

Liberal Utopia

What your world would be if everything liberals wanted, they got. Open the door at the bottom of its Elysium façade and take a glimpse of hell.

Speaking of traitors...


"U.S." House of "Representatives": "Up Yours, America!"


ll 450-plus pages of pure socialism, all the way up. No hearings. No amendments allowed. No time alloted for appropriate debate. Higher taxes and surtaxes on our oil and gas producers. Payroll tax hikes. Excise tax hikes. Too much power concentrated in too few hands. Price and wage controls. Tax code made even more complex. Huge tax cuts for wealthy environmentalists. Huge tax cuts for wealthy Hollywood production companies. Huge tax cuts for wealthy Big Agriculture. Higher public debt. Make-work projects and kickbacks for wealthy environmentalists and other special interests. Higher health-insurance costs. Higher health-care costs. Higher business-reporting costs. Underlying primary causes and evils not only repeated but expanded.

In sum, the largest and most insufferably intrusive and expensive government any generation of Americans has ever been forced to heavily bear, despotically culminating in the longest train of abuses and usurpations they as a people have ever been forced to perpetually witness.

The recent votes of most of the present members of the "United States" House of "Representatives," being votes in favor of yet another repeat of these injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute tyranny over our states, prove them to be in fact—

Levying economic War against the United States:
Neil Abercrombie (Hawaii, 1st district)
Gary Ackerman (New York, 5th district)
Rodney Alexander (Louisiana, 5th district)
Tom Allen (Maine, 1st district)
Robert E. Andrews (New Jersey, 1st district)
Michael A. Arcuri (New York, 24th district)
Joe Baca (California, 43rd district)
Spencer Bachus (Alabama, 6th district)
Brian Baird (Washington, 3rd district)
Tammy Baldwin (Wisconsin, 2nd district)
J. Gresham Barrett (South Carolina, 3rd district)
Melissa L. Bean (Illinois, 8th district)
Shelley Berkley (Nevada, 1st district)
Howard Berman (California, 28th district)
Marion Berry (Arkansas, 1st district)
Judy Biggert (Illinois, 13th district)
Sanford D. Bishop, Jr. (Georgia, 2nd district)
Timothy Bishop (New York, 1st district)
Roy Blunt (Missouri, 7th district)
John A. Boehner (Ohio, 8th district)
Jo Bonner (Alabama, 1st district)
Mary Bono Mack (California, 45th district)
John Boozman (Arkansas, 3rd district)
Dan Boren (Oklahoma, 2nd district)
Leonard Boswell (Iowa, 3rd district)
Rick Boucher (Virginia, 9th district)
Charles W. Boustany, Jr. (Louisiana, 7th district)
Allen Boyd (Florida, 2nd district)
Kevin Brady (Texas, 8th district)
Robert Brady (Pennsylvania, 1st district)
Bruce L. Braley (Iowa, 1st district)
Corrine Brown (Florida, 3rd district)
Henry Brown (South Carolina, 1st district)
Vern Buchanan (Florida, 13th district)
Ken Calvert (California, 44th district)
Dave Camp (Michigan, 4th district)
John Campbell (California, 48th district)
Chris Cannon (Utah, 3rd district)
Eric Cantor (Virginia, 7th district)
Lois Capps (California, 23rd district)
Michael E. Capuano (Massachusetts, 8th district)
Dennis Cardoza (California, 18th district)
Russ Carnahan (Missouri, 3rd district)
André Carson (Indiana, 7th district)
Michael N. Castle (Delaware, At Large district)
Yvette D. Clarke (New York, 11th district)
Emanuel Cleaver (Missouri, 5th district)
James E. Clyburn (South Carolina, 6th district)
Howard Coble (North Carolina, 6th district)
Steve Cohen (Tennessee, 9th district)
Tom Cole (Oklahoma, 4th district)
K. Michael Conaway (Texas, 11th district)
Jim Cooper (Tennessee, 5th district)
Jim Costa (California, 20th district)
Robert E. "Bud" Cramer (Alabama, 5th district)
Ander Crenshaw (Florida, 4th district)
Joseph Crowley (New York, 7th district)
Barbara Cubin (Wyoming, At Large district)
Henry Cuellar (Texas, 28th district)
Elijah Cummings (Maryland, 7th district)
Artur Davis (Alabama, 7th district)
Danny K. Davis (Illinois, 7th district)
Susan Davis (California, 53rd district)
