Sunday, November 22, 2009 |
Demøcrooks taking your money to bribe Demøcrook senators sleazytørs for their 'yea' votes on the Demøcrooks' extreme, entirely partisan healthcare deathfare bill which, no, Demøcrooks can't wait to forcibly ram down the American people's throats and "compleat the (Demøcrooks') works of death, desolation and tyranny, already begun with circumstances of Cruelty & perfidy scarcely paralleled in the most barbarous ages." In short, Business As Usual™.o the Republicans' credit, they're totally united in the Senate against the mercenary Demøfascists' latest brutal assault on all our liberties.
Two millennia ago, in another so-called august body, Satan's minions were able to buy off Judas with only thirty pieces of silver.
The value of those pieces today, distributed to Nelson, Lincoln, Landrieu, et al. his direct spiritual descendants, is an extremely tempting three hundred million dollars, if not more, of your own money.
These Demøfascist mercenaries have forced you to finance the very bribes they're receiving to betray you and your loved ones. Bribes that "Present" Øfascist Øbeelzebub's Cabana Bøy“You said ‘boy’…That’s RAAAAACIST!!1!11!™” can't wait to approve as he breaks yet another of his alleged promises.
Our only chance is to punch every one of these Demøbackstabbing vultures right in the political kisser next Novemeber. Then their slimy, crøøked beaks won't again be in a position where, yes, they can peck away at our cheeks — not to mention all the other parts of our anatomy.
Labels: anti-America liberals (BIRM), government over beyond and forsaking the people, Health Care Death Snare, National Socialist liberals (BIRM), neither Hope nor Change, thieving liberals (BIRM)

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