Monday, September 15, 2014 |
Long time passing....
Civilian Labor Force
Participation Rate - 25 to 54 yearsPresident | Months in office | Average % | Low - High |
George Bush | 48 | 79.1 | 78.2 - 80.2 |
B J al-Qlinton | 96 | 80.4 | 78.1 - 81.9 |
George W. Bush | 96 | 79.4 | 77.0 - 81.3 |
B'Hussein al-Qbama | 67 | 75.6 | 74.8 - 76.8 |
iven all his failed economic policies, it's absolutely not surprising al-Qbama's monthly percentage still has never surpassed even George W. Bush's lowest. For the 29 months that remain of his starring in our long, national nightmare, al-Qbama's percentage would have to jump to and stay at an unprecedented 88.2 percent just for his to equal President Bush's final average. Can you say "no hope"? How about "only change for the worse"?
Below are the rates before being "seasonally adjusted" by his Øbaminions. They paint an even grimmer picture.
Moreover, a substantial number of women were increasingly working full time before Øbysmal's so-called presidency. Now only 71 percent of women are doing so. The last time that rate was so low, BiIsIs al-Qlinton was in the White Double-Wide House. Still, you shouldn't be surprised by his and his party's malevolent malignancy. Even before jobs-killing Democrooks took over Congress in the middle of President Bush's second term, they sabotaged the housing market and wrecked our economy just so they could blame it on him and win the 2008 election. They revel in causing you misery.
Welcome to the Demøcriminal war on working Americans. With their illegal, cheap mercenary laborers/voters pouring across our border, they're bound and determined that we the law-abiding people of the United States all become casualties.
Until we rise up and defeat them, it's their world. You just lose your good-paying job in it.
Labels: anti-America liberals (BIRM), Democrat War on Americans, inconvenient facts, liberals are always extreme, neither Hope nor Change, ObaDunce FAILS, Where's the Fence?, Worst. pResident. Ever.

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