Very nice ring to it still... even when it includes a Lautenberg TwangS
ince July 13 was the
last day for filing a designating petition to get Rudy Giuliani's name on the September 12 Primary Election ballot, the next opportunity to offer New York voters this best candidate for title of
Der Slayer of Die Hilldabeast come November is to pull a Jersey-style switcheroo after either former Pentagon official
Kathleen Troia McFarland or former Yonkers mayor
John Spencer wins the Republican nomination.
When a party's nominee declines his or her nomination, thus creating a vacancy under S 6-148(3) of New York Consolidated Law, that vacancy "may be filled by a majority of the members, of the party committee or committees last elected in the political subdivision in which the vacancy occurs, present at a meeting at which there is a quorum, or by a majority of such other committee as the rules of the party may provide."
Also, when polled by Strategic Vision five months ago, 1200 likely New York voters preferred the Hero of Nine-Eleven over the Zero-F-Hostile Rated One by four percentage points — otherwise known in liberalese as "running neck and neck" (
News Copy, New York):
- Below are the results of a three-day poll in the state of New York. Results are based on telephone interviews with 1200 likely voters in New York, aged 18+, and conducted February 24-26, 2006. The margin of sampling error is ±3 percentage points.
. . .
26. If the election for United States Senate was held today, whom would you vote for if the candidates were, Hillary Clinton, the Democrat or Rudy Giuliani, the Republican?
Rudy Giuliani 45%
Hillary Clinton 41%
Undecided 14%
Finally, when polled by Marist College last week, 800 registered New York voters (337 Demoonbats, 236 Republicans, and presumably 227 Others) preferred al-Qlinton nearly 2-to-1 both over KT McFarland and over John Spencer — otherwise known in even non-liberalese as "a landslide":
- Question Wording: If November's election for U.S. Senate in New York State were held today, whom would you support if the candidates are:
Registered Voters
July 2006
May 2006
January 2006
September 2005
John Spencer
Hillary Clinton
Registered Voters
July 2006
May 2006
Kathleen McFarland
Hillary Clinton
. . .
Nature of the Sample: 800 NYS Registered Voters
The survey of 800 registered voters was conducted July 11th through July 14th, 2006. Registered voters were interviewed by telephone in proportion to the voter registration in each county in New York State and adjusted for turnout in statewide elections. Results are statistically significant at ±3.5%. There are 337 registered Democrats and 236 registered Republicans. Results for these sub-samples are statistically significant at ±5.5% and ±6.5%, respectively. The error margin increases for cross-tabulations.
Thus, the one person who has any chance of dethroning Her Nibs, forcing her to wander in the political wilderness for at least the next two years like some rabid algore, is our heroic Crime Fighter, former America's Mayor — nay, Mayor of the World, Rudy Giuliani. He may very likely never receive Liberal Utopia's official endorsement for President of the United States. Nevertheless, as the Republican Party's sure-fire candidate for New York's America's Senator he has it now and until the Empire State becomes the last one singing the blues.
There's already even a bumper sticker:

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