Saturday, January 12, 2019 |
The border wall will do that in about a week.
aracrook Øbandit's save-worth measure was "even one life," on which his transportation department placed a monetary value of $9.6 million. So at the very least, a $5.7 billion border wall will have to save about six hundred lives for it to be worth it. Even less if using his EPA's value.
Given "28,000 victims [a quarter of them kids] of Chinese fentanyl smuggled across the border by Mexican drug cartels last year alone" — 80 percent of which passed through the San Diego region — in addition to other violent deaths more directly caused by undocumented Democrats, in all likelihood an effective border wall would save about 80-100 lives a day. Those of innocent American citizens and aliens alike.
After a week, the border wall will have paid for itself.
Crisis ended. That is, outside of the Democrooks' wretched hives of scum and sanctuary.
Liberofascists always demand, "We have to do something to make a difference for the children!"
Their misleaders in Congress have the chance now to do just that.
Labels: Democrat War on Americans, Democrat War on Law Enforcement, greedy and selfish liberals (BIRM), Liberalism Kills, liberals are always extreme, Making America Great Again, violent Democrats (BIRM)

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