Tuesday, November 30, 2004 |
Best way to piss off the people: force them to stand in line twice!
eah, real smart. If I were a Ukrainian, and the sore loseral and assorted foreign countries were demanding that I go stand in line again for hours to vote after I'd already done so, guess who I'd be taking out all my frustrations on as I pressed the Submit Ballot button? The doofus who forced me to do that, that's who. The announced winner of the Ukrainian election himself is saying he wouldn't oppose such a revote. Now you know why.
Work only with the votes the people cast the first time or just shut up. That's my unsolicited advice to whoever now or in the future thinks it's ever a good idea to call for a revote after any election. Previously submitted ballots can be easily reexamined and then either confirmed or tossed. Just takes time and a little patience. Any irregularities can be discovered and fixed then too—which won't happen with a revote while any of the same irregularities are still in place.
Okay. I'll butt out of the Ukrainians' business now and let their own court system work the thing out. Wish France et al. would follow suit. Geezh.

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