McCCCPainhanks, Demoskewerats, for overtly crashing the Republican party primaries and adhering to this extremely narcissistic and arrogant enemy of our freedoms, giving him aid and comfort.
...the penalties are too small to encourage innovation.
Has Joseph Stalin MqQain III ever in his entire life run any commercial venture larger than a pop stand? (Massive bribery schemes don't count.)
How about the incentives aren't large enough for companies that put everything on the line just to stay open and compete and hopefully thrive, to encourage them to chuck all common business sense to the ravenous, mindless wolves in Washington so self-interested, career politicians can feel good about themselves?
To quote what your pro-cake "my friends" might say, Señor MarxQain, if they were honest: We can't innovate our way out of the energy "crisis." Not on the alternative fuels fairy dust and unicorn hornpowder that won't "come online" before you're embalmed next to Lenin's body, if ever. Nor can we conserve our way out of it without you subjecting us all to an economy so devastated and bleak, and government controls so invasive and (you'll love this one) penalizing, you'd make the rest of your fellow Marxist-Leninists look like Reaganites — which, come to think of it, is exactly what your "my firends" are shooting for.
The only penalties too small here, Juanita, are the ones you should be suffering — in creatively painful and multifaceted ways — each and every time you spout such useless sludge.
Time for another bundled contribution of MqPesos....

Labels: Deranged Extremist Moonbat Obdurate Craven Retarded Appeasing Traitorous Slime (DEMOCRATS), Dump MqQain (before he again dumps on us), elitist despot liberals (BIRM), treason, Where's the Fence?

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