Correction: Unattractiveness Is A Sin.hat happens when "your" government declares what you do or are is a sin? In lieu of poisonous-gas "showers" and ovens giftgas duschen und öfen (sounds better in the 1944 original German), it hounds and taxes what you do or are out of existence.
Call this abuse the We Don't Want To Have To Look At You® series of laws and regulations.
Or the New Intolerable Acts for short.
(Why not save time and just adopt India's "banned" Untouchables Caste system?)
When the late Jesse Helms, who "ran one of the most integrated radio stations in the South in his pre-Senate days and often hired minorities on his Senate staff" and helped "battle AIDS and poverty in Africa," predicted this two decades ago, so-called "progressives" progressnobs ridiculed him for it. Turns out he was right.
A very large majority of Americans (pun intended) are overweight, the mainstream media Democorrupt Politburo's Ministers of Propaganda ad-nauseamly remind us. So fascist Big Brother tyrannical liberals like Acting Presidents Peloseri, scReid, et al-Qongress and "Present" Øfascist(bimrm) think feel that taxing every Overweight-American as heavy-handedly as, yes, they can would net for their government a very huge source of revenue. And the more revenue that, yes, they can take steal from us, the more control that, yes, they can have over us.
What's next?
Given the facts that these same despotic Marxist dictatorial liberals(birm) have declared carbon dioxide a "dangerous pollutant," and that this gas is what we all expel every time we breathe, don't be surprise when very soon you hear how "your" government is contemplating a Breathing Tax®.
Then, yes, those fascists can tax 100 percent of all living Americans.
(Don't worry, on the non-living ones they'll impose a Universal Decomposition Tax™, eternally billed to the former's survivors and descendants.)
Does anyone still seriously hope he'll even have any pocket change left after our their government declares eating too much, growing too old, using too many incandescent light bulbs (i.e., more than zero), etc., etc., to all be heftily taxable "sins"?
The real sin is electing such rabid fascists to any position of real power.
Too bad there isn't a Fifty-Twoers Tax, because that's the one sin tax I would wholeheartedly and unequivocally support.
Labels: anti-America liberals (BIRM), DeMSMocrat-dictatorial complex, fascist totalitarian liberals (BIRM), more liberal intolerance, Separation of Common Sense and State

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