"No, we can't shut down the government our swamp!" –DemocrAss-Kisser of the House Pauline Ryan-o
he very first things on the list of government stuff to shut down should be the so-called careers of those worthless elected-for-life backstabbers infesting that fetid cesspool commonly known as Crapitol Hill. Do it whether or not they pass this joke of a spending (like there's no tomorrow) bill:
- Additionally, there are no cuts in funding to sanctuary cities, something a federal judge said last week would be required for the Justice Department to follow through on its threats. And there is also no money for a deportation force.
What a surprise. Wouldn't want to offend any undocumented Democrook voters, now, would we? Or Planned Parenthood Infanticide, or environmental midgets, or the exorbitantly subsidized, or any of that parasitic party's other unctuous minions Demokowtower Ryano is gleefully wading up to his beady eyeballs in the most putrid bog slop to kinkily, orgasmically and thus disgustingly please. If only he she and they would do the public an unprecedented favor and get a room already, all mankind would be ever so grateful.
No wonder these enemies of the people included stealing huger chunks of our money for their feculent fortress and, of course, their palace police.
They make Benedict Arnold look like George Washington. Literally.
Labels: aided and comforted enemies, anti-America liberals (BIRM), Establishmentardians, GOP War on Conservatives, liberals are always extreme, thieving liberals (BIRM), treason, Where's the Wall?

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