Speech of the winning presidential candidate—
ou're the forgotten, the swept-aside, the ignored. You're the ones your own government leaves out when it paints its nice, neat rosy economic landscapes. You don't make the media's favorite political party look good, so they won't even bother looking at you as long as its politicians are in control of the White House. It's now all just about how many praises they can gush out for their most-favored national party. Oh, they might mention you in passing — call you each a "discouraged worker" and move on. But that's it. That's because, to it and them, you don't count.
But I'll count you! I won't forget you. I won't sweep you aside. I won't ignore you!
I'll count you in every time my administration looks at the economy. I won't ever leave you out. Unlike the failure Øbama and his failed administration, I and my administration won't ever put out or tout phony unemployment figures that do. Like you, I've never been fooled by his lying, half-truth figures. To him and his licking lapdog media, you aren't important enough to include in those figures. But I'll include you in them! Not only that, I'll include you in everything my administration does so, yes, we can work together to actually improve our economy and help you find full-time, good-paying jobs for a change.
You're much too important to leave out of anything your government does. Ninety-four million American workers will always count in my book and in every book, budget, or press release I and all your other servants in my administration publish.
That's the only figure that will ever count. You and I will measure my successes not by how low the phony unemployment figures are, but by how many of you have re-entered America's workforce and are participating again in her strong and ever-growing economy.
I'll always count you. So I'm counting on you and your votes to help us all take back the White House for those who should always count the most: you!
Thank you. Thank you, God, for blessing us and for blessing our nation under You.
Labels: Conservatism wins every time, Democrat War on Americans, lying liberals (BIRM), Sealing the fate of freedom's enemies, socialist injustice, Yes Yes Yes. God Bless America.

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