 2005, the FBI issued a National Security Letter (NSL) to "The Library Connection". The Library Connection is a consortium that provides back office support to a group of Connecticut libraries. The NSL requested information relating to a single computer that had been used to send information about a potential terrorist threat. The NSL states that the FBI was seeking specific information on any subscriber of billing information relating to a specific computer used within the 45 minute time period on the day the threat information was transmitted from a library’s computer. It is important to note that the information sought had nothing to do with obtaining reading lists of library patrons or any other information that would be reasonably considered intrusive upon any individual’s rights as a library patron. Obtaining information that could lead to the identity of the person who used a specific computer, at a specific time, to transmit threat information would have helped the FBI more efficiently investigate and evaluate an alleged threat involving terrorism. Under the law in effect in June 2005, the NSL was the most logical prescribed investigative tool to use in seeking electronic subscriber information in a counterterrorism investigation. Since then, Congress has changed the law as it relates to the secrecy requirements of an NSL in certain cases. That and the fact that the investigation is now complete allow us to engage in this important discussion.
Ultimately, the FBI was able to investigate and over time, discount the threat that was transmitted over this computer that was part of the Library Connection’s network. Conducting that investigation was less efficient because of the failure of the Library Connection to comply with the NSL. In this case, because the threat ultimately was without merit, that delay came at no cost other than slowing the pace of the investigation. In another case, where the threat may be real, the delays incurred in this investigation could have increased the danger of terrorists succeeding. Protecting the rights of Americans against unlawful search and seizure is sacred trust to the men and women of the FBI. Protecting Americans from the threat of terrorism and doing so within the law is our highest priority. It is disingenuous for the ACLU to suggest that preventing the FBI from obtaining information about who used a computer to send information about a potential terrorist threat during a 45 minute period constitutes "a victory not just for librarians but for all Americans who value their privacy."
John Miller Assistant Director Federal Bureau of Investigation
So more than a few relevant facts were missing from AssPoo's unfair, unbalanced account. At least one media-watcher said she doubts Morgan's move will have much impact.
"In the real world, it's an almost futile act on many levels," said Kelly McBride, ethics [sic(ko)] group leader at the Poynter Institute, a journalism think tank in St. Petersburg, Fla. [named after "one of the most progressive" (that's "liberal" for those of you in Rio Linda®) "publishers in the United States"]. "From what we know about the reading habits of college students, it will not make a difference because they read online."
The Associated Alwaysbiased Press contributed to this report.
Then why all this big to-do if Dean Morgan's "almost futile act on many levels" — including attempting his level best to save money and lives — won't "have much impact"?
The worst part of the rest of this story is that, in only two days' time, Dean Morgan received plenty of external pressure to abandon any and all thought of refusing to contribute his library's funds toward the treasonous activities of terrorist-assisting wordsmiths. Consequently, not even he could resist all those girlish high-pitched shrieks commonly known as Incessant Liberal Whining™.
Fortunately a burgeoning number of press organizations which, like Dean Morgan, know that assisting terrorists is dangerous and irresponsible, not only are able to resist ILW in all its forms but actually make a very good living raking every odious opus of it over the factual coals. Among them is Human Events. Just as it did when a representative of the American Library Association's "book-smart, reality-stupid, Bush-deranged bigots" bad-mouthed our First Lady last month, the magazine's writers took great umbrage at NYTraitors appointing itself Declassifier-in-Chief of all our country's most sensitive war plans.
Echoing Congressman King, the editors weren't shy about recommending the only appropriate plan that comprehensively answers "What to do about the Crimes' treason?"
- It is time for the U.S. Justice Department to squeeze the Old Gray Lady until she squeals.
New York Times Editor Bill Keller and some of his reporters need to be hauled before a grand jury and forced to reveal who told them about a secret U.S. government program designed to detect financial transactions among al Qaeda terrorists.
If they refuse to cooperate, they should go to jail.
If liberal friends of the Times complain, they should encounter a simple refrain: Remember Valerie Plame. ...
It is highly likely the sources who leaked this story to the New York Times violated the law. Keller and his reporters are indispensable witnesses to that potential crime. This is not the sort of garden variety leak to the press that might call for prosecutorial discretion. It is a leak that damaged the U.S. cause in a congressionally authorized war against a murderous enemy.
The Plame case is a joke compared to this. Atty. Gen. Gonzales should name a special counsel. The counsel should subpoena relevant reporters and editors from the Times. They should be required to name names. The leakers should be prosecuted.
