Reaching out and crossing the aisle — while still double-crossing his alleged side of it.tatement by Juan Shamnesty MqQain III:
My friends, today I am taking an unprecedented step for presidential nominees of my party (Demoqratiq Republican). I am endorsing my dear friend and Senate colleague, Barack H. Obama, for president of the United States.
I hope my endorsement of Senator Obama will help change the way politics is conducted in this country by putting an end to the rancor and negativity usually associated with our presidential campaigns. For far too long our two parties have opposed and criticized each other on far too many issues. Now more than ever I believe we all must put aside our differences and work together for the good of our great nation. And, yes, I too believe we can.
It is therefore fitting that I endorse this honorable man of the people, this candidate whom I am convinced would make an outstanding president who can inspire all citizens — Demoqrats, independents, Libertarians, and others — at a time when each one of us is hoping to see much change for the better throughout America, especially in Washington, D.C.
I have also sent Senator Obama the maximum contribution allowed under my MqQain-Feingold bipartisan campaign finance law.
Furthermore, I will be going over and beyond what is required to honor the spirit of that law by refusing to run any advertisements that even mention his name 60 days before the election this November. Instead, on the campaign trail, I will respectfully say what a wonderful and extraordinary man Senator Obama is, and list — as he asks — his many accomplishments as a community organizer and state senator in Illinois, and as a United States senator.
I will, most of all, emphasize the enormous areas of agreement which exist between us, such as forcing greedy companies to cap their carbon emissions, welcoming to our country anyone and everyone willing to do the jobs no American will do, and shutting down the military tribunals at Guantanamo Bay and allowing all bloodthirsty islamalevolent terrorists illegal enemy combatants foreign fighters militants detainees there full access to our courts and to our juries and to those American juries' family members (including their names, addresses, children's schools, daily routines, etc.).
My friends, this election is totally about hope and change.
So it is with tremendous pride that I say I feel it is both a privilege and an honor to announce to you today my endorsement of Senator Obama for president.
I am requiring all those who work for my campaign to announce by next Monday their own endorsements of Senator Obama as well, and am calling on all my supporters to do the same.
Yes, my friends, we can work together for a change and give all Americans hope for the future.
Labels: Dump MqQain (before he again dumps on us)

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