and so do I!"n the realm of politics, siding with your enemy in a way that partially stabs in the back friends whom you know can't or won't more than temporarily turn on you, all so you can manipulate both just to your own advantage, is known as triangulation.
In the international-relations arena, siding with the same enemy all your close friends have been siding with anyway, just so you can fully stab in the back a country that all of you not only fundamentally hate but want to permanently destroy, could be called biangulation.
Except there's a better term for it:
Because that country is the one to whose constitution you've formally — if not solemnly — sworn allegiance.

After warmly shaking hands with a fellow totalitarian fascist, Former Senator Øfascist gladly accepts his favorite anti-America
"The former half-term senator seems to be saying, 'I order you to buy my great friend's book now — or else!'" an expert on interdictatorial relations told LU News®.
The book's sales rank before this photograph of Tyrants Shaking Hands™ was snapped: #54,295. It's rank after "Present" Øtyrant apparently commanded his fellow citizens enslaved subjects to buy it: #2.
"Now that's an effective endorsement!" the expert added.
Coddle and legitimize absolute depots your friends who declare our country their mortal enemy. That's not standing up for us or our interests.
Declare war on American citizens who clearly see the tremendous damage you're inflicting on this country they profoundly love and who thus deeply and honestly believe it is nothing short of their highest patriotic duty to oppose your dangerously irresponsible, shortsighted, and self-interested acts and woefully out of touch and incompetent policies.
That's downright anti-America.
Continue going around the world apologizing to our enemies. Just from now on do it not in our name but in yours alone, for the total and shameful disgrace you are to a country that I and all your other declared enemies would never — could never — hate or betray in any way like you so do.
Labels: dangerously incompetent liberals (BIRM), fascist totalitarian liberals (BIRM), liberalism: THE ideology of hate, miserably failing liberals (BIRM), treason, Unabashed Sellouts of America

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