Thursday, January 12, 2017 |
Good-bye, credibility. Hello, Nazi-style propaganda.
he failing pile of garbage known as BuzzFeed published a blindingly obvious hoax pulled directly out of the backside of a 4Chan user. Any semi-competent or minimally-honest "news" organization would avoid this steaming glob of fecal matter like the Russian Flu. Which is exactly why both the King of Fake News® CNN and its court jester Cosmopolitan, seeing only its superficial Trump-hit-piece potential, immediately swallowed this hoax hook, line, and sinker and intentionally republished it as Teh Gospel.
Herr Goebbels would be extremely proud of them, his ideological babies.
Of course, as every being with an ounce of sentience knows, liberofascists are always quick to judge anyone or anything not wholly approved by them. The ones infesting CNN et al. are no different. They "think" feel they alone are the only real judgers and purveyors of Good in the universe. Therefore all else they instantly brand pure evil. In what laughably passes for their minds, no lie can ever be too big, too blatant, or too unfair when used against that Other for purposes of destroying the same forever and completely. In this regard they're as much true believers as their protected-class brethren the islamofascists. Only they haven't started blowing up innocent people as much…yet.
The insane, all-consuming hatred these mindless and soulless losers feel towards President-elect Donald Trump and his supporters is of such an extreme scope and nature it blinds them totally to even the record-crushing clues that this so-called story is hilariously unreal.
Here is the story that the CIA and idiots in the FAKE NEWS Media are pushing on America…
- Obama has a meeting in Russia.
- Trump flies to Russia, finds out the hotel room Obama stayed in, and books it.
- Trump finds at least two hookers and invites them to Obama’s former hotel suite.
- Trump instructs the hookers to PISS ON THE BED because he hates Obama so much.
- Little did Trump know Putin had the entire room outfitted with video cameras.
- The Russian government now has video proof of Trump watching hookers PISS on a bed.
- Russian government tells Trump they will release the video if he does not run for president.
- Trump runs for president and against all odds and WINS the White House.
And no one questioned this report?
It really requires a willing suspension of disbelief so enduring and so huge, the minister of propaganda himself would've considered it hardly worth the attempt.
Keep it up, CNN. There might be a shred or two of credibility and decency left amongst yourselves which you still haven't entirely annihilated. In the meanwhile, you're the gift that keeps on giving.
Labels: Democrat War on Americans, DeMSMocrat-dictatorial complex, DNC-team Media, fascist totalitarian liberals (BIRM), insane liberals (BIRM), liberals are always extreme, lying liberals (BIRM)

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