Wednesday, April 20, 2005 |
“Borders? We ain't got no borders. We don't need no borders. I don't have to show you any stinking borders!”
AMNESTY APPLICATION FORMTo be eligible for Amnesty, you must:1. Be in this country.
2. Not be a U.S. citizen or legal alien.
3. Be willing to accept Amnesty.
4. Not be a terrorist, murderer, rapist, fugitive from justice, or other accused or convicted criminal.
Note: If you meet all but the last of these eligibility requirements, you are still eligible for Amnesty if you promise to not ever again terrorize, murder, rape, or be a fugitive from justice or other criminal (whichever may apply).
Check the item(s) that you wish to receive with your Amnesty:[ ] U.S. citizenship
[ ] State driver's license and/or ID card. Write the state(s) you want this (these) for in the space below.
[ ] Social Security benefits
[ ] Medicare and/or Medicaid services
[ ] Public housing and/or other form(s) of public assistance
[ ] Job currently held by a U.S. citizen or legal alien
[ ] Non-deportation status (applies to all cases whatsoever)
[ ] Exemption from any and all immigration requirements
[ ] Removal of any and all outstanding arrest warrants
[ ] Pardon for any and all previous crimes
[ ] All of the above
Sign your name:On penalty of absolutely nothing, I hereby state that I am eligible for this Amnesty and do wish to receive it from the government of the United States Unsuspecting Suckers of America.__________________________
(signature of applicant)

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