"It's not what you know..."This post has been rated |
PG-13 | parents strongly cautioned | some material may be inappropriate for children under 13 | For continuous crude congress-related language, bribery, and gross misuse of taxpayers' money. |
hen you know people in such high places as that Stinking Brothel on a Hill®, where prostitutes with charming names like Senator and Representative turn more tricks per week than all the ones ever turned in Nevada since that state joined the Union, it doesn't matter how much trouble you get into from your corrupt freewheeling using other people's money.
The collective madams with hearts of gold, each bought and paid for with other people's money (namely, ours), are going to shower you with more of that same people's money so you can keep right on doing it the moment the heat is off.
Except those golden showers of theirs are only going to wind up hosing us.
Fannie, Freddie, and their pleasured John Juan and Barack, meanwhile, will all get highly paid for their bailout orgy foursome "freebie," doing things that would make Eliot Spitzer blush. Courtesy, of course, our money.
Then they'll break out the bamboo and whips and use them some more on us. (Mistress Juanita likes to call it "'caining." But don't expect him her to hear anything when her victims scream the safe word "Enough!" That's because Mistress Obambi instead wants them all to yell "Assez!" — or "merci beaucoup, puis-je avoir un autre?" if he's she's wearing her crotchless bus driver's uniform and The Rev. Jesse Hacksaw isn't anywhere around.)
Enough Assez already!
It's way past time we raided their house of ill repute and charged nearly everyone inside with solicitation and other crimes against the American taxpayer.
So none of them can anymore engage in such morally depraved congress.
Labels: Washington D(istrict of )C(rooks)

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