Friday, February 17, 2012 |
Move over, Herbert Hoover. We've finally found someone as awful as worse than you.[T]he U.S. has seen the longest period of high unemployment since the Great Depression, the Congressional Budget Office noted in a report issued today.… [in which it] is still predicting that unemployment will remain above 8 percent until 2014. The report also notes that, including those who haven’t sought work in the past four weeks and those who are working part-time but seeking full-time employment,
the unemployment rate would be 15 percent.… The report came at the request of Democratic Michigan Rep. Sander Levin.…
“The stimulus is a stark reminder of how the president got the policies he wanted, and how those policies [of Baracrook Øfascist’s] have failed the American people and are making things worse,” said Texas Republican Rep. Jeb Hensarling.
eckuva "job," B. Hoover Ødowngrade. Heckuva, "job."
- President Obama will get the blame and it will hurt him with the American people in the next election.
This 30-second ad takes less than 30 seconds to create. A picture of the president hanging out with his Democratic colleagues fades in and then out. A screenshot fades in: "The first president to ever lose America's triple-A credit rating. Had enough?"

yes, we have!
- The Worst Recovery Since the Great Depression
Today, over 4 years since the recession started, there are still almost 25 million Americans unemployed or underemployed. That includes 5.6 million who are long-term unemployed for 27 weeks, or more than 6 months. Under President Obama, America has suffered the longest period with so many in such long-term unemployment since the Great Depression.
Notably, blacks have been suffering another depression under Obama, with unemployment today, 49 months after the recession started, still at 15.8%. Black unemployment has been over 15% for 2 ½ years under Obama. Black teenage unemployment today is over 40%, where it has persisted for over 2 years as well.
Hispanics have also been suffering a depression under Obama, with unemployment today still in double digits at 11%. Hispanic unemployment has been in double digits for three years under President Obama. Over one fourth of Hispanic youths remain unemployed today, which also has persisted for years.
The Census Bureau reported in September that more Americans are in poverty today than at any time in the entire history of Census tracking poverty. Americans dependent on food stamps are at an all time high as well.
Real wages and incomes have been falling so steadily under Obama and his confused, throwback, Keynesian/neo-Marxist Obamanomics, that the Census Bureau also reported that real median family income in America has fallen all the way back to 1996 levels.
Obama apologists cannot argue that this is because the recession was so bad, because the historical record in America is the worse the recession the stronger the recovery. Based on historical precedent, we should at worst be finishing the second year of a booming recovery by now.
Not even (DN)CBS could do anything to cover up the failing B. Hoover Øfailure's dangerous incompetence and his extremist, miserably failed policies. That's why last year it gave up trying.
Chronic unemployment highest since Great Depression
"They're saying there are more jobs. I'm just wondering where those jobs are," [Fabian] Lambrecht said.
About 6.2 million Americans, 45.1 percent of all unemployed workers in this country, have been jobless for more than six months — at its highest since the Great Depression.
Worst. President. Since the Great Depression Ever.
Labels: 2012: end of an err0r, dangerously incompetent liberals (BIRM), liberals are always extreme, Obama kills more jobs, socialist injustice, spread the misery around, The Obama Depression

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