Tuesday, January 27, 2009 |
Still haven't caught Osama bin Laden.o count the total number of days Øbama bin Biden have miserably failed in their so-called efforts to capture bin Laden, the Utopia has added to the sidebar their very own Miserable Failure banner advertising their extremely dangerous incompetence which they continue to demonstrate by their obvious, utter lack of ability to even try to keep their promise to find and capture this mass-murdering terrorist leader and bring him to justice.
Every additional day Øbama bin Biden negligently let Osama bin Laden remain at-large, free to plan and carry out attacks on us and kill many, many thousands of our fellow citizens on our own soil, they and their dangerously incompetent, failed administration are putting all our lives and the lives of our families ever more and more in grave jeopardy.
Day after day after day Øbama bin Biden are allowing this danger to not only persist but grow. They are cruelly forcing every American to struggle on their own with the crushing pressure of trying to live and work increasingly in harms way.
Øbama bin Biden's miserable failures are making our country less safe, not more.
They are dangerous and will cause every one of us to suffer widespread misery and tremendous harm.
To add the 200 x 320
Miserable Failure Banner to your site, just copy the following lines of code and paste them where you want the banner to appear in your layout, template, or page:
<script type="text/javascript">
var luLinkback = true;
// change the above to false to exclude the link to
// Liberal Utopia's "Obama bin Biden - Miserable Failure" post
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://webpages.charter.net/madeinamerica/liberalutopia/obamabinbidenfailure.js">
Labels: anti-America liberals (BIRM), dangerously incompetent liberals (BIRM), miserably failing liberals (BIRM), treason, World War IV

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