just like "Affordable" "Care" Act Øbankrupt"Care".
ust because, no, no one can afford it, doesn't mean it's not affordable. Let me be absolutely clear: The millions upon millions of people who lost their health care insurance plans that lying Øliarman and his party promised* they could keep if they like them, had plans that were too affordable. So, no, he and his party can't let them keep those. Instead, he and his party made them buy plans that, no, no one can afford because, that way, they'll get ones that are better* because they won't be so affordable. See? So when he and his party said "like," he and his party actually meant "can't afford," as in, "If you can't afford your plan, you can keep your plan. Period*." Same for their doctors. But since, yes, they could afford their doctors and their plans, lying Øliarman and his party thought felt that, no, he and his party can't allow anybody to keep them. Period. Because that wouldn't be fair. As long as, yes, even one person can afford his/her/etc. plan or doctor, then, no — lying Øliarman and his party can and does think feel — nobody should. Because it's only affordable when, no, no one, not even his/her/etc. employer, can afford it. So what if he/she/etc. likes his/her/etc. full-time job but can't keep it because lying Øliarman and his party's act forces employers to pay for plans that make it far less affordable for businesses to keep the same number of full-time workers on their payrolls? That's so joblocky. Anyway, by losing it, s/hetc. is afforded the opportunity to follow his/her/etc. dreams and become an artist or something. That's why you should call lying Øliarman and his party's act "affordable*." Because he and his party "care*."
* Another of the countless lies the Democrat Lying-Liar Party keeps telling the American people.
Labels: corrupt Democrats (BIRM), Democrat War on Americans, insane liberals (BIRM), liberals are always extreme, lying liberals (BIRM), Obama Lied Your Healthcare Died, thieving liberals (BIRM)