If our immigration system is broken, should we be buying any "fix" from the very people who broke it?
an anybody be that stupid? Does Mr. Amnesty 1986 Chuck Schumer still think we are?
Last time they "promised" that if we just let them grant amnesty to legalize millions of illegal aliens identity thieves our immigration system will be "fixed," they wound up breaking it even worse. Over four times more broken to be precise.
Now these same people are promising the exact same things. Do they really think feel we're so dumb as to fall for their lying "promises" again?
Fool us twice, shame on us.
What are they going to tell us after 36 million more illegal aliens identity thieves invade our country? "Oops, our immigration system is broken [again], we need to 'fix' it"?
Fool us thrice, shame on our parents for ever feeling they could have any children with actual working brains.
How about this deal, Messrs. Amnesty 2013? Provide us with an objectively verifiable trigger. Like the hundreds of miles of two-layer border fencing you "promised" us years ago that you'd have fully built by now but, as it unsurprisingly turns out, you haven't yet gotten around anywhere near to even a tenth of the way completing. So finish the remaining 600 miles, then we might — repeat, might, and only if we're in an extremely generous mood — start trying to believe any of the rest of your repeatedly broken "promises."
No, leaving it to the discretion of Janet Napolitano, the one you "promise" will "enforce" your 1986 amnesty rehash new law even after she's already proclaimed "a so-called 'trigger' is not the way to go," won't ever qualify as any sort of objective verification. Our border agents working under her have sworn in court, and the federal judge agreed, that the "very oath they took to enforce the law is being blocked by rules and regulations and policies established from on high, and that this is undermining their ability to do what they are sworn to do." Don't even try to make her your "Miss" Trigger 2013.
None of you are in any position now to make even a single believable promise to anybody but total fools and complete idiots who are both hopelessly stupid and terminally dumb and whose only discernible purpose in life is dramatically lowering humanity's overall IQ.
Labels: immigration deform, liberals are always extreme, lying liberals (BIRM), out-of-touch liberals (BIRM), Unabashed Sellouts of America, undocumented lawbreakers, unpatriotic liberals (BIRM), videos

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