Thursday, November 12, 2009 |
With as much cause and effect as liberals correlate mangle and distort into any of their phony Scaaaaary Statistics™.nfant mortality is measured differently in other countries. So much so as to render whatever twisted comparisons that liberals fascist tøtalitarian statists attempt to make between our country's rates and theirs nothing more than an outright myth. But why let solid facts get in the way of a good-sounding Scaaaaary Statistic™ lie?
Same with liberals' fascist fearmøngers' 30- 47-million-uninsured Scaaaaary Statistic™ lie.
Same, also, with liberals' pathøløgically lying fascists' "choice and competition," "no cuts or rationing or taxpayer-funded abortions," "Medicare-for-All (except illegal aliens — we promise!)®," "coverage that will always stay with you," "Let Me Be Clear™: Read My Lips: no new insurance for illegal aliens," "relatively low 'life expectancy,'" "Teh Øpt-Øut Øptiøn™," and other equally phony myths and Scaaaaary Statistics™ lies.
Communist Jim Jones told his mindless-robot flock less lies to scare them all into gulping down the poisoned Kool-Aid than liberals Demøcømmunists and other lethal fascists are now telling you and me as they try to scare us all into swallowing their own versiøn of it.
Labels: fascist totalitarian liberals (BIRM), lethal liberalism (BIRM), lying liberals (BIRM), neither Hope nor Change, spread the misery around, thieving liberals (BIRM)

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