Baracrook Insane Øgutless not only didn't, but cowardly abandoned them the moment he heard they were in trouble.
on't count on Øbamemyselfandi bothering to help you even when yes he can and should.
If helping you would interfere in any way with his constant campaigning for political office, you're on your own.
Got al-Qaeda terrorists breathing down your neck? Sorry, he's off to Vegas.
Desperately need back-up? Without it you'll die? Too bad. Don't even hope he'll change his schedule.
He has time only to raise money for his campaign, not to save anyone's life.
The most "help" you'll ever get from him is when you come home in a body bag, and he has his sidekick come over and compliment your grieving family on your now lifeless balls.
What, you don't find any comfort in that?
I would say "go tell it to the Marines" (at least while you still can). But he's made that impossible for you, too.
After all, he had to privatize and outsource their jobs.
The only real hope for justice you'll find is posthumously, when someone — either your family or President Romney's attorney general, or both — drags Øbamurderer and his whole lying crew of liars into court for their criminal negligence which led directly to your wrongful death.
Labels: 2012: end of an err0r, grossly negligent liberals (BIRM), liberals are always extreme, lying liberals (BIRM), Obama hates military people, Obama's War on Americans, Worst. pResident. Ever.

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