"We’re setting the stage for a terrorist attack in this country. And the group is not going to be ISIS, it's going to be USIS, us against these unjust law officers and people who continue to allow racism to grow into this city." –Self-proclaimed black terrorist "reverend"
nternational muslim ISIS terrorists and domestic black USIS terrorists love Demøthugs because Demøthugs just want to "empathize" with and "respect" terrorists, not stop their terrorism. If you don't smile and say, "Yes they can make our country and communities even more unsafe," they and their progressøfascist media accomplices brand you an islamophobe or racist.
Had enough yet, Mr. & Mrs. America?
These overt and self-confessed aiders and comforters of terrorists would rather you and yours be threatened, harmed, and even murdered en masse than do or say anything that might offend terrorists. Their feelings, not the American people's security, is what's most important to Demøthugs.
The Demøthug Party has already undermined our Troops and their mission in Iraq, leading to more and more international terrorism which threatens us all. Now it's trying to undermine our Law Enforcement Officers and their mission here, "setting the stage for a terrorist attack in this country."
Thanks, Demøthugs and every stupid American voter who's enabling Demøthugs to destroy our lives, our liberties, and our pursuits of happiness.
Labels: aided and comforted enemies, Democrat War on Americans, Liberalism Kills, liberals are always extreme, minionstream media, Stupidity of the Democrat Voter, Suicidemocrats, violent Democrats (BIRM)

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