Saturday, January 09, 2010 |
"Call the Waaahhhmbulance!!!! It's all about ME!!!!! ...."hat a spineless, mealymouthed, slimy sack of incompetenceship.
But you're right, Yøur wØrthlessnessship. Your miserably failing to protect the American people while treasonously aiding and comforting their bloodthirsty enemies shouldn't be a matter of divison and partisanship.
It should be a universally demanded matter of impeachmentship.
Namely, yours.
As in ship you out of office tout suite (see, I know more than just merci beaucoup) and ship you off to prison pour le reste de votre vie malheureuse for willfully neglecting to honor that solemn oath you took to faithfully execute the one office empowered by us to defend this nation against all enemy attacks.
Not "wait until the third attack in six months on our own soil before I feel like finally getting around to at least pretending that I'm doing something about it."
Not "we have to treat bloodthirsty pisslamic terrorist enemies[bhrh] who carry out blatant acts of war against us the same as we would domestic 'suspects' who commit 'alleged crimes.'"
Not "I'm going to close a secure facility that's helping keep all of us safe and bring foreign bloodthirsty pisslamic terrorist enemies[bhrh] here — on our own soil — where they'll clam up and get lawyers and mingle with local prision populations and endanger our corrections officers and receive a fair farce trial because that's what Teh Rest Of Teh World™ wants me to do, the American people's security be damned!"
Not "my epic failures, extreme incompetence, and egotistical whining are all the fault of Buuuuuuusssssssshhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!®"
You are an unmitigated man-caused disaster. You are an utter disgrace to that office you allegedly occupy. You are an unpardonable abomination, an unredeemable worm, an unacceptable threat to the safety and security of this country and of every one of her citizens.
You are an unprecedented defilement of everything good, decent, and right about America.
You are unfit to lead a kazoo "band," much, much, much, much less any branch of any federal, state, local, or even student government, real or mock.
The sooner you're shipped out of office and off to prison the better for all of us and our individual freedoms and national security.
Labels: dangerously incompetent liberals (BIRM), Impeach.Obama.Now., islamofascist terrorist attacks on American soil (blame Obama), Obama's Enhanced Distraction Techniques, Religion of Decease, treason

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