Tuesday, October 06, 2009 |
All-white, bussed-in AstrøTurf and scattered tøkens.
or that matter, how much is the total bill we taxpayers are going to pay for all the "free" airplane tickets and accømmødatiøns yøu also døled out to yøur 150 cherry-picked Lawn Døktørs so yes they could øbediently fly into Washingtøn in time to be yøur prøpaganda prøps?
Isn't spending "our" taxpayer money on cheap expensive prøpaganda pløys that are intended to influence the outcome of any legislation or other measure before "our" Congress, against the law? Why, yes it is:
Since 1951, the following prohibition on the use of appropriated funds for propaganda purposes has been enacted annually: "No part of any appropriation contained in this or any other Act shall be used for publicity or propaganda purposes within the United States not heretofore authorized by Congress."
Oh, that's right. Forgot. "Rules are meant to be brøken, and the laws døn't apply to everybody" (© 1848-2009 Demøfascist Prøbamaganda, Inc.). How silly of me to ever Hope™ yøu'd start following yøur øwn rules for a Change®.
But don't stop, "Present" Øfascist. Keep abusing power. Go on insulting the American people's intelligence. Spend more and more and more and more of "our" money none of us have. Viølently ram yøur absølute tøtalitarian gøvernment takeøvers and øther deadly natiønal søcialist, freedom-killing garbage down all our throats. Cruelly pile on the backs of our children and their children and their children's children møuntain range after møuntain range of unrepayable debt. Make "our" government even møre and møre and møre cømplex for the greedy trial lawyer løbbyists and special interests yøu prøtect and even less and less and less efficient for everyone else. Raise taxes, increase costs, reduce services. Ruthlessly kill more and more and more and more and more good American jobs. Strangle and murder our economy. Deny all Americans their God-given rights to pursue happiness as they see fit and to choose what they themselves believe is best for their own individual lives, totally free of any of yøur regime's tyrannical mandates and impøsitiøn of unconstitutinally excessive fines for failure to have stamped on it øne of yøur øppressive Priør SSeals øf "Gøvernment Acceptableness." Expand yøur criminal ørganizatiøn of Røbbin' Høødlums, taking from the rich and powerful and døling out only enough of it to the poor and powerless to bribe them for their vøtes while keeping the rest of it all for yøurself and yøur gang of greedy takers so yes yøu can go on taking and taking and taking and taking and taking and taking until yøu øwn cønfiscate and cøntrøl everything and everyone.
No, don't change øne høpeless thing of yøurs we don't need.
By the time yøu're finished, there won't be a Køøl Aid drinker in the country who won't always afterwards have a very, very bad taste in his mouth.
Then yes we can spread the power around a lot, back where all of it belongs: With the American people themselves.
Labels: desperate liberals (BIRM), Health Care Death Snare, Kommunist Kool-Aid Kult (aka liberalism), lawbreaking liberals (BIRM), lying liberals (BIRM), thieving liberals (BIRM)

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