Apparently, the "swine flu crisis," the "health care crisis," the "greatest economic crisis since the Great Depression," etc., etc. aren't enough to delay a communist-in-chief's extended escape to his own opulant dacha.t the time of our greatest need, our nation's alleged head of state abandons us. Just so he can lounge around in a lap of luxury he's neither deserved nor earned, while escaping his responsibilities to be here for us.
Perhaps he feels this is the normal thing to do since his dreamer father did the exact same thing to him and his mother just when they needed him most.
But that's no excuse.
His own science advisory panel warns that "up to half of the U.S. population could become infected with the swine flu, 1.8 million people could be hospitalized, and up to 90,000 could die" unless his maladministration speeds up availability of the H1N1 swine flu vaccine.
But is he in Washington personally supervising efforts to speed up that vaccine's availability? No, he can't be bothered with it. He has to lounge around day after day after day in the lap of total luxury and leave it to others to do that job of his.
We keep seeing professionally printed sign after professionally printed sign after professionally printed sign screaming "Health Reform Can't Wait!"
But is he in Washington personally supervising efforts to ensure health reform doesn't have to wait? No, he can't be bothered with it. He has to lounge around day after day after day in the lap of total luxury and leave it to others to do that job of his too.
Almost a tenth of the American workforce is now unemployed, we have trillion-dollar budget deficits as far as the eye can see, senior citizens' Social Security benefits will be cut for years, Communist China is owning more and more of this country's increasingly unrepayable mountain of public debt, our banks are failing left and right, mortgage defaults are at the highest rate ever recorded, "stimulus" checks are being unlawfully mailed to imprisoned convicts, the government is overstraining our nation's health care system even more by misdiagnosing America's Veterans, tax revenues continue to plummet, retail sales are sinking, no acceptable health-system reforms have been presented by his Demøfacist al-Qongress, etc.
But is he in Washington personally supervising any efforts to fix all these economic messes? No, he can't be bothered with them. He has to lounge around day after day after day in the lap of total luxury and leave it to others to do those jobs of his also.
Terrorist violence in Iraq is rising to an alarming level while our Troops in Afghanistan are suffering unprecedented casualties.
But is he in Washington personally commanding the military effort to stabilize both countries in the interests of our national security? No, he can't be bothered with it. He has to lounge around day after day after day in the lap of total luxury and leave it to others to take over that job of his as well.
De facto Acting President Eric Holder has become a renegade, deciding on his own to vengefully punish every heroic patriot at our CIA who did what it took to keep our nation safe during this World War.
But is he in Washington personally telling Eric Holder that Eric Holder hasn't been elected president yet? No, he can't be bothered with it. He has to lounge around day after day after day in the lap of total luxury and shirk that responsibility of his too.
While he's spending quiet walks along that exclusive luxurious beach of his, the government he's abandoned is busy spending our nation into total bankruptcy.
And what is he telling, through their press, the American people whom he's abandoned in the midst of all these terrible crises? "Just leave me and my family alone." Well, excuse us, Mr. Former Junior Part-Time Senator Baracketeer Highonthehog Øfascist. But there's a whole country beyond the extravagantly secluded confines of your personal little dreamland. A country that's literally falling apart at the seams. Sorry if anyone had the misguided notion that you were somehow in charge of doing anything about it. Our mistake, indeed.
Too bad that no, we can't also be "allowed" to have the same right to tell you and your fascist death-empaneled "health reformers" to "just leave me and my family alone."
Apparently, you feel we don't deserve and haven't earned your personal consent that any us mere peasants be ever afforded that particularly private luxury.
Labels: anti-America liberals (BIRM), dangerously incompetent liberals (BIRM), Impeach.Obama.Now., miserably failing liberals (BIRM), out-of-touch liberals (BIRM), World War IV

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