Columnist and Atlas Economic Research Foundation senior fellow Deroy Murdock understands that, while his hometown's largest newspaper al-Qaeda cell obviously has no sense of self-preservation, not even this can excuse its betraying the rest of us to homicidal islamonazis: - CIA, FBI, and NSA work tirelessly to connect the dots, which President Bush's critics (including the Times) slammed Bush for not doing before 9/11. Now that Washington connects the dots, the Times disconnects them....
The Justice Department should prosecute the officials who leaked the TFTP story and the Times-niks who publicized it. There is nothing funny about making it easier for al-Qaeda and its allies to turn Americans into body parts. Handcuffing a few disloyal newsmen and their bureaucratic sources for aiding and comforting our wartime enemies will telegraph this message.
Author and Jews Against Anti-Christian Defamation president Don Feder recognizes that the Crimes' suicidal tendencies, including its overt acts of treason, are only symptoms of a much larger anti-America disorder inflicting its increasingly deranged self. - What connects the Times disclosure of a sensitive intelligence operation (while Americans are dying in the war on terrorism) and its insistence on cramming an amnesty down our throats is a blinding hatred for America.
The New York Times wants America to lose the war on terrorism. Immigration is the elite's own weapon of mass destruction. Along with multiculturalism, bilingualism, hate-crimes legislation and quotas, they are using it to deconstruct America.
They dream of an America where the majority will feel no loyalty to the land, the flag or the heritage it represents, an America without a national language (where a fragmented population will babble at each other in a multitude of tongues), an America too divided to assert itself internationally, an America without borders, where a de facto merger of the United States and Mexico has been achieved, an America where government and multinational corporations will rule every aspect of our lives.
Finally, the Times' editorial ["The Immigration Road Show"] moves from anger to absurdity. "The American people ... Deserve action on a good immigration bill (read: amnesty plus guest wreckers), and if this do-nothing Congress won't give it to them, they should elect a Congress that will."
Certainly not all deranged Bush-haters are as deadly, heinous, sinister, despicable, villainous, and venal as the Glued On Stupid Slimes. Then again, most of them don't own a printing press. Otherwise we'd have more than just two outlaws on the loose desperately looking for a hideout among the briers and cactuses of Excuse Canyon.
WILLIAM KELLER, a/k/a "Bill Keller," a/k/a "Abill Mooselib al-zarQeller," a/k/a "Sheik Osama bill Qeller," a/k/a "The Arrogant One," ERIC LICHTBLAU, JAMES RISEN, BARCLAY WALSH,
Defendants. ) ) ) ) ) ) ) INDICTMENT ) ) ) ) ) ) )
On or about June 23, 2006, in the Southern District of New York, and elsewhere, the Defendants, WILLIAM KELLER, a/k/a "Bill Keller," a/k/a "Abill Mooselib al-zarQeller," a/k/a "Sheik Osama bill Qeller," a/k/a "The Arrogant One," ERIC LICHTBLAU, JAMES RISEN, and BARCLAY WALSH, did knowingly conduct and attempt to conduct the following overt acts of treason and espionage against the United States of America, which involved the willful disclosure of highly sensitive and classified information relating to the national defense of the United States, including to the specified war efforts and war plans of the government of the United States, that is, for the purpose of obtaining information respecting the national defense with intent or reason to believe that the information is to be used to the injury of the United States copy, take, make, or obtain, or attempt to copy, take, make, or obtain, any plan, document, writing, or note of anything connected with the national defense, and for the purpose aforesaid, receive or obtain or agree or attempt to receive or obtain from any person, or from any source whatever, any document, writing, plan, or note of anything connected with the national defense, knowing or having reason to believe, at the time they receive or obtain, or agree or attempt to receive or obtain it, that it has been or will be obtained, taken, made, or disposed of by any person contrary to the provisions of Title 18, Part I, Chapter 37, United States Code, and having unauthorized possession of, access to, or control over any document, writing, plan, or note relating to the national defense, or information relating to the national defense which information the possessors have reason to believe could be used to the injury of the United States, willfully communicate, deliver, transmit or cause to be communicated, delivered, or transmitted, or attempt to communicate, deliver, transmit or cause to be communicated, delivered, or transmitted the same to any person not entitled to receive it, or willfully retain the same and fail to deliver it to the officer or employee of the United States entitled to receive it, in violation of Title 18, Section 793, United States Code, and conspire to violate the same, and with intent or reason to believe that it is to be used to the injury of the United States communicate, deliver, or transmit, or attempt to communicate, deliver, or transmit, to any faction or party or military force within a foreign country, whether recognized or unrecognized by the United States, or to any representative, officer, agent, employee, or subject thereof, either directly or indirectly, any document, writing, plan, note, or information relating to the national defense, and these acts having directly concerned a means of defense against large-scale attack, war plans, communications intelligence information, or other major element of defense strategy, and, in time of war, with intent that the same shall be communicated to the enemy, collect, record, publish, or communicate, or attempt to elicit any information with respect to the plans or conduct, or supposed plans or conduct of any military operations, or with respect to any works or measures undertaken for or connected with, or intended for the defense of any place, or any other information relating to the public defense, which might be useful to the enemy, in violation of Title 18, Section 794, United States Code, and conspire to violate the same, and together and separately knowingly and willfully communicate, furnish, transmit, or otherwise make available to an unauthorized person, or publish, or use in any manner prejudicial to the safety or interest of the United States or to the detriment of the United States any classified information concerning the communication intelligence activities of the United States, in violation of Title 18, Section 798, United States Code.
