Saturday, January 03, 2009 |
Because there was no room at the inn.
Globe, "Shocking Charge: Obama Presidency Illegal," Jan. 12, 2008, 30-31.
oing the job America's mainstream media Demoqrat propagandists won't do, Globe has in its January 12 issue a special report on Former Senator-select Øbama's birth in Kenya.
And now, the Internet is abuzz with shocking charges that three different people have gotten their hands on a Kenyan birth certificate for Obama.
The document, supposedly "certified with an embossed seal" and "witness signatures," says America's next commander [communist prevaricator] in chief was born at Coast Province General Hospital in Mombasa at 7:24 p.m. on Aug. 4, 1961.
Also, Former Senator-select Øbama's fabricated "State of Hawaii" "Certification of Live Birth" that shows no doctor's signature or baby's birth weight is as phony as he is.
Globe quotes the claim that "in Hawaii in 1961 'it was possible — even routine — to register foreign births' and, if that was the case, it would 'disqualify (Former Senator-select Øbama) from serving'" as president.
The magazine quotes as well Alan Keyes's red-flag observation that "not one single person has come forward — not a doctor, not a nurse, not a hospital administrator nor anyone else — to state that he or she was present" at Former Senator-select Øbama's birth in any of Hawaii's hospitals.
But there is at least one person who has come forward to state that she was present at his birth in one of Kenya's hospitals: Former Senator-select Øbama's own grandmother.
Reports have also circulated that Obama's paternal grandmother, Sarah Hussein Obama, has stated that she "was in the delivery room in Kenya" when America's next chief executive [lying phony] was born.
It's even common knowledge in Former Senator-select Øbama's birth country.
[A]n affidavit from noted African evangelist the Rev. Kweli Shuhubia [claims] it's "common knowledge" in Kenya the Democrat from Illinois was born in Mombasa.
Speculation was further fueled when Kenya's ambassador to the United States Peter Ogego told Detroit radio hosts that Obama's birthplace in Mombasa "is already a well-known attraction." ...
"If you listen to the [ambassador's] call in its entirety, you will find it was very obvious we were all talking about the President-elect [Former Senator-select] and not his father," says [host Mike] Clark.
It's common knowledge, too, that if these same claims were being made about a Republican president-elect, every mainstream mediot Demoqrat propagandist outfit in the nation would preempt everything else in order to bring you live, 24/7 coverage with "expert analyses," "Constitution in Crisis™" updates, undercover "investigations," and "outraged citizen" interviews regarding those claims.
Indeed. Wake up America.
CAST YOUR VOTE:WAS Barack Obama actually born in Kenya and therefore not legally eligible to serve as President?
Here's a chance for you to have your say!
If you're convinced he is NOT a natural born citizen, e-mail GLOBE at
GLOBE will compile your votes and publish them in a future issue. |
Labels: anti-America liberals (BIRM), DeMSMocrat-dictatorial complex, lawbreaking liberals (BIRM), lying liberals (BIRM), megalomaniacal liberals (BIRM)

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