International Olympic Committee members, like Tea Party attendees, are all racist, too well dressed, un-American political terrorists.he only reason the IOC, which is undoubtedly all white, gave Rio de Janeiro the 2016 Summer Olympics is because of Former Junior Senøtard Øfascist's skin color.
Flying while "black" half-white to Copenhagen was, therefore, just asking to be instantly profiled and pulled over pushed aside in the very first round of voting. Mmm, mmm, mmm.
Once again the "black" half-white man is kept down, humiliated, and denied many more "entitled" accomplishments by racist whiteys who hope he fails.
Wouldn't be surprised to learn that the all-white IOC had a hand in this one of many Øbamiserable failures:
- WASHINGTON — Employers eliminated more jobs than expected last month as the unemployment rate climbed to 9.8%, another sign that a rapid recovery in the labor market is unlikely.
Nonfarm payrolls declined by 263,000 in September, the Labor Department said Friday....
Obviously, the Labor Department is racist too.
Not only the Labor Department, but all those apparently white employers who refused to "create or save"® over a quarter million jobs last month. They clearly want "Present" Øfascist to fail because of his skin color. What a bunch of uncivil, KKK hood-wearing, horse-riding, AstroTurfed™ racists.
Now Iran's terrorist sponsor-in-chief is ordering the United States' appeaser-in-Che to make not bringing up that islamofascist country's development of nuclear weapons a precondition of any "talks" negotiations between them. He's also a blatant racist who wants Beweak al-Halfwhitey Øfascist to totally fail solely because of his skin color.
Meanwhile the Taliban continues, unabated, its resurgence in Afghanistan and Pakistan, inflicting more and more casualties on our extraordinarily brave but still woefully unreenforced and hands-tied Troops. You guessed it. What the Brooks Brothers Turban-wearing Taliban terrorists are doing is committing yet another clear act of total racism against the mainstream fringe media's Anøinted Øne.
No need to hope Der Führear Barackult Øbamisleader fails.
Might as well hope those Øfascist Basketballs the fringe media keep dribbling are round.
Labels: aided and comforted enemies, anti-America liberals (BIRM), dangerously incompetent liberals (BIRM), miserably failing liberals (BIRM), neither Hope nor Change, The Obama Depression

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