You never know who's watching...OK, we strongly suspect now.
t's getting late, guy. Why don't you turn in?"
"I will in a minute, pal. I want to see what the main story will be at the top of the hour."
"You know what it's gonna be. They've been reporting the same thing for the last week. Why do you want to see more of that crap?"
"Because I like to know how we're doing. You never know if we'll see a breakthrough. Plus we get to find out how many we got and what the enemy's up to."
"Suit yourself, guy. I still say you should watch something else for a change."
"Yeah. Whatever."
"Well, let me know when you're—"
"Hush! hush! It's coming on now."
"...when a Marine entered what appeared to be a mosque, followed by our own embedded reporter..."
"Is that the mosque that was being used as a depot? I thought—"
"Be quiet, pal! Let me hear."
"...apparently wounded, although there's been no official confirmation regarding the extent of..."
"No! See what they're doing now!
"I thought you wanted to hear the report. Don't you want to see the rest of this now?"
"I've seen enough, pal. This must not go unpunished. We must do something!"
"What can we do?"
"Plenty. Go set up the video equipment now."
"But why? You know we aren't scheduled to record anything until after Friday."
"I don't care what we were supposed to do. This is what we must do. Now go set it up."
"Okay, okay. But I still don't know why you want to."
"Just do it!"
"All right."
"Have you finished, pal?"
"Everything's ready. I have the camera out front like the last time. Did you want a chair in there again?"
"No, no chair. We won't be needing one."
"Then how are we going to—"
"We aren't going to tape any statements. I just need to get this recorded. Now go in there and bring her out."
"You just going to have her stand this time?"
"No more questions! I said bring her out. Do it now!"
"Ok, I'm going."
"Ce qui sont vous faisant?"
"Come with me and don't talk."
"Mais pourquoi?"
"Just do as I say! No talking."
"Stand her right here, pal."
"Come on. Move! Here. Stand still. Stop moving!"
"Put this on her."
"Je ne comprends pas!"
"You want her to wear a blindfold? Why?"
"It's necessary. Now get it done."
"I still don't—I said stop moving! I'm not sure what you're wanting to do. Ok, there. So what do you want me to do now?"
"Nothing. Just make sure the equipment's working properly."
"You want me to raise the camera up? It's still set low."
"No. Just stand over there next to the recorder, out of the way. And go ahead and start it."
"All right.... It's recording now."
"Get on your knees woman! I said on! your knees!"
"Guy, no! Wait. Stop—!"
"To you watching this. This is how we avenge the death of our brothers!—"
(Single round fired.)
"Oh, guy, no. I didn't think we were going to need to do that."
"Stop the recording. Did you hear me? Press stop."
"It's stopped. I do not understand. I do not understand why you had to do that."
"It is what we had to do. It is something everyone must see after having watched what they'd done to one of our brothers on TV."
Based on an actual story.

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