To thwart tyrannical, arbitrary, fascist dictates from petty tin-plated despots like yourself.ince you're obviously unfamiliar with that document's basic provisions, especially those most fundamental to the security of all our liberties, here's the relevant text:
No Bill of Attainder or ex post facto Law shall be passed.
– U.S. Constitution, Article I, Section 9, Clause 3
Bill of Attainder is a punishment intended for none but a specific person or persons whom the government has effectively singled out to be the sole sufferer or sufferers thereof. We the People weren't too thrilled with King George the
III Tyrant's use of such an egregiously capricious power in his attempts to enslave us. Therefore, we absolutely and forever prohibited all throughout our free land any infliction of that high injustice.
So go ahead and threaten to abuse your elective office and powers with your "forewarned" infliction of unjust confiscation intended as a personalized punishment in clear violation of not only your oath but one of our Constitution's most fundamentally liberty-securing provisions. You'll be lucky if we don't see you immediately frog marched right out of the Capitol for attempting to shred that document and decapitate our rights with the same ugly knife of betrayal you're wanting to plant in all our backs.
The Ex Post Facto Clause also applies. The act you're now trying to effectually make a punishable crime — namely, receiving a lawful contract's merit bonus — was at the time of its signing entirely legal.
This mutual agreement isn't nor has ever been conditional to any personal whims of self-aggrandizing fascists, Herr ScHimmler. Would-be totalitarians have no business at all interfering with that agreement or restraining any party to it from either full compliance with its expected obligations or full receipt of its expected benefits. You and your colleagues accomplices in al-Qongress certainly have no power at all to maliciously extort, harass, and otherwise subject to government-inflamed public ridicule and real, personal endangerment the life, liberty, and property of any law abiding citizen of the United States.
When you threaten to abridge one citizen's rights, Herr ScHitler, you become a threat to the rights of all citizens.
It is you and your fellow criminal offenders, Herr Senatoppressor, who should be forced "one way or another" to lose not just 100% of the payraise bonuses you and they just approved for yourselves, but every penny of the compensation you've been compelling us taxpayers to redistribute to all of you for your alleged, so-called "services" "to" us.
Labels: fascist totalitarian liberals (BIRM), lawbreaking liberals (BIRM), lethal liberalism (BIRM), liberalism: THE ideology of hate, thieving liberals (BIRM)

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