"Hey, you n*****, you better put them 'We All Look (And Think) Alike' chains back on or else!"hipping an African-American Patriotic-American across his back with her 'Look, All Y'all S'ppose To Think Alike Too' Quotes Whip (© 1828-2009 Demoracist Party), Racist Demokkkrat Senotard B. Hussein's-cracklicker Boxer (D CCCP NSDAP-KKKalifornicatia)birm effectively and racistly called Harry C. Alford, president and CEO of the National Black Chamber of Commerce, an "Uncle Tom" (© 1828-2009 Demoracist Party) for daring to emancipate himself from Racist Boxer and her Racist Party's heavy chains of bigotry and "Y'all Look Alike To Us, So Y'all Best 'Think' Just Like Us Too" racial prejudices.
Also, DNA from the copious amounts of urine found yesterday on Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s grave positively matches that of the racist senatorette.

Labels: dangerously incompetent liberals (BIRM), fascist totalitarian liberals (BIRM), liberal racism, liberalism: THE ideology of hate, more liberal intolerance

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