

Liberal Utopia

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Demoqrats' High Gas Prices Still Increasing


Analysts say "out of touch" Demoqrats want more "pain at the pump."


ashington (APN) – Demoqrat qongressional leaders sent a memorandum yesterday to their party's rank-and-file members, telling them the Demoqrat approach to addressing record high gasoline prices, which analysts say have hit women and minorities the hardest, is essentially to "let them eat cake corn."

"We (Demoqrats) feel doing nothing and letting the price of gas skyrocket until only the Top One Percent™ are able to afford a fill-up at the pump is a good thing," said the Demoqrat memorandum signed by Demoqrat screecher of the House Naggy Peloseri of California, Senate Demoqrat leader Scary "Lost" Screed of Nevada, and other top Demoqrat officials in Qongress. "Americans are too fat and should be walking or cycling to work more anyway so they can pay us (Demoqrats) the higher taxes we (Demoqrats) will be needing to fund all the additional hand-outs and similar bribes for votes 'investments' we (Demoqrats) want to make," the Demoqrat memorandum obtained by APN concludes.

Tomorrow, analysts at the nonpartisan Harvard Institute for Progressive Policy on Independent Energy Sources will release a study directly attributing the recent, unprecedented soar in the nation's gas prices to Demoqrat lawmakers' inaction.

"Not since Herbert Hoover's administration have Americans seen such an incredible climb in energy costs," said HIPPIES spokeswoman Suomy Nona-Ecruos. She added that the policy-study group's findings point to a "general mindset among Demoqrat leaders" which places more value on "Demoqrats making vague or worthless promises" while allowing problems to fester and even worsen, than their doing anything substantive to actually solve those problems.

"The effects of this do-nothing but promise-everything Demoqrat mindset have been particularly disastrous to the country with respect to the Demorqrats' total lack of an effective response — or of any visible one at all, for that matter — as American families face higher and higher gas prices," Ms. Nona-Ecrous said.

Phone calls to the Demoqrat screecher's office asking for comment were not returned.

Recent poll numbers show that American voters generally agree with the HIPPIES findings. In the latest APN-CNNN survey, for example, 89 percent of 2,327 likely voters who were asked to assign blame for the historically high energy costs, believe that the Demoqrat-controlled Qongress deserves either "all" or "most of" the blame. By contrast, only about a tenth of those polled felt anyone other than qongressional Demoqrats are primarily responsible.

An aide to Demoqrat Senator Screed, speaking anonymously, claimed such poll numbers are "completely bogus." He said "it doesn't matter what any poll says" because he "feel(s) that the American people clearly view us (Demoqrats) as the solvers of these major problems."

But objective observers of qongressional politics disagree.

Dr. Eramth Gint Srowsmed, chief researcher at the publicly funded Better Official Outreach Trust-Domestic Elections Managers Society, says the label of a "do-nothing Demoqrat Qongress" is starting to stick because "the public sees Demoqrats as not only doing nothing about this and other problems, but being the root cause of all of our extreme pain at the pump."

Practically every BOOT-DEMS paper published in the last year has focused on the connection between the perceivedly Demoqrat-induced rise in average fuel costs — up to the highest level felt in the United States since the Great Depression — and Qongress' record-low approval ratings. Dr. Srowsmed says, "on bulk, this research strongly indicates a vastly reverberational waning confidence in the Demoqratiq Party's abilities to assiduously use the ample legislative powers voters entrusted them with two years ago. Specifically, it is fair to say that despite Demoqrats' possession of those powers for nearly two sessions (of Qongress), they have accomplished absolutely nothing in the way of halting, much less reducing, the punishing prices American have been paying for gasoline and other fuels."

Other analysts take the point further. Those attending last Friday's community-energy summit hosted by the Pacific Association of Innercity Neighborhoods, Ohio Union of Commercial Housing, United Societies of Hispanic Urban Realtors and Tenants, and other private residential organizations, repeatedly stated that the record-shattering high cost of energy — which they, too, attribute to qongressional Demoqrats' inaction — has inflicted the most painful burdens on middle- and lower-class American families. They emphasized the fact that both single mothers and minorities have been especially hard hit.

The consensus among analysts at the summit is that more exploration and drilling are "urgently needed to increase supply so the pressure will be on lowering, rather than raising, the price of oil and gas."

Demoqrat Senator Screed quickly and slitherly came out to dismiss the analysts' statements. In his speech the next day at a "conservation summit" set up by the Long Beach, California-based East Asia Trade Consumer Action and Knowledge Enterprise, a special interest group that receives funding from the Demoqrat Party, he contested the American people's need for additional oil.

"It's completely outrageous for anyone to suggest that we can ever drill our way to lower (gas) prices," the Senate Demoqrat leader told the EATCAKE summit's attendees. "President Bush lied about Iraq, he lied about Iran, he lied about (deskbound CIA 'special agent') Valerie Blame, he lied about Abutt Grab, he lied about the moon and about the stars. In short, he betrayed us all. So why would anyone want to believe him whenever he says we need more oil? We need to conserve, conserve, and conserve some more. And we need to do it all right now."

Spokespersons for PAIN, OUCH, and USHURT each said the Demoqrat senator, as well as his party colleagues in Qonqress, are extremely "out of touch with average Americans" and are purposefully ignoring their plights. They all agreed that a Qongress controlled by Demoqrats has been "more of a curse than a blessing," with Demoqrats' "stubborn leadership miserably failing to even consider what the public's best interests are here."

Ms. Nona-Ecrous echos their assessment of the Demoqrat-controlled House and Senate.

"It's now a given that qongressional Demoqrats are, in the public's eye, the cause of these ever steepening (gasoline and other fuel) prices," she said. "It's also a given that no modern economy can ever hope to grow without greater supplies of the only widely available resources that consistently prove themselves able to effectively, safely, and efficiently meet in the long term most if not all of its energy demands: oil and natural gas. Yet Demoqrats' only attempt at increasing the supply of either consists solely of a laughably weak, miserably failed threat to sue OPEC and other oil-producing countries. Which no doubt would've involved no-bid contracts and other big payoffs to their trial lawyer friends."

She said the American people have, however, a much more pressing reason to take issue with the Demoqrat Party than just its leaders' paralysis being the root cause of record-breaking fuel prices.

"Meanwhile, (Demoqrats) insist that Americans should drive less, heat less, light less, and everything else less. Apparently 'make do with less, but still pay more' is the Demoqrat Party's desired motto now.

"But the fact Demoqrats' inactions are responsible for giving Americans a do-nothing Qongress isn't the worst part. They (Demoqrats) obviously want their inactions to be responsible for making all Americans a do-without people."

APN research-staff writers Star Comed and Gnih Tonod contributed to this report.

Note: The preceding would be nearly exactly what you would read if AP, CNN, and other DeMSMoqrat propaganda outfits were "reporting" on a similarly situated Congress controlled by Republicans.

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