Tuesday, November 18, 2014 |
Baracrook Øliar's $400,000 "some adviser" Jonathan Gruber is claiming every voter who'll go along with whatever they're lying about is stupid, not any voter who's known all along their Øbamessiah is nothing but a stinking evil liar.
oting Demøcrook means never having to say you're in denial. Reality can pick a Demøconned voter up by the collar and slap him/her/whatever around like a rag doll, and he/she/whatever'll still believe the most transparent of lies. So long as it's lying Demøliars telling those lies.
Make no mistake: The only thing Demøconartists are sorry about is one of their own gleefully spilt the beans that they really love their stupid voters. The more stupid they are, the better Demøconartists love them. They know without the stupidity of the Demøconned voter, they never could've gotten away with inflicting so much damage on our country and ruining the lives and livelihoods of all her people. The only thing you stupid voters need to know is they "care" enough about you to always lie to your face.
Let Øbamemyself&i and his fellow lying Demøliars be absolutely clear: Their telling you all those lies is really for your own good.
794 more days....
Labels: desperate liberals (BIRM), liberals are always extreme, lying liberals (BIRM), more liberal hypocrisy, Obama Lied Your Healthcare Died, Stupidity of the Democrat Voter, Worst. pResident. Ever.

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