Saturday, November 14, 2015 |
Presentdunce Øbozo and the Mizzou Fighting Slowflakes™ want to "safe space" it.
In an interview with ABC's George Stephanopoulos that aired on Friday's broadcast of Good Morning America, Obama declared that he didn't believe ISIS (also known as ISIL) was gaining strength.
'What is true is that from the start, our goal has been first to contain and we have contained them.'
eah, right.
If ISIS had sole power to install America's president, you think its choice would be any different than the øne this dhimmwit's voters made?
Speaking of said *spit* voters *spit*:
Not taking away from Paris we love yall but
With profascistives, there's always a "but" after anything decent, moral, or that cries for common humanity.
...we have terrorists in USA Called KKK #Mizzou. Gov got work to do
7:40 PM - 13 Nov 2015
[20 retweets, 7 hearts]
Typical sniveling coward overpampered selfish greedy libflake, deleted her own tweet while "thinking" feeling the Interwebnetstube isn't forever in her pwecious widdle case. Same kind of mindlessly macroaggressive self-absorbed prozi who'd suckerpunch you for even mentioning how cravenly violent she and her Democollectivist comrades can get if they either don't get everything they want when they want it or simply hear, see, or read something they don't like, and then fail to see the irony.
After all, the word "peace," to a liberofascist, means everybody totally and unconditionally surrendering to, and never, ever, ever challenging his/her/whatever's regressive way of "thinking."
Labels: greedy and selfish liberals (BIRM), liberalism is a mental disorder, liberalism: THE ideology of hate, liberals are always extreme, Suicidemocrats, treason, Where's the Fence?, World War IV

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