What in the world could've possibly changed anyone's mind about the Saddamic Republic of Iraq?iberals think feel that no one and nothing should ever change. These so-called "progressives" bleat that no one — with the exception of themselves, of course — is ever allowed to ever change his attitudes about anything at all. Everyone else must never "move on" or engage in any sort of "forward thinking" no matter what new circumstances or realities may crop up and demand it.
One thing you'll never hear any "progressive" liberal say about anything he's ever espoused or done is "I was wrong." Their so-called War on Poverty? Don't blame liberals for their never having won it, not even in the slightest. Those public housing high-rises Heartbreak Hotels® they demanded be built all throughout the country? Don't blame libressives for all the misery their total failures here caused, too, before each was finally — and mercifully — torn down. Their "roguish" bad boy in the oral office who, in 1994 and every year afterwards, did little about — besides flat-out ignore it — the growing threat to the United States from Middle Eastern state-sponsored terrorism? Don't blame progerals for his Treat All National Security Threats As Mere Crimes™ policy's complete and massive failure that directly encouraged and facilitated this:

So it's not surprising
liberals feel that not even this literally bloody blast of reality should ever cause anyone, especially any of themselves, to change his mind about how our country and the rest of the world should finally be dealing with each and every
state sponsor of terrorism, including doing whatever is necessary to eliminate even the potential of more such acts of terror against us.
Liberals would rather that the adults running our government wait until the "crime" is actually committed and the coroners and CSI teams have finished removing the thousands of bodies and tons of rubble and conducting autopsies and investigations before issuing any warrants, making arrests, and exposing our courtrooms — including all of us who sit on their juries along with our immediate family members — to every "defendant" and his supporters who are at all times prepared to do anything and everything at all, including die, to destroy and instill fear in as many of us "infidels" as possible so they can please and help take over the world for allah.
Thank the Lord our Vice President is forward-thinking enough to move on past such old and discredited attitudes and change his mind about why we must do everything in our power to permanently defeat the desperate and deadly enemies of not only the American people but all peoples, and about what cost is worth such best possible assurance that they will never cause harm to any of us or our children again.
Bush-hating Dinosaurat Party politicians and other such liberals simply don't get it. As this latest "gotcha!1!!1!@" demonstrates, no one is ever going to have any reason to expect they ever will or even could.
Labels: clue-challenged liberals (BIRM), Deranged Extremist Moonbat Obdurate Craven Retarded Appeasing Traitorous Slime (DEMOCRATS), liberals unhinged, Religion of Decease, surrender monkeys

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