Friday, February 22, 2013 |
But he said he'd give me only a $15 one....
herefore, my boss has cut my salary by $85!
He wants my kids to starve! He wants me to stop taking them to the doctor! He wants to see my whole family kicked out on the street and become homeless!
How am I going to pay my mortgage and keep my kids from going hungry and without health and day care on just a $3,700-a-week salary?!
I needed every bit of that $100 raise to prevent all these Horrible Things™ from happening!
But, no! My boss doesn't care about people like me! He's mean! He's evil! He hates women, infants, and, of course, Teh Children®!
Shame on him for totally destroying me and my family!
This sequestration "argument" brought to you by the Demøfascist Party and its minionstream-media affiliates. (© 1917-2013 V. Lenin & Associates)
Labels: fascist totalitarian liberals (BIRM), liberalism: THE ideology of fear, liberals are always extreme, lying liberals (BIRM), minionstream media, tax'n'spend liberals (BIRM), thieving liberals (BIRM)

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