I mean, Healthcare.gov.
he Øfascist regime's pet political cronies like SEIU and power-abusing IRS will all have access to your "private" information. What could possibly go wrong?
It's not that you can't trust the most nontransparent, unethical, dishonest, extremist, law-breaking glitchestration in the history of the country. That's a given.
It's that you shouldn't ever voluntarily give any information to known criminals which can help them victimize you. (Unless, of course, you enjoy being victimized. Evidently, some people* do.)
Just because a website has a .gov extension doesn't mean it's not run by crooks. Because in light of the clear criminality of Queen Stompy Foot the Unaccountable™ and her globe-trotting troupe of totalitarian thugs, it does.
Most certainly, in fact.
"Under us, you have no reasonable expectation of privacy." Translate that into Latin and you'd have what passes for the official motto of the whole Baracrook Øtyrant dictatorship.
Somewhere down within the deepest, hottest caverns of hell, Joseph, Benito, Adolf, Mao, and other notorious Progressives are looking up and smiling wearing the Biggest. S-E-Grins. Ever.
* I.e., Demøcrat voters.
Labels: death of Freedom, Democrat War on Americans, Impeach.Obama.Now., liberalism: THE ideology of hate, more liberal hypocrisy, more Obroken promises, thieving liberals (BIRM), Worst. pResident. Ever.

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