At all relevant times,
Defendants WILLIAM KELLER, a/k/a "Bill Keller," a/k/a "Abill Mooselib al-zarQeller," a/k/a "Sheik Osama bill Qeller," a/k/a "The Arrogant One," ERIC LICHTBLAU, JAMES RISEN, and BARCLAY WALSH did unlawfully, knowingly and willfully conspire, confederate and agree together and with others, known and unknown to the Grand Jury, to commit the offense against the United States of having unauthorized possession of, access to, and control over information relating to the national defense, including war plans and communication intelligence activities, and willfully communicate, deliver, publish and transmit that information directly and indirectly to a person or persons not entitled to receive it, including any faction or party or military force within a foreign country, whether recognized or unrecognized by the United States, or to any representative, officer, agent, employee, or subject thereof, having reason to believe that said information could be used to the injury of the United States, a violation of Title 18, Sections 793, 794, and 798, United States Code; namely, the following information concerning the role, previously unknown to one or more groups presently engaged in international terrorism or activities in preparation therefor against the United States, of the Terrorist Finance Tracking Program (TFTP) in capturing RIDUAN ISAMUDDIN, a/k/a "Hambali," a/k/a "'Osama bin Laden' of South East Asia," a known member of one or more such groups: "the program has played a hidden role in domestic and foreign terrorism investigations since 2001 and helped in the capture of the most wanted Qaeda figure in Southeast Asia, the officials said" and "Among the successes was the capture of a Qaeda operative, Riduan Isamuddin, better known as Hambali, believed to be the mastermind of the 2002 bombing of a Bali resort, several officials said. The Swift data identified a previously unknown figure in Southeast Asia who had financial dealings with a person suspected of being a member of Al Qaeda; that link helped locate Hambali in Thailand in 2003, they said";
Defendants WILLIAM KELLER, a/k/a "Bill Keller," a/k/a "Abill Mooselib al-zarQeller," a/k/a "Sheik Osama bill Qeller," a/k/a "The Arrogant One," ERIC LICHTBLAU, JAMES RISEN, and BARCLAY WALSH did unlawfully, knowingly and willfully conspire, confederate and agree together and with others, known and unknown to the Grand Jury, to commit the offense against the United States of having unauthorized possession of, access to, and control over information relating to the national defense, including war plans and communication intelligence activities, and willfully communicate, deliver, publish and transmit that information directly and indirectly to a person or persons not entitled to receive it, including any faction or party or military force within a foreign country, whether recognized or unrecognized by the United States, or to any representative, officer, agent, employee, or subject thereof, having reason to believe that said information could be used to the injury of the United States, a violation of Title 18, Sections 793, 794, and 798, United States Code; namely, the following information concerning the relationship, previously unknown to one or more groups presently engaged in international terrorism or activities in preparation therefor against the United States, between TFTP and the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication (SWIFT or "Swift") as well as the defendants' knowledge of the classified nature of that relationship: "Few government officials knew much about the consortium, which is led by a Brooklyn native, Leonard H. Schrank, but they quickly discovered it offered unparalleled access to international transactions" and "Nearly 20 current and former government officials and industry executives discussed aspects of the Swift operation with The New York Times on condition of anonymity because the program remains classified";
Defendants WILLIAM KELLER, a/k/a "Bill Keller," a/k/a "Abill Mooselib al-zarQeller," a/k/a "Sheik Osama bill Qeller," a/k/a "The Arrogant One," ERIC LICHTBLAU, JAMES RISEN, and BARCLAY WALSH did unlawfully, knowingly and willfully conspire, confederate and agree together and with others, known and unknown to the Grand Jury, to commit the offense against the United States of having unauthorized possession of, access to, and control over information relating to the national defense, including war plans and communication intelligence activities, and willfully communicate, deliver, publish and transmit that information directly and indirectly to a person or persons not entitled to receive it, including any faction or party or military force within a foreign country, whether recognized or unrecognized by the United States, or to any representative, officer, agent, employee, or subject thereof, having reason to believe that said information could be used to the injury of the United States, a violation of Title 18, Sections 793, 794, and 798, United States Code; namely, the following information concerning TFTP's specific monitoring of money transfers, previously unknown to one or more groups presently engaged in international terrorism or activities in preparation therefor against the United States, to certain types of front organizations belonging to such groups within the United States: "officials have also been keenly interested in international transfers of money by individuals, businesses, charities and other groups under suspicion inside the United States" and "In the United States, the program has provided financial data in investigations into possible domestic terrorist cells as well as inquiries of Islamic charities with suspected of having links to extremists, the officials said";
