

Liberal Utopia

What your world would be if everything liberals wanted, they got. Open the door at the bottom of its Elysium façade and take a glimpse of hell.

UN General Assembly (of Dictatorships): 'Missiles Ain't Arms'


It's all right there in Common Article 47, Protocol Annex B-7, Paragraph 36, Attachment N, Statement IV of the High Contracting Parties, Reference L of "International Law"

f course it's not anywhere to be found among the only binding documents that actually apply to Lebanon and its government's desperate but vain attempts to thwart Iran and Syria's Anschluss of their country, such as:

RESOLUTION 1559 (2004)
Adopted by the Security Council at its 5028th meeting, on 2 September 2004

The Security Council,

Recalling all its previous resolutions on Lebanon, in particular resolutions 425 (1978) and 426 (1978) of 19 March 1978, resolution 520 (1982) of 17 September 1982, and resolution 1553 (2004) of 29 July 2004 as well as the statements of its President on the situation in Lebanon, in particular the statement of 18 June 2000 (S/PRST/2000/21),

Reiterating its strong support for the territorial integrity, sovereignty and political independence of Lebanon within its internationally recognized borders,

Noting the determination of Lebanon to ensure the withdrawal of all non-Lebanese forces from Lebanon,

Gravely concerned at the continued presence of armed militias in Lebanon, which prevent the Lebanese Government from exercising its full sovereignty over all Lebanese territory,

Reaffirming the importance of the extension of the control of the Government of Lebanon over all Lebanese territory,

Mindful of the upcoming Lebanese presidential elections and underlining the importance of free and fair elections according to Lebanese constitutional rules devised without foreign interference or influence,

1. Reaffirms its call for the strict respect of the sovereignty, territorial integrity, unity, and political independence of Lebanon under the sole and exclusive authority of the Government of Lebanon throughout Lebanon;

2. Calls upon all remaining foreign forces to withdraw from Lebanon;

3. Calls for the disbanding and disarmament [that includes Katyusha, Zelzal (Nazeat), Shehab, or Fajr missiles labeled "Proudly Made in Iran"] of all Lebanese and non-Lebanese militias;

4. Supports the extension of the control of the Government of Lebanon over all Lebanese territory;

5. Declares its support for a free and fair electoral process in Lebanon's upcoming presidential election conducted according to Lebanese constitutional rules devised without foreign interference or influence;

6. Calls upon all parties concerned [that means you too, Iran] to cooperate fully and urgently with the Security Council for the full implementation of this and all relevant resolutions concerning the restoration of the territorial integrity, full sovereignty, and political independence of Lebanon;

7. Requests that the Secretary-General report to the Security Council within thirty days on the implementation by the parties of this resolution and decides to remain actively seized of the matter.

Even the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, dubbed by AlGore "Washington's most respected center for studies on the Middle East," sees how far Iran, Syria and Hizballah have gone toward promoting the latter's "overriding goal within Lebanon...to safeguard its resistance, in particular its weapons and military capability."

Hizballah's confidence grew in December 2005 with the emergence of an anti-Western axis centered on Damascus and Tehran. This axis prefers defiance to accommodation. Syria is a geostrategic linchpin connecting Tehran to Hizballah; Damascus facilitates the transfer of Iranian weapons to Hizballah.


It's time to quit playing pattycakes with these terrorists and their state facilitators. The only hope we have of quickly achieving total victory in this total war the islamofacists have declared on and are waging against all of us "satans" (Great, Little, and In Between) is for all of us to wage total war back.

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