Tom Davis (Virginia, 11th district)
Diana DeGette (Colorado, 1st district)
Rosa L. DeLauro (Connecticut, 3rd district)
Charles W. Dent (Pennsylvania, 15th district)
Norman D. Dicks (Washington, 6th district)
John Dingell (Michigan, 15th district)
Joe Donnelly (Indiana, 2nd district)
Mike Doyle (Pennsylvania, 14th district)
David Dreier (California, 26th district)
Chet Edwards (Texas, 17th district)
Donna F. Edwards (Maryland, 4th district)
Vernon J. Ehlers (Michigan, 3rd district)
Keith Ellison (Minnesota, 5th district)
Brad Ellsworth (Indiana, 8th district)
Rahm Emanuel (Illinois, 5th district)
Jo Ann Emerson (Missouri, 8th district)
Eliot Engel (New York, 17th district)
Anna G. Eshoo (California, 14th district)
Bob Etheridge (North Carolina, 2nd district)
Terry Everett (Alabama, 2nd district)
Mary Fallin (Oklahoma, 5th district)
Sam Farr (California, 17th district)
Chaka Fattah (Pennsylvania, 2nd district)
Michael Ferguson (New Jersey, 7th district)
Vito Fossella (New York, 13th district)
Bill Foster (Illinois, 14th district)
Barney Frank (Massachusetts, 4th district)
Rodney Frelinghuysen (New Jersey, 11th district)
Jim Gerlach (Pennsylvania, 6th district)
Gabrielle Giffords (Arizona, 8th district)
Wayne Gilchrest (Maryland, 1st district)
Charlie A. Gonzalez (Texas, 20th district)
Bart Gordon (Tennessee, 6th district)
Kay Granger (Texas, 12th district)
Al Green (Texas, 9th district)
Luis Gutierrez (Illinois, 4th district)
John J. Hall (New York, 19th district)
Phil Hare (Illinois, 17th district)
Jane Harman (California, 36th district)
Alcee L. Hastings (Florida, 23rd district)
Wally Herger (California, 2nd district)
Brian Higgins (New York, 27th district)
Rubén Hinojosa (Texas, 15th district)
Mazie K. Hirono (Hawaii, 2nd district)
David Hobson (Ohio, 7th district)
Pete Hoekstra (Michigan, 2nd district)
Rush Holt (New Jersey, 12th district)
Mike Honda (California, 15th district)
Darlene Hooley (Oregon, 5th district)
Steny H. Hoyer (Maryland, 5th district)
Bob Inglis (South Carolina, 4th district)
Steve Israel (New York, 2nd district)
Jesse L. Jackson, Jr. (Illinois, 2nd district)
Sheila Jackson Lee (Texas, 18th district)
Eddie Bernice Johnson (Texas, 30th district)
Paul E. Kanjorski (Pennsylvania, 11th district)
Patrick Kennedy (Rhode Island, 1st district)
Dale Kildee (Michigan, 5th district)
Carolyn Kilpatrick (Michigan, 13th district)
Ron Kind (Wisconsin, 3rd district)
Pete King (New York, 3rd district)
Mark Kirk (Illinois, 10th district)
Ron Klein (Florida, 22nd district)
John Kline (Minnesota, 2nd district)
Joseph Knollenberg (Michigan, 9th district)
John R. "Randy" Kuhl, Jr. (New York, 29th district)
Ray LaHood (Illinois, 18th district)
Jim Langevin (Rhode Island, 2nd district)
Rick Larsen (Washington, 2nd district)
John B. Larson (Connecticut, 1st district)
Barbara Lee (California, 9th district)
Sander Levin (Michigan, 12th district)
Jerry Lewis (California, 41st district)
John Lewis (Georgia, 5th district)
Ron Lewis (Kentucky, 2nd district)
David Loebsack (Iowa, 2nd district)
Zoe Lofgren (California, 16th district)
Nita Lowey (New York, 18th district)
Daniel E. Lungren (California, 3rd district)
Tim Mahoney (Florida, 16th district)
Carolyn Maloney (New York, 14th district)
Ed Markey (Massachusetts, 7th district)
Jim Marshall (Georgia, 8th district)
Doris O. Matsui (California, 5th district)
Carolyn McCarthy (New York, 4th district)
Betty McCollum (Minnesota, 4th district)
Jim McCrery (Louisiana, 4th district)
Jim McDermott (Washington, 7th district)
James McGovern (Massachusetts, 3rd district)
John M. McHugh (New York, 23rd district)
Buck McKeon (California, 25th district)
Jerry McNerney (California, 11th district)
Michael R. McNulty (New York, 21st district)
Kendrick Meek (Florida, 17th district)
Gregory W. Meeks (New York, 6th district)
Charlie Melancon (Louisiana, 3rd district)
Brad Miller (North Carolina, 13th district)
Gary Miller (California, 42nd district)
George Miller (California, 7th district)
Harry E. Mitchell (Arizona, 5th district)
Alan B. Mollohan (West Virginia, 1st district)
Dennis Moore (Kansas, 3rd district)
