United States' Gross Domestic Product was an estimated $14.33 trillion out of the world's $62.25 trillion in 2008.il is what fuels real economic growth and prosperity; and it will continue to do so for a long time to come, no matter how many daytime use-only, habitat-destroying solar panels and noisy, species-exterminating windmills and their tons upon tons of concrete and specialized equipment may blight any excessively bulldozed or deforested landscape.
Tiny automobiles deathtraps with essentially aluminum-foil bodies won't change that. Ethanol fuel engine-corroding pollution won't either.
But in the lalala make-believe fantasyland world of Øbamanomics Morononomics®, we should forthwith toss all our economic-growth eggs in a basket that doesn't even exist yet* and only promises to be slightly less flimsy than a herd of unicorns fed exclusively on poppies plucked from the highest snowdrift in Hell after it's been fairy-cropdusted by bi-winged pigs.
Here's the real solution: While expediting the construction of hundreds of nuclear power plants, each capable of producing more electricity less expensively than tens to hundreds of square miles of solar panels or windmills, we open up drilling in our own soil wherever oil and natural gas may be found.
Proven technology and methods, all of which will create and save real jobs here and now. Expansion of those domestic industries would spur competition, too, leading to lower prices.
Everyone wins.
Unlike the Øfascist Totalitarian Mandates™ plan where everyone loses — everyone except the Øfascist Totalitarian Mandators and their ever corrupt environmentally-deranged watermelonist cronies.
Have you ever thought felt, Former Senator Øfascist, that the reason "we create roughly a quarter of the world's demand for oil" is because, yes, we can create with it roughly a quarter of the world's supply of wealth? Of course you haven't. That's because, no, you can't allow anyone other than yourself and your fellow totalitarian fascists to be personally wealthy and enjoying the individual freedoms that not only make possible such wealth but are subsequently enlarged by it.
Easier for you and your Despotic Party to exert absolute authoritarian control over us once your tyrannical mandates have ensured that we all wind up crushed economically.
* Cartoonish scribblings on some deceitful feelings-plagued self-deluded demented liberal(birm)'s drawing board don't count.
Labels: dangerously incompetent liberals (BIRM), fascist totalitarian liberals (BIRM), miserably failing liberals (BIRM), neither Hope nor Change, spread the misery around, thieving liberals (BIRM)

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