Monday, December 06, 2004 |
Want the Intelligence Reform Bill to have real legitimacy? Then wait 28 days when all the newly elected members of Congress are sworn in before passing it.
ello? Earth to Washington, D.C.: Hey! have you forgotten this country just had an
election? Nine new Senators and 38 new Representatives will be arriving in town on January 3. They are now among the legitimate voices in our Congress. Not SadTom Daschat and his band of beaten blatherers. Any deal made with these leaving Duckolamerats which affects our wartime intelligence will only be illegitimate.
Let all the members legitimately chosen last month by the people have a say in making that deal. Excluding their input will delegitimize any such reform measure. Remember, Washington, the people have spoken. We don't want the bums we threw out to have a hand in making decisions anymore. It would be unwise to ignore that.

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