Whoever's in charge of the armed-pilots program and the passenger-screening guidelines both need to be sacked now. Or, better yet, yesterday!
nder the new leadership of
David Stone, the Transportation Security Administration should place the highest priority on rooting out all the anti-common sense idiocy that's obviously been running rampant throughout key sections of that agency.
Terrorists are so less capable of hijacking airlines and slamming them into our buildings or exploding them over densely populated areas that they're still reserving this trick as one of their top options. No wonder, with politically correct "don't offend any swarthy men" racial-profilaphobic and "ewe, they're too scary" hoplophobic policies that are only hindering effective airline security measures.
Priority 1: Make it much easier for all pilots to apply, train, and qualify as Federal Flight Deck Officers in accordance with the Arming Pilots Against Terrorism Act. No more psyche tests that not even the shrinks who're giving it could pass themselves. No more sending off applicants into the middle of the desert, at their own expense, for testing and training. No more threatening applicants' careers as pilots if they don't pass the entire battery of tests. And while you're at it, make it even easier for former members of our armed forces to qualify.
Priority 2: Specially screen passengers who are more likely the source of a terrorist threat, regardless their "ethnic persuasion." Blue flag for non-citizens. Yellow flag for non-citizens with Middle Eastern passports. Orange flag for non-citizens with Middle Eastern passports who are male. Red flag for non-citizens with Middle Eastern passports who are male aged 16-49. Green flags for "Norwegian women...and 85-year-old ladies with aluminum walkers."
Even for the nobrains still for some unfathomable reason in charge of these two sections, respectively, the above priorities should be nobrainers.

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