Gwen Moore (Wisconsin, 4th district)
Jim Moran (Virginia, 8th district)
Christopher S. Murphy (Connecticut, 5th district)
Patrick J. Murphy (Pennsylvania, 8th district)
John Murtha (Pennsylvania, 12th district)
Sue Myrick (North Carolina, 9th district)
Jerrold Nadler (New York, 8th district)
Richard E. Neal (Massachusetts, 2nd district)
James L. Oberstar (Minnesota, 8th district)
David R. Obey (Wisconsin, 7th district)
John Olver (Massachusetts, 1st district)
Solomon P. Ortiz (Texas, 27th district)
Frank Pallone, Jr. (New Jersey, 6th district)
Bill Pascrell, Jr. (New Jersey, 8th district)
Ed Pastor (Arizona, 4th district)
Nancy Pelosi (California, 8th district)
Ed Perlmutter (Colorado, 7th district)
John E. Peterson (Pennsylvania, 5th district)
Charles W. "Chip" Pickering (Mississippi, 3rd district)
Earl Pomeroy (North Dakota, At Large district)
Jon Porter (Nevada, 3rd district)
David Price (North Carolina, 4th district)
Deborah Pryce (Ohio, 15th district)
Adam Putnam (Florida, 12th district)
George P. Radanovich (California, 19th district)
Nick Rahall (West Virginia, 3rd district)
Jim Ramstad (Minnesota, 3rd district)
Charles B. Rangel (New York, 15th district)
Ralph Regula (Ohio, 16th district)
Silvestre Reyes (Texas, 16th district)
Thomas M. Reynolds (New York, 26th district)
Laura Richardson (California, 37th district)
Harold Rogers (Kentucky, 5th district)
Mike Rogers (Alabama, 3rd district)
Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (Florida, 18th district)
Mike Ross (Arkansas, 4th district)
Dutch Ruppersberger (Maryland, 2nd district)
Bobby L. Rush (Illinois, 1st district)
Paul Ryan (Wisconsin, 1st district)
Tim Ryan (Ohio, 17th district)
John P. Sarbanes (Maryland, 3rd district)
Jim Saxton (New Jersey, 3rd district)
Jan Schakowsky (Illinois, 9th district)
Adam Schiff (California, 29th district)
Jean Schmidt (Ohio, 2nd district)
Allyson Y. Schwartz (Pennsylvania, 13th district)
David Scott (Georgia, 13th district)
Pete Sessions (Texas, 32nd district)
Joe Sestak (Pennsylvania, 7th district)
John Shadegg (Arizona, 3rd district)
Christopher Shays (Connecticut, 4th district)
Bill Shuster (Pennsylvania, 9th district)
Mike Simpson (Idaho, 2nd district)
Albio Sires (New Jersey, 13th district)
Ike Skelton (Missouri, 4th district)
Louise Slaughter (New York, 28th district)
Adam Smith (Washington, 9th district)
Lamar Smith (Texas, 21st district)
Vic Snyder (Arkansas, 2nd district)
Hilda Solis (California, 32nd district)
Mark E. Souder (Indiana, 3rd district)
Zachary T. Space (Ohio, 18th district)
Jackie Speier (California, 12th district)
John Spratt (South Carolina, 5th district)
John Sullivan (Oklahoma, 1st district)
Betty Sutton (Ohio, 13th district)
Tom Tancredo (Colorado, 6th district)
John Tanner (Tennessee, 8th district)
Ellen Tauscher (California, 10th district)
Lee Terry (Nebraska, 2nd district)
Mike Thompson (California, 1st district)
Mac Thornberry (Texas, 13th district)
Pat Tiberi (Ohio, 12th district)
John Tierney (Massachusetts, 6th district)
Edolphus Towns (New York, 10th district)
Niki Tsongas (Massachusetts, 5th district)
Fred Upton (Michigan, 6th district)
Chris Van Hollen (Maryland, 8th district)
Nydia M. Velázquez (New York, 12th district)
Greg Walden (Oregon, 2nd district)
Jim Walsh (New York, 25th district)
Zach Wamp (Tennessee, 3rd district)
Debbie Wasserman Schultz (Florida, 20th district)
Maxine Waters (California, 35th district)
Diane E. Watson (California, 33rd district)
Mel Watt (North Carolina, 12th district)
Henry Waxman (California, 30th district)
Anthony D. Weiner (New York, 9th district)
Peter Welch (Vermont, At Large district)
Dave Weldon (Florida, 15th district)
Jerry Weller (Illinois, 11th district)
Robert Wexler (Florida, 19th district)
Charles A. Wilson (Ohio, 6th district)
Heather Wilson (New Mexico, 1st district)
Joe Wilson (South Carolina, 2nd district)
Frank Wolf (Virginia, 10th district)
Lynn Woolsey (California, 6th district)
David Wu (Oregon, 1st district)
John A. Yarmuth (Kentucky, 3rd district)
(Congressional districts of DemObamatic traitors in roman, Republican traitors in italic.)

