Wednesday, September 16, 2009 |
Gøt it? (© 2ØØ1-2Ø12 Demøfascist Party Pølitburø)ihaddy al-Qarter (NSDWP-Hamasmurderin' Terroristories), MsNYTABCNNPRBS, "New" Black Panther Party "honorary" lifetime member and Governor Richardson's favoritest. attørney general. ever. Eric Hølder, along with every other Kømmunist Køøl-aid Kultard, all no doubt will be demanding that the Investor's Business Daily report showing "Two of every three practicing physicians oppose the medical overhaul plan under consideration in Washington" instead read "Two of every three practicing physicians are RACISTS."
No doubt, too, many of those same liberals will be also labeling themselves such.
First Leftard: Why is our dEar Leadørable nØneness Barachangek Høpeuccinø Øtøpianizer-in-Che’f making secret backrøøm deals with greedy eeeeeviiiiil Big Pharmaceutical capitalist corporations!!!11!??!123/2!!2213/1/?!FORWARDSLASH!.....?
Secønd Leftard: Dude, why are you being so RACIST?
First Leftard: ... Oh, that's right left. Uh, sorry.
First and Secønd Leftards: (crank up respective Køøl-aid IVs to full throttle)
So any criticism of the Republicans, whose top democratically elected leader is a black man, must be RACIST, too.
(insert hours upon hours upon hours of medically dangerous gut wrenching laughter here)
This døuhbaminable "standard" will, however, simplify linking report after report after report of the ever increasingly widespread disapproval of and opposition to Former Junior Senøtard Baracketeer Hø'ACØRN al-Øbamiserablefailure's fascist tøtalitarian takeøver of our entire economy as he and his also dangerøusly incømpetent and hate-filled al-Qøngress continue their desperate and demented destruction of all our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor.
For example:
- Washington Post's most recent poll shows the level of opposition to Øfascist"Care" matches that to Hildabeastly"Care" 16 years ago "just before (it) went down in flames in a Democratic Congress without ever reaching a vote."
is øbamagically transformed to
- Washington Post's most recent poll shows the level of opposition to Øfascist"Care" matches RACISM.
See? Just label it all RACISM and you will never have to spell any of it out.
Labels: desperate liberals (BIRM), Kommunist Kool-Aid Kult (aka liberalism), liberal racism, liberalism: THE ideology of hate, lying liberals (BIRM), Obama's Enhanced Distraction Techniques

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