Defendants WILLIAM KELLER, a/k/a "Bill Keller," a/k/a "Abill Mooselib al-zarQeller," a/k/a "Sheik Osama bill Qeller," a/k/a "The Arrogant One," ERIC LICHTBLAU, JAMES RISEN, and BARCLAY WALSH did unlawfully, knowingly and willfully conspire, confederate and agree together and with others, known and unknown to the Grand Jury, to commit the offense against the United States of having unauthorized possession of, access to, and control over information relating to the national defense, including war plans and communication intelligence activities, and willfully communicate, deliver, publish and transmit that information directly and indirectly to a person or persons not entitled to receive it, including any faction or party or military force within a foreign country, whether recognized or unrecognized by the United States, or to any representative, officer, agent, employee, or subject thereof, having reason to believe that said information could be used to the injury of the United States, a violation of Title 18, Sections 793, 794, and 798, United States Code; namely, the following information concerning a specific operation and its methods under TFTP, previously unknown to one or more groups presently engaged in international terrorism or activities in preparation therefor against the United States, to track transfers of money from bank accounts in Saudi Arabia used by members of such groups to mosques in New York used by other such members: "The cooperative's message traffic allows investigators, for example, to track money from the Saudi bank account of a suspected terrorist to a mosque in New York. Starting with tips from intelligence reports about specific targets, agents search the database in what one official described as a '24-7' operation. Customers' names, bank account numbers and other identifying information can be retrieved, the officials said";
Defendants WILLIAM KELLER, a/k/a "Bill Keller," a/k/a "Abill Mooselib al-zarQeller," a/k/a "Sheik Osama bill Qeller," a/k/a "The Arrogant One," ERIC LICHTBLAU, JAMES RISEN, and BARCLAY WALSH did unlawfully, knowingly and willfully conspire, confederate and agree together and with others, known and unknown to the Grand Jury, to commit the offense against the United States of having unauthorized possession of, access to, and control over information relating to the national defense, including war plans and communication intelligence activities, and willfully communicate, deliver, publish and transmit that information directly and indirectly to a person or persons not entitled to receive it, including any faction or party or military force within a foreign country, whether recognized or unrecognized by the United States, or to any representative, officer, agent, employee, or subject thereof, having reason to believe that said information could be used to the injury of the United States, a violation of Title 18, Sections 793, 794, and 798, United States Code; namely, the following information concerning several specified physical and time limitations of TFTP's methods and operations, previously unknown to one or more groups presently engaged in international terrorism or activities in preparation therefor against the United States, which are vulnerabilities that members of such groups could exploit to change and better conceal how they transfer, deposit, spend, and otherwise use money for making possible international terrorism or activities in preparation therefor: "The data does not allow the government to track routine financial activity, like A.T.M. withdrawals, confined to this country, or to see bank balances, Treasury officials said. And the information is not provided in real time — Swift generally turns it over several weeks later" and "Mr. Levey said the program was used only to examine records of individuals or entities, not for broader data searches.";
