In D.C., there's a brothel where whores
Collectively go by the name "Senators"
And in thousand-page bills sneak in
Bribes with which their favors to win:
A billion and a half bucks Sanders gets
So blind eyes turn while in ours he spits;
Thrown at painted lady Collins billions more
From funds meant to secure our southern door;
Together Murkowski and Begich bed down
With top-stinking rot from each fishy town,
As whority leader Reid and bedmate Heller
Gamble away our dough down in the cellar;
Is it rain, Corker, Schumer, and Hoeven's shower?
Nope, it's gold for lawbreakers they empower;
And Madam Napolitano? Yes, she can take each measure
That works, and gut and corrupt it at her pleasure.
What was Rubio saying about code language,
A path to where cruise ships carve out "free" passage?
It's Amnestybill Horror II: Wash, rinse,
Repeat. And just stop asking, "Where's the fence?"
Bills Senate whores pass, which no one has read,
Get them kickbacks galore, and us just kicked in the head.
Labels: government over beyond and forsaking the people, immigration deform, liberals are always extreme, Unabashed Sellouts of America, undocumented lawbreakers, Where's the Fence?

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