Of these 264 traitors, 204 voted in favor of both versions of the DemObamatic-controlled Congress' declaration of economic war against the United States: House bill number 3997, which the House failed to pass following roll call number 674, on September 29; and House bill number 1424, which it passed following roll call number 681, on October 3.

After the DemObamatic traitors led by Traitor Pelosi changed the first bill's title and contents from a Heroes Earnings Assistance and Relief Tax Act to the so-called Emergency Economic Stabilization Act, they tried using it as the House's steamroller "vehicle" for Congress' hundred-page declaration of economic war against the United States.

H.R. 3997
Roll Call 674TP?
Even with the 204 traitors and Traitor McDermott voting in favor of that version, or 140 DemObamarat traitors but only 65 Republican ones so treasonously voting (and Traitor Weller not voting), it failed. Claiming a need for "adult supervision" of those House members who patriotically defended our states against the traitors' economic war of aggression, Traitor Pelosi and her fellow traitors — joined now by their aiders and comforters in the Senate — were undaunted.

The traitors' progressive move on the "United States" Senate had their aiders and comforters there changing the second bill's title and contents furiously from a Paul Wellstone Mental Health and Addiction Equity Act to their declaration of economic war against the United States, but all the while plotting with them to create and unleash a far more monstrous version that would weigh in at well over four hundred pages, then using all that as the Senate's mega-steamroller "vehicle" for their overt and expanding acts of treason. The "U.S." Senate, of course, being long synonymous with treason anyway, swiftly passed this buck — now laden not only with their vote-buying pork and kickbacks, but with their economic letters of marque and reprisal as well as rules concerning their captures of our once-free markets — back to Traitor Pelosi and her treasonous House.

That done, the only thing left for the House's 204 hard-core traitors to do was recruit into their treasonous ranks a sufficient number of additional traitors, using as bait the vote-buying bribes strewn throughout that second version of their declaration of economic war against the United States.

H.R. 1424
Roll Call 681TP
They accomplished their treasonous goal when 33 more DemObamarat traitors (after losing Double Traitor McDermott who apparently got cold feet) and 26 more Republican ones (including Traitor Weller) accepted those bribes, turned coat, and voted in favor of the most widely witnessed, most overt, and so far most unpunished acts of treason ever committed against the United States of America.

Not surprisingly, in the so-called "people's house" more DemObamatic members were in favor of than opposed to each version of this treason. Which is the exact opposite of how Republican members voted.

Until we as a people have determined for ourselves that a "United States" House of "Representatives" controlled as it has been these last mere twenty-one months by a party so composed mostly of traitors to our country, is not at all in our best interests, especially our economic ones, not only will it never be "our" House but it will never be "our" country.

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