Defendants WILLIAM KELLER, a/k/a "Bill Keller," a/k/a "Abill Mooselib al-zarQeller," a/k/a "Sheik Osama bill Qeller," a/k/a "The Arrogant One," ERIC LICHTBLAU, JAMES RISEN, and BARCLAY WALSH did unlawfully, knowingly and willfully conspire, confederate and agree together and with others, known and unknown to the Grand Jury, to commit the offense against the United States of having unauthorized possession of, access to, and control over information relating to the national defense, including war plans and communication intelligence activities, and willfully communicate, deliver, publish and transmit that information directly and indirectly to a person or persons not entitled to receive it, including any faction or party or military force within a foreign country, whether recognized or unrecognized by the United States, or to any representative, officer, agent, employee, or subject thereof, having reason to believe that said information could be used to the injury of the United States, a violation of Title 18, Sections 793, 794, and 798, United States Code; namely, the following information concerning the precise role, previously unknown to one or more groups presently engaged in international terrorism or activities in preparation therefor against the United States, of TFTP in capturing UZAIR PARACHA, a Pakistani national convicted of providing material support to one or more such groups: "The data also helped identify a Brooklyn man who was convicted on terrorism-related charges last year, the officials said. The man, Uzair Paracha, who worked at a New York import business, aided a Qaeda operative in Pakistan by agreeing to launder $200,000 through a Karachi bank, prosecutors said";
Defendants WILLIAM KELLER, a/k/a "Bill Keller," a/k/a "Abill Mooselib al-zarQeller," a/k/a "Sheik Osama bill Qeller," a/k/a "The Arrogant One," ERIC LICHTBLAU, JAMES RISEN, and BARCLAY WALSH did unlawfully, knowingly and willfully conspire, confederate and agree together and with others, known and unknown to the Grand Jury, to commit the offense against the United States of having unauthorized possession of, access to, and control over information relating to the national defense, including war plans and communication intelligence activities, and willfully communicate, deliver, publish and transmit that information directly and indirectly to a person or persons not entitled to receive it, including any faction or party or military force within a foreign country, whether recognized or unrecognized by the United States, or to any representative, officer, agent, employee, or subject thereof, having reason to believe that said information could be used to the injury of the United States, a violation of Title 18, Sections 793, 794, and 798, United States Code; namely, the following information concerning the specified focus, previously unknown to one or more groups presently engaged in international terrorism or activities in preparation therefor against the United States, of TFTP on SWIFT administered transfers to and from two named countries involving one or more members of such groups: "Intelligence officials paid particular attention to transfers to or from Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates because most of the 9/11 hijackers were from those countries";
Defendants WILLIAM KELLER, a/k/a "Bill Keller," a/k/a "Abill Mooselib al-zarQeller," a/k/a "Sheik Osama bill Qeller," a/k/a "The Arrogant One," ERIC LICHTBLAU, JAMES RISEN, and BARCLAY WALSH did unlawfully, knowingly and willfully conspire, confederate and agree together and with others, known and unknown to the Grand Jury, to commit the offense against the United States of having unauthorized possession of, access to, and control over information relating to the national defense, including war plans and communication intelligence activities, and willfully communicate, deliver, publish and transmit that information directly and indirectly to a person or persons not entitled to receive it, including any faction or party or military force within a foreign country, whether recognized or unrecognized by the United States, or to any representative, officer, agent, employee, or subject thereof, having reason to believe that said information could be used to the injury of the United States, a violation of Title 18, Sections 793, 794, and 798, United States Code; namely, the following information concerning the level of coordination and cooperation, previously unknown to one or more groups presently engaged in international terrorism or activities in preparation therefor against the United States, between TFTP and SWIFT with respect to the collection and analysis of foreign intelligence information as well as to specified limitations of such collection and analysis which are vulnerabilities that members of such groups could exploit to change and better conceal how they transfer, deposit, spend, and otherwise use money for making possible international terrorism or activities in preparation therefor, including discovering, intimidating, kidnapping, physically harming, and murdering SWIFT representatives who presently or prospectively may be cooperating with TFTP: "Swift representatives would be stationed alongside intelligence officials and could block any searches considered inappropriate, several officials said";
________________________ FOREPERSON
___________, 2006 DATE
___________________________ MICHAEL J. GARCIA United States Attorney
___________________________ ALEXANDER H. SOUTHWELL Assistant United States Attorney |
LC Local 666, VRWC
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